Ok this is pretty much a fluff chapter… well at least the first half is. I wanted to get the whole Hyuuga ordeal done and set aside in this one chapter… but it didn't quite turn out like that… but it's fine. I ended it with a nice little cliffy :D
Oh! And couple things I did here. I decided that pretty much all new translations will be made within '( )' following the Japanese word. But you'll see that soon enough. I also decided to cut back on some Jap. Vocab though I will still include more of the notable words mostly greetings and exclamations.
Also added a new OC. But no biggie, just a minor character…Well now… on with the story :D
Disclaimer: by definition, something that's useless for fanfiction writers to even make but… I don't own Naruto…
The sun had arisen hours before she woke up. Thin streams of gold warmed her face, forcing her to roll away. However, she soon realized there were covers that impeded her movement… and these weren't her normal beddings.
Hinata opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling. 'What time is it?' it was much later than she normally woke. The young girl hadn't realized just how tired she had been, perhaps more mentally fatigued than physically. Carefully, she pushed the covers off of her while stretching out her cramped limbs.
Lavender eyes began scanning the room to find a familiar bulky jacket hanging over the window along with her pants. She quickly looked down at her lap to see the gray cotton of sweat pants. The girl blushed as her mind began recollecting the events of last night. 'So this is… all real,' she thought bitter-sweetly. Thankfully the smell of breakfast was able to distract her for the moment.
"Itai!" came a shout from the kitchen.
The lavender-eyed teen peeked through the door and found her blond roommate cooking yakimono (pan-fried meat) rather clumsily. The splatters of oil around the oven were proof enough. She quietly approached the whiskered teen and wrapped her slender arms around his waist.
Naruto jerked slightly with surprise, "Ah! Oh… Mornin' 'Nata" he said looking over his shoulder with a grin.
"Ohayo," she said, her voice muffled due to her face buried into the boy's back. A small giggle escaped her lips when she realized they wore matching pants, "Did you u-undress me last night?" she already knew the answer to that but it was fun to hear him answer.
"Ne, err… hai. But you were wet and I thought you might get sick so," he was cut off by the tight squeeze around his waist.
"Arigato," she whispered.
They stayed relatively quiet whilst he continued his attempt at cooking a legitimate breakfast, but showed obvious signs of difficulty, "Did I put too much oil?" this was followed with another hit by a stray burst of hot oil.
Hinata giggled at her boyfriend's antics before letting go of his waist and assuming chef position, "I'll take it from here," and with a sigh, the blond forfeited his spatula. But before he could back off, the Hyuuga grabbed his arm and motioned them around her frame.
With his nose buried into her hair, Naruto watched the girl push the meat off to the side of the pan while reaching over to the carton of eggs, adding two to the mix, "Sometimes I can't tell if you were meant to be a ninja or a chef," he whispered in her ear.
"No 'house wife' this time?" she giggled, referring to the last time he caught her in the kitchen in Tazuna's home.
"Hmm… does that mean you'd clean up too?" he teased.
Though he couldn't see it, the blond knew there was a tiny pout on her face, "I'm not a maid,"
This time Naruto chuckled, "I'd rather have a girlfriend anyways. 'Cause I don't think I could do this with a maid," He whispered the last line quietly as he pulled the tiny girl even closer to his body and nibbled on her right ear.
"N-Naruto-kun!" she squeaked as he refused to quit his light ministrations around the side of her face and down her neck. He let his hands wander up and down her sides before finally sneaking under the teen's shirt and lightly rubbing her flat stomach, "I C-can't… food,"
Naruto snuggled his chin on her neck's tickle-spot, "Mnn… did ya say something?"
Her face felt hot… almost as much as the pan in front of her, "T-the food… y-you're making me b-burn it," she said while turning off the stove.
The blond grinned sheepishly as he slowly let go of his embrace, "Oops… ano, gomen Hinata. This was supposed to be a surprise for you when you woke up. You know, like breakfast in bed,"
She turned around and gave him a warm smile, "its fine… I'm not very hungry right now. But thank you… I… I really appreciate it," the way he grinned proudly gave a sense of assurance, "Ano, would it be alright if we just lie down for a minute… I… think I'm still a bit tired,"
The whiskered teen knew she'd had a rough night. And though he wasn't exactly sure what happened, the fact that she had shown up at his door crying asking for a place to stay meant something big happened, "Sure. Just uh… go rest for a while. I'll clean up here,"
A small smile graced her face as she shook her head. Without another word she took his hand and led him to the bedroom. Needless to say, Naruto was a bit taken back. It wasn't the first time they snuggled, but something about her being somewhat forward forced a blush to his face.
Hinata pulled back the covers and slipped onto one side leaving a large and inviting place for the blond to occupy. Nervously, he followed, lying on his right side while lightly draping an arm around her waist. He definitely didn't expect her to push back her entire frame, molding so perfectly against him.
"Please Naruto-kun… just hold me," her voice was quite and very solemn. It left no room for refusal, not that he would let that be an option.
The young man snaked his buried arm under his girlfriend, meeting his other limb and enclosing the female in a security blanket of himself, "Ne, I'm not sure what happened the other day… but I'm really happy that you're living here now…"
The young kunoichi felt glad she had someone that could lighten her heart so. This made her a bit confused to what triggered the small tear the slipped her eye.
"I know this place isn't a big as your other place… and I know I don't have chefs and maids to keep this place clean and stuff, but I promise I'll do my best to keep you happy ok? I don't ever want you to regret moving here so…" He felt her small body shift in his arms and roll over to face him, drawing herself practically on top of the blond's chest.
"I don't regret coming here! Naruto-kun I…" she trailed off, trying to think exactly what to say.
The teen looked down at his chest to meet her pleading gaze, "I'm glad then," he leaned down to kiss her forehead but was surprised when…
Hinata turned away from his stare, feeling a small peck land on her temple. Even then she was unsure of how to tell him the story. But after sometime and a deep breath she found enough courage, "I ran away,"
His chest rose abruptly, "Wha-why?"
And as if that wasn't enough of a surprise, "I told my otou-san that I was… that I was pregnant," she had braced herself enough to not be startled when his body rolled over letting them both lye on the bed facing each other.
"You told him what!?" he didn't mean to raise his voice so much.
She flinched, "I… gomen. I-I don't know w-why I said that. I… p-please don't be angry with me, j-just please don't be mad," her eyes were shut tight, too afraid to see his reaction.
He hated himself for making her feel so insecure with such ease, "Hey shh it's ok. I'm not mad or anything. I'm just ano, really surprised. I mean I can't even imagine you saying that to a complete stranger much less your dad,"
Feeling that he was sincere in saying he wasn't angry, Hinata crawled her hand over his chest and clutch the cotton tightly, "Gomen, it was still really stupid of me,"
The blond laughed, shattering whatever tension lingered the air, "I know you pretty well 'Nata, and one thing you're not is stupid… but I wouldn't think you'd tell your dad that either so…" he joked.
The kunoichi pursed her lips and thumped on his chest lightly, "I was scared a-and a little bit mad ok. When I told him that, he was yelling at me a-and kept saying that you had no redeeming qualities," she explained. Her slim fingers kept clenching and unclenching his shirt, which for the moment seemed like the most fascinating thing to look at, "I couldn't stand him saying all that. He didn't want me to have anything to do with you and I just… I wanted to say something that might make him change his mind,"
Naruto couldn't help be awed at her. Not only had she stood up against her father, but she defended him. And in a way, he was the reason she had left, "Was it really because of me?" he said more to himself than to her.
Hinata raised her head to find glistening blue eyes staring at her, "It wasn't only because of you… but you were what gave me the courage to do it. I don't regret leaving… so please don't regret it either,"
He didn't know what to say, 'But you left your clan, your family. I'm not worth it if you had a choice,' but the blond knew better than to say that. Rather, he settled with a simple, "Are you sure?"
The lavender-eyed teen gave another heart-melting smile, "Of course!"
There were several moments in his life where he knew something amazing just happened, whether it was predicted a life time ago, or a sudden epiphany that blew in his face, and this right here was definitely one of those moments.
His rough and somewhat shaky hand slid up her arm and nested itself on the side of her jaw. The former Hyuuga shivered at the contact. She could see his pupils dart around as if studying every part of her face so intently. Little by little their faces moved closer till their foreheads rested against each other, "You're amazing you know that?" he whispered.
Hinata inched nearer, gliding her nose along his until their lips shared each breath, "Just trying to be more like you,"
His laugh tickled her upper lip. With very little effort he was able to cover her mouth with, though only lasting a couple seconds, "I love you Hinata," his lips flapped against hers as he spoke intimately.
The girl could taste the warm ramen in his breath which she found strangely comforting. She pressed her face further and deepened the soft kiss. After a moment she withdrew letting her eyes focus at his half-lidded ones, "I love you too," she stole another kiss, "So… so much,"
He smiled. "Good. I don't plan on letting you go,"
She reassumed her previous position on top of his chest, "Then don't let me go… ever," and once again they kissed.
Her hands gripped his shoulders as she put more pressure on the kiss while his hands roamed her sides. Naruto wasn't used to having his girlfriend be so forward, but was happy nonetheless, even more so when he felt a damp appendage slide across his lips. Unsure what to do, he let his instincts take over and slowly parted his lips.
She'd never felt so bold before, but the teen knew she was growing up. Hinata enjoyed the feel of her love nibble on her upper pink edge as she began to do the same with his lower. Then gradually, her tongue crossed into ramen-flavored domain.
Naruto's eyes shot up the moment he felt her tongue touched his, "'Nata?"
Her face pulled back revealing a growing blush, "A-an adult kiss,"
He matched her blush before closing his eyes and leaning into another adult kiss. It started off a bit sloppy, merely exploring uncharted territory, but they quickly learned what felt nice and what didn't. They remained in bed for the longest time, kissing, holding, and never letting go. What seemed like seconds were turned into minutes, and then into an hour. Neither of them had a care about the world outside that room. They only wished to be left alone for that moment.
Waking up was a very odd sensation. The best way he could describe it was killing someone slowly as their body shuts down limb by limb… but reverse. Eventually he felt that he regained full mobility of his body, but the light throbbing headache kept him from doing much.
"Gaara, are you awake?" a feminine voice called out.
The jinchuuriki recognized the voice, though the tone was new, "I am,"
She smiled though he wasn't looking, "You've been passed out all night. Not that it's bad but, well you know," the blonde said nervously.
"He is… dormant for the moment," he explained while keeping his eyes shut, away from the blinding florescent lighting.
Temari hooked an eyebrow, "He? You've always called it 'mother',"
"I was mistaken. Or do you believe Shikaku is your mother?" she shook her head ardently, "Then it's illogical to call it my mother if not yours,"
The way he spoke, and the fact that he embraced the fact that they were family tugged something in her, "I'm glad you feel this way. But what exactly happened that made you realize all this?"
His eyes winced as it opened to greet bright unmerciful lights and quickly turned away to meet his sister's gaze, "I had a vision. I saw our okaa-san holding a baby. I believe that was me and the woman holding me was not Shukaku,"
"You had a dream of kaa-san?" she sounded surprised.
Gaara nodded, "Hai, a dream," he looked down at his hands and clenched his hands in and out in a fisting motion. Out of vague curiosity he brought a fingernail down on his skin and pierced it.
The blonde's eyes widened seeing a small droplet of red ooze out of his pale skin, "Gaara! What are you doing!?"
"He is dormant and my armor is not on," he said calmly. The boy embraced this new feeling, though this 'pain' was nothing like what he had felt in his last battle, 'Is this what my victims feel?'
His sibling furrowed her brows, "Idiot, you didn't have to cut yourself," she didn't even realize the tone of voice she was using on him. The young woman reached for the medicine cabinet and pulled out a small jar of anti-septic wipe and a band-aid, "Give me your arm," she demaned.
Gaara was curious about this tone she used so casually. He'd only ever heard it when used against his other sibling, and a very few selected time during his blood-soaked battles. He watched the teen wipe his arms and apply the bandage though he remained quite.
"There, now you won't get an infection," she looked back at his face to find him looking blankly at her, "What?"
Temari smiled softly as she waved him off, "Ie ie. Just because your strong doesn't mean I'm still not responsible of you," her blue eyes fixated on his face, which seemed to struggle at the expression it wanted to make. After a few seconds of failed attempt at what she hoped would have been a smile she spoke, "So your demon's knocked out?"
"Hai. I'd like to sleep while he's still away," he spoke
The kunoichi nodded, "I'll try dimming the lights for you,"
Even with his eyes closed he could feel the lights turn down to a comfortable setting, "Do you think I will dream of okaa-san again?"
Unconsciously, her hand grazed her arms, rubbing it softly, "You can't really choose your dreams Gaara. Sometimes you can't even control them," she could see the disappointment in his face, "But if you think about her hard enough, then maybe you will,"
"I see," he rolled to his side, away from the older teen.
She got up quietly and turned towards the door. Before she closed it on herself she whispered, "Sweet dreams Gaara. Tell kaa-san I said hi,"
Sadly no one was able to see the small smile that grew on the jinchuuriki's face. His body was still but his mind was at work thinking about the woman who gave birth to him and loved him so much that maybe he may see her once more.
"So I think we should go see ojii-san," the blond said with his chin propped up by both his hands.
Hinata felt a bit awkward being the only one eating, but the blond seemed content with just watching her, "It's probably best. I don't want any more trouble with me moving here… or leaving the compound," she said uneasily.
"Ne, that's not something you should be worried about. I told you I'm not letting you go and with the Hokage backing us up there'll be no problem at all," the blond exuded confidence.
The kunoichi finished the last piece of her rolled omelet and pushed the plate aside, "I trust you Naruto-kun it's just… I've never known a Hyuuga to leave the compound without the curse seal," though to be fair, a Hyuuga leaving the clan was rare in itself.
"Well then you'll be the first!" he exclaimed. Hinata smiled weakly and was about to speak again when the door knocked, "I'll get it,"
He wasn't sure who it was, though if it was any of his teammates, he made sure he was ready to gloat about the new living arrangement, "Ehh? Anbu-san?"
The cat-masked Anbu nodded to him, "Hokage-sama wishes to see you immediately, as well as Hyuuga Hinata if she is within the premises,"
The lavender-eyed teen pushed her chair back and walked behind her roommate, "Hai, I'm here,"
"Then he'll be expecting you both soon," the feminine voice said. With a fancy exit, via Shunshin, the kunoichi disappeared.
"Ojii-san wants to see us? That's just got to be a good sign!" the blond said excitedly.
Hinata however was not so confident. Something in her gut kept telling her the call from the Hokage was more than mere coincidence. But even then she tried to put up a strong front, hiding her worries.
The two made good time in getting to the Hokage's office. Though if they really knew what was waiting for them, they would have taken their time.
"Ojii-san! You call… what the hell?" he exclaimed. Next to the old nin stood four people. On his left Hiashi was poised between two Hyuuga guards while Kurenai was to his right standing her ground albeit hinting hostility. Her fist gripped hard at her side.
The Sandaime looked sorrowful as he ushered the boy in, "Close the door Naruto, there's something we all need to discuss.
The blond walked closer making sure to stand protectively in front of his girlfriend, "Why are they here?" he seethed.
"There are matters that we must work out Hinata. Let us go back to the compound," the Hyuuga elder commanded, completely ignoring the blond.
"Hell no! She's not going anywhere with you," the Jinchuuriki slashed the air in front of him with his arm. He then looked at the village leader for some kind of answer but all he got was a sad shake of his head, "What the hell's going on!" he repeated.
"Hyuuga-san has specifically asked that no one interfere in an upcoming clan event," Hiruzen said.
Hinata's eyes widened. She should've known this would happen. Her eyes darted between the sad Hokage and the frustrated looking Kunoichi, "K-Kurenai-sensei?" though she couldn't quite look at her student in the eye after feeling like she had failed.
Naruto began to slowly back up, making sure there was plenty of room between the Hyuugas and himself, "No one and I mean no one is going to take her away!" he all but yelled.
"We never needed permission to take the girl back. We only wanted to make sure there was no interference. Now Hinata, let's go," Hiashi said as he took a step towards the two.
The whiskered nin lowered himself into a defensive stand as his eyes gradually turned into slits and the marks on his face began to thicken, "Come closer and I'll kill you," his entire being seeped malice.
Hiashi disregarded the threat and took another step.
Naruto tensed as he readied to pounce, "Naruto stand down! You'll risk your ninja status attacking a fellow shinobi of the leaf," the Hokage warned.
Orders be damned. He wouldn't let anyone take her away from him and anyone even thinking of branding a seal on her was asking for death. But just as he made movement towards the opposing threat he felt a firm resistance in his arm, "Hinata?"
"Please Naruto-kun. I… I don't w-want you to get into trouble," she whispered.
Seeing the yondaime's legacy calm down he tried to reason with him, "It's not over yet Naruto. We'll find a way to make sure she'll be safe," he didn't care that the Hyuugas were in the room.
"They're gonna put the seal her! Can't you see that!?" he asked ridiculously while pointing an accusing finger at the clan elder. The blond just couldn't understand why he was the only one really doing anything against them. His blue eyes stared down the aging Hokage looking for a reason to back off. Yet the way the man held his own showed that there was alternative of some kind aside directly violating clan rights. He then let his gaze fall towards the girl gripping his arm, "I can't let you go… I don't want you to leave," he whispered desperately.
The lavender-eyed girl moved her hands up to his shoulders, getting a firm grip, "I'll be ok… I know you'll find another way," her smile was so genuine… so genuine that it broke his heart to let her go.
"We take our leave now Hokage-sama," he said with no passion and rudely interrupting a nice moment between the young couple.
Naruto used all the strength he had to keep himself from lifting his arms and holding his love protectively fearing he'd never let go. Even when she brought her arms around his waist for one last hug, he stood firm. But before she left the embrace he leaned down and whispered, "Stall as long as you can… I'll come for you,"
She nodded firmly before turning around and putting on a cold face for the three Hyuugas.
It pained him to watch her walk out the door, but he held his tongue… at least until the door closed, "Damn it. What the hell do we do now!?" he cursed.
"We find a loophole. And we don't have much time," the red-eyed jounin spoke, "Hokage-sama, do they have any books on Hyuuga tradition in your library?"
Hiruzen smirked while reaching in his desk for a single key. He tossed the metal object to the kunoichi, "We'll have to see," the elder then pressed a button on his intercom and spoke, "Mayuri, could you do us a favor and retrieve the personal files of Hyuuga Hinata from the filing room? And we're in a bit of a hurry,"
The tiny brunette from down the hall confirmed the request over the transmitter before rushing towards the land of grey cabinets.
"C'mon! let's go!" the blond shouted, rushing out the door towards the Hokage's personal library.
Hinata did her best to make the walk to the compound as slow as possible. Sadly it did not last as long as she hoped.
"There is no reason for stalling the inevitable. Have some dignity and move forward or we will do it for you," the clan elder warned without sparing the girl a single glance.
Still she remained defiant, choosing to walk at a leisurely pace, "Couldn't I simply enjoy what little freedom I have left," her voice was firm. The girl would not let her father have the satisfaction of tearing her down.
Hiashi paused for a breath, shaking his head at his thoughts, "I'm saddened that you hadn't found a better source of courage," 'if only she'd been like this from the start, then Hinata would have become a worthy heir,'
The kunoichi let her cold mask down, "I don't understand why you believe Naruto-kun is so inadequate. He is a strong ninja and holds values that could only inspire others,"
"It is that selfish want and blindness to the boy's true nature that has brought you here," the man scolded.
And there he went again, accusing Naruto of being everything that he was not. She hated it, "You are the blind one father! Even with the Byakugan, why is it that you cannot see something that's so clearly in front of you?" the lavender-eyed kunoichi retorted.
The Hyuuga elder would have no more. If she chose to look through clouded eyes rather than those of the clan then she would be better off sealed. With a simple wave of his hand the two guards rushed towards the smaller Hyuuga and struck several key points disabling her limbs before leaving her unconscious, "One of you bring her to the compound immediately. I want everything set up by the time I arrive,"
There would be no struggle. Only an easy toss over the shoulder and a jagged ride over rooftops as the sleeping kunoichi become closer and closer to her future jail. But to Hiashi, it was nothing more than a solution to the clan's problem.
'Nothing' 'Damn it' 'C'mon' 'Still nothing' a string of shouts echoed the small room as several blonds paced, each holding a book in hand. It had only been several minutes but he did not want to waste a single moment. Kage Bunshin turned out to be the perfect solution to their time limit.
The sound of the secured door opening caught everyone's attention, "Gomen Hokage-sama, I cannot find any records of 'Hyuuga Hinata'," the short secretary said with a bow.
'Hmm… it could be misplaced, though that would be too convenient,' the old man thought, "Naruto, could you assist Mayuri-san in the file room?" he need not say more.
The whiskered boy gave a quick nod before grabbing the clerical worker's hand and dashing with her muffled directions.
Now Mayuri was never the most… together kind of girl. She was still young, being at the age of 20, but had insisted in taking the job after her mother retired from the same position. Sadly she was a bit ditsy and prone to accidents, qualities that weren't well received in her line of work. But the girl did her best to make sure things went fine, though most of the time her effort went to fixing her own mistakes, though this time she would be cleaning a mess far above her own level.
'Nothing' 'Damn it' 'C'mon' 'Still nothing' another string of shouts were heard along with the sound of papers flittering across the room. Every other cabinet was stationed with a whiskered boy whose sole focus was finding a specific manila folder regardless of the mess it created.
She hadn't moved since she entered but her shoulder length dark brown hair was frizzling just looking at the chaos "Ano… do you have to make… such a big mess… Naruto-san!" she said while dodging paper projectiles. She knew well the horrors of paper-cuts.
"Gomen nee-chan but I'm kind of in a rush," the one she suspected to be the real Naruto shouted.
The woman could only sigh as another folder was tossed her way. She'd never been as big of a mess before… aside a few odd incident with the two elite chuunin, Izumo and Kotetsu. And she still couldn't understand what exactly those two wanted with her. The brunette was obviously not the only dense one in the room. But she didn't want to be the only one not helping.
After short journey through the frantic room, the assistant made her way to the only unmanned cabinet. This was for the more miscellaneous cases, whether it be orphans, strangers with unknown last names… or people who'd lost theirs. And it just so happened that on top of the neatly organized row was a folder labeled '___ Hinata'. The brunette swiftly opened the covers and peered with chocolate eyes through several pages dutifully noting the many blanks in the reports, "Naruto-san, I think I found something,"
And like magic, the papers froze… well not in mid air, but the instant silence gave it the effect. It didn't last two seconds as a couple dozen poofs waved across the room, "Nani? Let me see!" the teen leapt over piles of papers, almost slipping on a few stray ones.
Mayuri closed the cover and handed it to the younger boy, "It has 'Hinata' on it but I'm afraid that's all,"
Naruto skimmed through the first few pages much like Mayuri had done but frowned at the many blank spaces found where it should mention Hyuuga. After recognizing a few key topics, an academy photo being one of them, he put on a wide grin, "This is it! Tsanks nee-chan,"
The secretary could do little to stop him as he darted out of the room, "This is going to take a while…" she whispered to herself while disparaging her next task of reorganizing this mess. Yup this was definitely worse than being part of the tug-o-war between the two elite chuunins… nope she just didn't understand what was going on between Izumo and Kotestu.
After a short sprint Naruto had made it back to the Hokage's private library. The dispersal of Naruto's clones not 20 seconds earlier gave the two occupants a sign that he'd stumbled across something. "I found Hinata's records!"
Kurenai gave a sign of partial relief as she walked towards the blond, "Did you find anything helpful?" she asked.
Naruto's smile dropped as he handed the folder over, "I don't know. Not really I guess,"
The kunoichi hastily noticed the error in the name and after looking at several pages, a single thought popped in her head, "Her records have been altered. Not one thing here mentioned Hyuuga… which means she's been disowned"
The jinchuuriki frowned as he crossed his arms, "Obviously,"
"That means she has no obligation to the Hyuuga!" the red-eyed woman nearly shouted
It only took a second for him to catch on, "A loop hole!"
Sarutobi smiled at the revelation, "Well then, you two have a sealing to stop," but by the time he finished his sentence, the two were already out of the room.
It took exactly ten minutes for Hiashi to arrive at the main hall of the Hyuuga compound. And from there it took two minutes for all final preparations to be completed…
… Naruto got there in a total of thirteen minutes.
The sight was fascinating to the two people. Perhaps it was fit to dub this place the land of eternal rain… then again they weren't in much of a mood to be gazing the wonders of the town.
"Why do you wish to join our establishment?" a hooded man calmly asked the two strangers.
The larger of the two took a step closer, "I am told we have a common task," the woman behind him nodded in agreement.
"That may be but our interest traverse one another. There is also a matter of loyalty," his black cloak seemed to deflect the rain, as if the droplets feared its red clouds.
"I can assure you our loyalty would go to your group and it's superiors," the green-haired woman said, well aware of the implications that the man in front of then was not the leader.
From under his hood the man couldn't help but smirk. Past the orange hairs that poked out of the hood and even beyond his Rinnegan was a man who felt that having two demon possessed ninjas under his command wouldn't be such a bad idea, "Then welcome… Onioujas,"
Woo… a double Cliffy!!!
I actually had a little more written which included the scene that had to do with Hinata's sealing along with its cliffhanger. Yup, I actually had another twist planned on it… but I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter.
Not really sure how I came up with Mayuri (the name) but I might have read it somewhere because the name wrote itself as if by magic! But I did enjoy writing her character. I initially wanted to pair her up with Haku… but I realized I made Haku a GIRL… damn why did I do that anyway??? Shit
Anyways expect a finish of this little Hyuuga arc by next chapter along with some Naruto (and maybe Hinata) training fun. I plan to add a few more fluff moments with other characters but that might have to wait.
Will Hinata be Sealed? YOUR REVIEW might decide her fate!!!
(if it's not letting you review please sign out and review anonymously. Thank you and sorry for the inconvinence)