Disclaimer: I don't own Kung Fu Panda. If I did, it would so not be suitable for children XD

A/N: I'm going to hell. That being said, enjoy. Takes place post movie.

Shifu was awakened from his meditative state by a pair of big arms pulling him flush against an even bigger body. He smiled to himself as a warm nose snuffled its way behind his ear.

"Panda, what have I told you about interrupting my inner peace," he chided gently. Po snorted and worked his way to the smaller master's neck.

"It's late, sensei," he said, returning the pet name. Shifu chuckled.

"Patience is a virtue. You should know this, Dragon Warrior."

"Let's test that theory," Po rumbled, running his tongue over the red panda's clavicle. Shifu's eyes flew open. Trembling, he tilted his head back, resting it against Po's broad shoulder. "Should I stop?" Po murmured teasingly.

"Don't you dare," Shifu whimpered. Po's body shook with mirth as he slipped his hand inside Shifu's robe.

"That's what I thought," he whispered. Po ran his blunt nails over the smaller chest. Shifu curled his tail around the panda's wrist. "Come to bed now?" Po murmured. Shifu blew out the candles.

Review please! Good or bad, I don't care. I can take it.