Disclaimer: I don't own anything. :)

Author's note: Set after Prince Caspian, slightly AU considering that Edmund and Lucy go back before Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Edmund lay, asleep next to Peter in their bed, dreaming.

Edmund was flying through the forests on the back of a gryphon, looking down he saw all the many creatures frolicking and playing. He saw Centuars running and jumping, and even the trees were dancing again. That was the good Narnia, the Narnia he and his family had left. How it was now was a mystery. As he flew through the luscious greens, he saw a Blonde girl, who looked almost human, but he could tell she was not. She looked at him with hard navy blue eyes and glanced away. Edmund felt his heart drop. Who was she? Who was she? …He didn't know…

Susan smiled as she looked around the room at her brunette younger brother. Yes, he was stubborn and impatient, but he was strong and just. Her gaze turned to Peter. Her blonde brother was so brave, and although he thought he was an adult at times, he was very understanding of why he was not. Her eyes turned to Lucy. Lucy was the heart of Narnia, the one who always believed Aslan would come, the one who always believed Aslan was there. She was kind, caring, gentle. But in the face of danger she held her own and had more courage then Susan herself. Her gaze lingered on Lucy, who was having a most spectacular dream…

Lucy giggled as she held tightly to Aslan's mane, and laughed again when the forest creatures began to race them. The unicorns chasing after them, she and Aslan sped through the bright forest, and Lucy's eyes caught navy blue ones, as she looked upon a blonde girl with long wavy hair. The girl looked away and Lucy continued enjoying her ride. Oh if only Susan could come back! And Peter! She thought desperately. How I miss them. Will they never return? Will they never return? …She didn't know…

Lucy awoke with a start, and started again as what lay around her. Trees, and bushes, all green and beautiful like the forest in her dream, except that there wasn't that safe feeling she had felt in her dream and at the moment it was dark and the stars were the only source of light. Lucy felt out of control, she felt nervous as she looked around, wondering what was out there. Although, Lucy couldn't help but smile as she looked down to see herself wearing a beautiful purple gown. It reminded her of Susan's. She was in Narnia! And it was still beautiful as she had remembered! Lucy's face fell. If she had been brought back to Narnia, something must be wrong. Lucy looked around. Aslan said Edmund would come back to! Now where was he?

Edmund groggily sat up and went to smooth out his pajamas, and found himself wearing a loose blue shirt, along with black pants, and boots. He rubbed the back of his head and found himself in the forest he had been so recently dreaming of, except for the fact it was darker, and foggy. He cursed the fog for he couldn't see well, and would probably have a heck of a load of trouble finding his way out because it was night. He glanced toward his sheath. Empty. Dammit! He thought to himself. Now I have to go back to Cair Paravel. Wait, where's Luce?

"LUCY!" Edmund shouted. "LUCE?"

"ED! EDMUND!" Lucy yelled back as she ran towards her brother. "I've been looking for you."

"Have you now?" asked Edmund with a smile. Lucy smiled back, feeling better now that her brother was with her.

"Yes! I don't have my dagger! Or my healing medicine!"

"I assumed. I don't have my sword either," Edmund told her.

"Shall we go to Cair Paravel then?"

"After you, Queen Lucy the Valiant," Edmund gave her a bow as his little sister burst into a fit of giggles.

"Of course Kind Edmund the Just!" And off the two went, eleven year old Lucy and 16 year old Edmund, towards the ruins that had once been Cair Paravel. Aslan smiled as he watched the king and queen make their way to what had been their home thousands of years ago. The majestic lion lept away.

Lucy's eyes welled up with tears when she saw the statues of Susan and Peter. "Edmund," she said softly.

"I know, Luce. I miss them too."

"Why couldn't they come back?"

"Aslan said. And we've never questioned Aslan before," Edmund told her gently.

"I know but I'm scared. Whatever's going on, can we handle it?"

"Who said anything was going on, Luce?"

"We wouldn't have been brought back unless something was wrong."

"If that is the case, we can handle it."



And with that Edmund stowed his sword, Lucy grabbed her flask and dagger and the two made their way back up the steps of Cair Paravel.