"Tell me something, who exactly are you?" Adriana lighting a cigarette,

"First, could I get one of those," Dade almost chomping at the bits to snatch the cigarette out of her mouth. Adriana gave him a cigarette and a lighter. Dade lit the cigarette and gave her back the lighter,

"My name is Dade Walker and to answer your question, yes, I'm dead, something was pulling me here, I came here to find out what it was and it was you, we are connected, I just don't know how or why," Dade having a puzzled look on his face.

"You talked of a dream that you had of me, it was a vision, I noticed back in the bar, we both were hurting at the same time, you feel a pain whenever I have flashbacks," Dade strongly and seriously. Adriana finished her cigarette,

"Listen, are you going to be around here later, I get off at 4," Adriana wanting to know more about this pain and try to find out answers,

"I'm not sure, but I'll come back, you might be able to help me," Dade explained.

"Okay, well you're welcome to stay as long as you like," Adriana heading back in the bar, Dade came in, he walked around the club, just to check out everything, Adriana went back behind the bar,

"He is the guy in the visions, isn't he?" Drake curiously.

"Yeah, that's all that I can tell you right now," Adriana explained as she stood there with her back leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed and eying Dade. The band took a break but they put a CD while they took a break, Seether is what they put in, When You're Gone, was the song that started playing. Drake laughed, he saw that Adriana was staring Dade down,

"You aren't falling for the dead guy are you?" Drake smiling,

"What, no, hell no, I don't even know the guy," Adrianna making eye contact with Dade, Adriana turned away, she didn't want Dade to think she was having feelings for him already. Adriana started walking away, but suddenly sharp pain hit her chest, she was knocked to the floor onto her knees, Dade saw it happen, he ran and jumped over the bar and landed beside of Adriana.

"Hey, Adriana, just hang on, stay down," Dade afraid to touch her, afraid he would see everything from her past.

"What's going to happen?" Adriana having trouble breathing, Dade looked at Drake,

"A large blood bath is going to come, its too late to warn anybody, both of you just stay down," Dade stood up to try to see if there was anything happening, a bullet flew past him and broke glass, Dade ducked back down, he started trying to look for weapon.

"Take my knife," Adriana still trying to catch her breath, Dade took the knife from her leg sheath and gave Drake a look,

"Make sure she stays down, protect her," Dade strongly, Dade jumped up and started fighting, Adriana caught her breath,

"Give me your knife Drake," Adriana still staying out of the way.

"He told you to stay down," Drake explained,

"He isn't my father," Adriana jumping up onto the bar and running and jumped and straddled a guy and slit his throat, but in the process she had gotten shot in the shoulder. Dade glanced over at her,

"I thought I told you to stay down," Dade sternly,

"What you don't understand is that I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself," Adriana harshly. Finally the fight was over,

"Adriana," Drake lying behind the bar,

"Drake," Adriana jumping over the bar,

"Dade, need some help over here," Adriana screamed out, Dade jumped over the bar. Drake was hit and dying, he had been shot several times and was getting choked on his own blood,

"Help me, Dade, we have to get him to a hospital, Drake, just hold on," Adriana trying to get him up out of the floor, Dade didn't do anything but stand there and feel sorry for Adriana, Dade bent down, he knew Drake was going to make it to the hospital.

"Adriana, it was nice working with you," Drake taking his last breaths.

"God damn it, Drake, you aren't dying on me," Adriana slapping his face, Drake was already gone,

"Damn it Drake, Dade, tell me we got all the bastards?" Adriana harshly as she stood up,

"I think some of them got away," Dade explained.

"I've got to get these bastards," Adriana grabbing her knife from Dade and having Drake's knife still in her hand.

"Adriana, I know you want to get these guys but revenge isn't the answer, Drake was killed fighting, let him die a fighter, come on, we have got to get out of here before the cops come," Dade walking away, Adriana looked at Drake,

"Goodbye Drake," Adrian running outside. Dade was already on his bike,

"Get your stuff, we'll go get some stuff from your place," Dade explained, Adriana looked at him dumbfounded,

"Don't just stand there, get your shit and get on this damn bike, now," Dade harshly. Adriana grabbed her backpack and grabbed some other stuff that she wanted, then put it on her back and got on the bike and they rode off to Adriana's place.