"The truth is… that we forced her to…" Takashi sneered at me.

"What?!" I shouted. "No. You're lying! Mina was strong! She could have fought you…" I cringed at the stinging feeling I was getting from the hole in my thigh.

"Yeah. That's about right…" Kyori smirked. "We overheard her talking about how she wanted to get stronger…"

"…" I started to shake and I looked at my hand… Mina…

"Dammit! I want to be stronger! I need to get stronger… I will get stronger!!" Mina shouted as Kyori and Satoshi jumped down in front of her.

"Hello…" Kyori smirked.

"I see you want to get stronger?" Satoshi sneered.

"Y-Yeah?" Mina stuttered. She didn't even take the time to think who these people were. She just wanted to get stronger immediately.

"How about-" Kyori was interrupted by

"Kyori… Satoshi… stop…" Takashi walked towards them. "What are you doing to this young girl?"

"Nothing." Satoshi responded. "She wants to get stronger… well, we are willing to help her, aren't we… Takashi-sama…?"

"Girl… what is your name?" Takashi asked her.

"M-Mina…" She said quietly.

"Mina? Are you not the eldest daughter who has mastered weaponry?" Takashi asked.

"I am." Mina responded. "How can I get stronger?"

"Hm. Before that, let me ask you… what is your relationship with your family?" Takashi asked. Kyori and Satoshi smirked.

"Uhm. I love them like any child would love their parents, I guess." Mina shrugged.

"Then in order to get stronger, you have to break the fence…" Takashi replied.

"B-Break the fence?" Mina asked.

"In other words, kill your parents." Satoshi added in. Mina's eyes widened.

"N-No…" Mina responded. "I won't. There has to be another way. I'm not going to kill my parents just to get stronger. It was waste to spend my time talking to you." She started to walk away when Kyori appeared in front of her.

"You have to. There is no other way." Mina looked away.

"Is there… really no other way?" Mina asked.

"Don't tell me… you're actually thinking of doing so…" Satoshi smirked.

"I don't want to!" Mina shouted.

"You have no choice." Takashi spoke from behind her. "You will. Or, else… We will kill you on the spot. We have a hatred towards your father… and you will be the one to kill him."

"I… I won't!" Mina shouted.

"Why not?" Kyori asked. "You'll be getting what you want… and we'll be getting what we want… and your father will be getting what he deserved…"

"Wh-What?" Mina stuttered.

"Do so… and we will not kill you… you do want to become stronger, right?" Satoshi asked. "Right? So, if you kill them, you will become stronger. Kill the village… or else… then come back here. We will train you… right, Takashi-sama?"

"Yes." Takashi smirked. "Leave now. Or we will have to kill you." Mina quickly nodded…

"Fearing her life, she did so… and there. Too bad you didn't die. You're such a nuisance…" Kyori shook his head. Takashi smirked.

"You really need to die right now." Satoshi pulled out a kunai and appeared behind me. I was too scared to turn around… I didn't want to face the fact… that Mina wanted her life spared, for the price of every single villager… that… was not what I thought. I just thought for my whole life… that she just wanted to kill them because they were holding her back.

"Tenten… how do you feel right now?" Takashi asked, as Satoshi placed the kunai to my neck.

"I don't know…" I responded.

"Then die." I shut my eyes but, I felt no pain.

"Lion's barrage!"

Sasuke's voice… I opened my eyes. "S-Sasuke?" He was holding me in his arms. "Sasuke…" My hand was against his chest, when I pulled it away. It was covered with blood from Sasuke's shirt. "You're hurt…"

"I'm fine." All of a sudden, I heard a yelling sound. I sat up. It was Satoshi. He was on the ground, covered in blood, not moving.

"Y-You… killed him…" he nodded. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Stay here." He put me down.

"I can't walk anyways…" I looked away. He looked at me.


"So you're alive…" Takashi muttered. "I thought you killed him!" He whispered to Kyori.

"I thought we did too…" Kyori looked at Satoshi. Satoshi… He looked away. "Satoshi's dead…"

"Yes. I know." Takashi mumbled. "Uchiha. Why did you not die?!"

"I'm not weak." Sasuke responded and smirked. "Besides, that Satoshi… he merely died from a bunch of taijutsu… no one… can get weaker than that.."

"Sasuke… don't get killed…" I murmured quietly. He looked at me…

"I won't die… you worried?" He smirked. I blushed slightly.

"N-No…" I leaned against the tree. "J-Just end it already." he nodded.

"Kyori. Takashi. You two will die by the hands of Sasuke Uchiha."

Someone's being cocky… I thought to myself and bit my lip to stop the tears from flowing… it was painful, the wounds I had, even though Sasuke was probably more hurt… "Sasuke. Just be careful." He looked at me and nodded.

I have one down… just two more to go… Sasuke thought. He threw a kunai at Takashi who simply raised an ice sculpture out of the ground and blocked it. So he can make ice jutsus, and Kyori over there… can disappear and use something like a genjutsu…

"Are you done warming up?" Kyori sneered. Sasuke activated his sharingan and ran at Kyori kicking Takashi in the process sending him hitting his back against a tree. He grabbed Kyori's neck and held him up. "I-I'm innocent!!"

"You hurt Tenten… you made her sister kill her clan…" Sasuke growled.

"Really! I didn't! It was all Takashi's fault!!" He shouted.

"S-Sasuke…" He looked at me, and he loosened his grip.

"Heh…" Kyori started to disappear.

"Nice try." Sasuke smirked and pulled out a kunai and jabbed it through Kyori's chest. "And I was gonna let you go too." He dropped Kyori to the ground and turned to me.

"Sasuke… you did it." I smiled.

"Now there's only Takashi left." He turned away from me and walked towards Takashi who had 'fainted'…

Sasuke's POV

Is he… dead? I walked towards him to find out it was just a shadow clone. Dammit! I turned around when I heard Tenten scream. "Tenten!" She was being taken away by Takashi. I ran quickly to catch up with them.

Tenten's POV

"Let go of me!" I shouted as I kicked him. Too bad I couldn't punch him, I was flung over his shoulder.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Then do it already! No one will care!" I shouted. "I already lost my family because of you, what more could I lose?!" He smirked.

"You would lose your life…"

"I don't care about it already!" I shouted.

"But there are people who do." He responded. "I'm going to break their hearts."

"I don't have family, I don't have a boyfriend! I only have friends who like me as friends!"

"Not true. You haven't really noticed have you?" Takashi picked up the pace trying to jump faster.

"What?! I don't understand what you're saying!"

"The Uchiha loves you…" Takashi smirked. "and so if I kill you, it'll break his fragile heart." I blushed.

Sasuke… loves me? Can… he be lying?

"Tenten!" I heard Sasuke shout my name. I looked up.

"Sasuke!" I shouted back.

"Drop her, Takashi!" Sasuke shouted.

"If you insist…" Takashi threw me as I landed on my feet on the nearby branch.

"Hn…" I groaned as I fell to my knees. Stupid… Stupid legs… don't give in yet! I looked at my pants. The blood was seeping out.

"Look out!" Sasuke shouted. I looked up to get hit by a kunai. I blocked with my arm but lost balance on the branch and fell backwards. Expecting to land on hard ground, I landed in someone's arms.

"Sasuke… " Before I could thank him, I quickly shouted. "Behind you!" I grabbed a kunai from his pocket and threw it at Takashi, who dodged it. Sasuke turned around and punched him in the face. His other arm, was wrapped around my waist, and I was leaning against his chest.

"Stay away from her." He growled.

"Ooh, and why's that?" Takashi wiped the blood from his mouth.. Sasuke was silent. "Hm?" I pulled Sasuke's arms away from me and walked up to Takashi and punched him in the stomach. Then I jumped up and used my twin rising dragons move one more time. When I finished… I looked at Takashi motionless on the ground. I coughed out blood. And turned to Sasuke and suddenly fell back wards, my eyes shutting on me…


-At Konoha..

"Tenten… Tenten…"

Hm…? Someone's… calling me name…

"Tenten?" I opened my eyes to meet Sasuke's.

"Sasuke. Where… are we?" I sat up and looked around.


"Did… you carry me?" I asked.

"How else would you have gotten here…" he muttered.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed him on the cheeks. He blushed and looked away. "Are your wounds better?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah." He responded. "What about you?"

"I'm feeling better." I looked at my bandages. "Did… Sakura do this?" He shook his head.

"No. Shizune." He responded.

"Oh… I see." I smiled.

"The only thing we can do, is to rest." He stood and walked back to his bed.

"Okay." I responded and shut my eyes. I was about ready to fall asleep, when I felt someone's lips against mine… My eyes opened as I saw who's lips it was… Sasuke's. He pulled away. "S-S-Sasuke?" I mumbled his name quietly. "Why'd… you kiss me?" I touched my lips.

"Tenten…" he called my name. "I love you." My mouth opened to say something, but I smiled instead.

"I… love you too, Sasuke…" A tear escaped from my eye. "I have been for a long time…" He nodded.

"Ever since I crashed into you… I had this feeling for you. And when we spoke… I felt a special connection between us. You told me about your past, and I could feel your pain…" Sasuke stopped talking when I hugged him.

"Same…" I smiled.

"When I spoke to you, it was like… you were speaking to me; Sasuke…" I nodded.

"Get some rest." He pulled away and smirked at me and walked back to his bed. I laid back down and faced the wall as I smiled brightly. Sasuke… loves me back… Take that, Sakura, Ino!!

-1 week later-

"Finally! We're out!" I stretched and smiled.

"Hm." Sasuke responded as he grabbed my hand and held it in his. He blushed and looked at me as I smiled at him. We were walking hand in hand, when we came across Hinata.

"Hinata!" I waved.

"Hello, Tenten… Sasuke-kun…" She looked at us holding hands and smiled brightly at me. I grinned back. "I-I have to go now, I'm… meeting Naruto-kun somewhere. Bye!" She ran off.

"Hinata!" sasuke called after her. She turned around. "Tell the dobe, I said hey." He made a small smile.


Oh jeez… I turned around to see Ino and Sakura running towards us.

"SASUKE-KUN!" Ino squeaked.

"HE'S MINE!" Sakura screamed and shoved Ino aside.

"HE'S MINE!" Ino shouted and shoved Sakura.

"No. He's mine." I smirked. Ino and Sakura stared at us.


"Hn." He responded. I looked at him.

"N-No way…" Sakura looked saddened.

"Sakura… I'm… sorry." I responded. "Ino too."

"I won't forgive you for stealing him!" Ino shouted at me. Sakura growled.

"I'm-" I was about to apologize again when Sasuke stood in front of me.

"Leave her alone." He simply said.

"FINE!" Ino shouted. She stomped off. "YOU WILL BE MINE, SASUKE-KUN!" She blew a kiss and ran off, with a rain cloud over her head.

"Hey, Tenten. Tell me when you and Sasuke break up, okay? I'll be waiting Sasuke-kun." She smiled. He sighed.

"Then… you might have to wait forever." He responded.

"Hm?" I looked at him. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She questioned.

"We'll never break up. We'll be together forever, right Tenten?" Sasuke looked at me. I blushed and nodded.

"Yeah." I responded and looked back up at him, to see him smiling down at me, a very… unlike Sasuke thing to do, but, his smile made me feel warm. His hand holding mine made my heart beat fast, and last but not least… his heart was mine, as mine was his…

Everyone knows how it feels to be head over heels for the Sasuke Uchiha. But, they don't know how it feels to have the Sasuke Uchiha head over heels for them. Well, I know how it feels… and let me tell you… the feeling, can not be described in words…






It's done!! xD I hope you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing it!! It's probably one of my favorite stories I've written so far! I had some help from my cousin. She helped me brainstorm some ideas which I used for this story. So, some credit should go to her. :)