Iruka had nodded awake as the family entered the rebuilt Konoha Hospital. Tsubame still slept, her head resting against Jero's chest. They signed in and the receptionist pointed them down the hallway. Iruka was fully awake by now, wondering where he was. All this walking was making the baby anxious and restless. He squirmed uneasily in Naruko's arms, a whine rising in his throat, before she hushed him lifting him higher in her arms. He pressed his face into her shoulder and wished he could go back home.

"Lady Tsunade, what are you doing here?" The family was surprised to see one of the legendary Sanin standing in their presence.

She turned around, chart in hand surrounded by a small group of Konoha's finest medical ninjas. "The Hokage couldn't make it, so I'm standing in as supervisor of this exam. I'm looking forward to reading your report on the mission." The busty medical nin reached over and shook the star struck Naruko's hand.

Naruko blushed like mad, handing the report over, barely believing she could be in the presence of her idol, the legendary Lady Tsunade! "Oh, and you must be Jero! I've heard a lot about you as well. As a part of the exam we will have to do a physical on you as well." Jero nodded, astounded to be shaking hands with Tsunade.

Iruka didn't like this. Tsubame was barely coming to in Jero's arms, yawning and surveying her surroundings. She didn't seem to mind. The medical ninjas conversed amongst themselves, pointing at their clipboards and looking over at Iruka, then Tsubame every now and again. "Okay, I bet everyone here has another place to be pretty soon, so let's get this exam started.

Naruko and Jero stepped forward placing the children on stainless steel tables. Iruka held on to Naruko's shoulder for dear life, tears starting to appear on the edges of his eyes.

"It's okay, Iruka." Naruko cooed into his ear. She wiped the tears away with her index finger before they fell. "Mommy won't let anything bad happen." He let go, his face scrunched, holding back a sob with all his strength. Tsubame looked around, still unsure of where she was.

And the exam began. The medical nin waisted no time in weighing the babies, getting temperature, checking their eyes, noses, ears and throats. Tsunade looked over the report with Naruko, nodding and gesturing every now and again. Other medical nin examined Jero's shirtless body and overall health, marveling at how he had regained his 'figure' so fast. All this was getting to be too much for Iruka. So many people. There were too many people. It was too loud and crowded. It was making him nervous. He whimpered, reaching to Naruko through the crowd of doctors, but she was busy with Tsunade, then Jero, but he was still being examined. He was so busy he didn't notice the nurse coming up behind him with a syringe. He whirled his head, hearing Tsubame squeal as the needle prodded her, removing a small vial of blood. It was then that he noticed he had an equally large (to a baby) needle sticking out of his arm.

"AAAWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH…!!AAAAAHHHHH!!" The piercing cry echoed stunning everyone within a 500 foot radius. His scream echoed down the hallway as befuddled nurses and doctors stuck their heads out the doors to see where all the commotion was coming from. The nurse stepped back needle still in hand as visible chakra oozed from the wound and slithered its way up and wrapped around the syringe. The needle flew across the room and darted itself inches from Tsunade's head. The room was silent, albeit Iruka's sobbing. Even the usually rambunctious Tsubame was quiet, clinging to the sleeve of the nurse she feared only seconds earlier.

Naruko and a still shirtless Jero pushed through the forest of nurses, concerned looks on their faces. Jero got to him first and picked up the crying baby, holding him tight against his bare chest. Naruko grabbed a blanket from the baby bag and wrapped it around Iruka, who shivered and sobbed against his father's shoulder. Jero rested his head on Iruka's and tried to console the child, whispering inaudibly to him. Suddenly the parents, realizing where they were, turned to Tsunade.

"I am so sorry Lady Tsunade. I can't believe this happened. I mean—He never acts this way at home." Jero stumbled over the words, feeling his shirtless awkwardness sink in. Naruko took Iruka, while Jero searched for his shirt.

"This is- I mean, Lady Tsuna-" The Sannin stopped her midsentence. "That was very impressive." She said, walking to the wall and plucking the syringe from between the bricks. "I guess this was your work, huh, Jero?"

The now fully clothed Jero blushed, standing next to his wife, Tsubame propped up in his arms. "Yeah…I guess it is."

Tsubame grinned. "That's all the information we need. I expect to see good things from these kids." She waved to the doctors who walked out the door single file. She made her way toward the family. Tsubame looked up in awe while Iruka cautiously turned his head.

"I hope there are no hard feelings." She addressed the two babies softly, holding both of her hands in front of her. She closed them into fists, and then opened them again, revealing a lollipop in each hand. Tsubame smiled giggling with glee and grabbed the treat. Iruka warily stuck a small hand out, seized the candy and hugged it close. Tsunade smiled.

"Just like his Father." This got Jero's attention. "He likes to keep the things that matter most close to him. But he's got his Mother's sweet face."She turned and walk out of the room leaving it still and quiet.