For the Love of

By bleached.dragon

Summary: Actress and Hollywood darling Lenalee Lee is infamous for her succession of boy toys. Kanda Yu, her personal bodyguard, has the misfortune to fall hard for every single one of them.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews! I love you all! And I apologize for the late update.

Chapter 3: Allen, Part 3

Camera flashed in a blinding display of light in front of Allen's eyes as he posed with Lenalee for the benefit of the many photographers present. Presently, he felt a tug on his arm and allowed Lenalee to lead him from the barrage of light, letting the next arrivals stand for photographs, feet sinking into the plush red carpet.

Blinking blearily in an attempt to adjust his eyes to the sudden darkness he didn't notice the figure coming towards him until it was too late.

"Allen!" a cheerful voice sang out and suddenly a slim form jumped on the British actor, long arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders in a familiar gesture. Without skipping a beat, Road Kamelot leaned forward and kissed the startled actor.

Allen jerked away from her, his eyes wide.

Road laughed.

And the cameras flashed throughout.

Spotted. Road Kamelot giving Allen Walker a smooch in front of his girlfriend Lenalee Lee during the premier of their movie 'Millennium'.

It was quite the scoop.

Kanda Yu leaned against the wall in the back of theater, slipping in just as the lights had begun to dim. The giant screen suddenly flickered to light and an exuberant cheer went up. Kanda merely scowled, having gone to enough premiers to completely detest them.

A hand slid onto his shoulder.

Kanda jerked away, his hand fumbling in his pocket for a weapon, but only drew out a pack of gum. Cursing slightly, the Japanese man turned and found himself face to face the with Noah in the park, who was sporting another impeccable suit, but his hair now hung in a long ponytail, bangs hiding the lacerations on his forehead.

The Portuguese man raised a hand in greeting, "Yo."

Kanda merely scowled in reply.

"Don't be so cold now," the man smirked, "I'm just here to watch my niece's movie premier. Seeing you again was just a bonus." He flicked his cigarette, ignoring the 'No Smoking' signs, and blew a smoke ring at the other man.

The Japanese man was severely tempted to roll his eyes, but opted to turn away instead, "Che!"

"I'm Tykki Mik by the way," the man gave a dashing bow. In the background, Allen knocked down and ran over several tables on the big screen with a clattering of cutlery.

Kanda wondered if the Noah would just disappear if he ignored him for long enough, but it appeared that the Portuguese man wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, "Che!"

The Noah draped an arm around the dark haired man's shoulders, "Now, what would a fine dressed gentleman like you be doing here anyway?" he drawled. That was when Tykki Mik became the first Noah to ever be knocked out by a pack of gum with a label that assured consumers of 'minty fresh' breath. The Portuguese man crumpled noiselessly to the floor.

"Che!" Kanda turned away from the unconscious man and walked silently to the other side of the theater.

Presently, after watching Allen save the day and rescue a captured liota dressed Lenalee from the clutches of a talking umbrella armed Road Kamelot on the big screen, Kanda felt a tug on his arm; Lenalee had stealthily made her way to him during the climax of the film.

"Let's go."

Kanda didn't question.

Spotted. Actress Lenalee Lee leaving with bodyguard Kanda Yu in the middle of the premier of the movie 'Millennium' which she costars with Road Kamelot and Allen Walker.

The tall, longhaired man walked coolly down the street, a grocery bag balanced in one arm oddly in contrast with his dark suit and irritable demeanor. He turned, long black hair flicking over his shoulder in the breeze, the poster child of masculine beauty, and entered a park. He continued through the evening air, planning to cut this route short with a stroll through the tree lined road.

"K-Kanda!" a gloved hand reached out a snagged the Japanese man's shoulder, "Wait!"


Kanda turned with a few choice words for the sudden intrusion on the private space, but stopped when he saw the perpetrator, "Moyashi?"

"It's ALLEN!" the silver haired actor snarled back, still retaining some of his usual fire, despite his rather disheveled appearance. Allen shook his head slightly, "Never mind. We need to talk."

She lay limply on the thick mattress—half off her bed—kneeling on the floor—not bothering to remove trademark black boots—unopened letters scattered before her—tangling in unbound long hair. Lips moved up limply in a half smile—hand weighing the packages—the weight of each one increased every successive day that went by.

Phone vibrated—


Answering machine played in a happier tone—this is Lenalee Lee, sorry I can't answer—it was terminated too.

She watched as messages piled up in her inbox—Is this about the—Lenalee, please—answer—can I—why—what's wrong—only one of the two hundred and fifteen emails were answered—the first one—Don't come. Unlike many of the others, he had complied.

It wouldn't last.

Hand moved through the disheveled mess of dark curls—wrapping around the vibrating phone—two words—etched on glowing screen—He's coming—caller ID—Kanda—a warning.


Limping walk to the vanity—

By the time she finished—

He would die before her looks.

"I really didn't think that you'd be shopping for groceries," Allen laughed lightly, trying to disperse the heavy tension. The two of them were seated on lip of a fountain.

"Who else would buy them?" was the short reply.

Allen flinched. Not good. "Uh, about Lenalee…" he trailed off.

"You broke her heart," Kanda replied shortly.

"W-w-what?" the white haired boy stared at the Japanese man before him incredulously, "Are you mental? It wasn't my fault in the first place!"

The other man merely sighed.

"Did you seriously expect me to predict it?" Allen demanded.

"You really think that Lenalee is stable." Kanda stated dryly.

"Wha—?" the statement caught the British actor off guard, "W-w-what?" he fumbled with his thoughts and finally demanded, "What do you mean unstable?"

"I never said unstable," the dark haired replied impassively.

"You implied it!" Allen wondered how the other man was so deceptively good at twisting the conversation.

Kanda sighed, his expression jaded, "You really know nothing, Moyashi."

"What the bloody hell do you mean by that?"

"Lenalee suffers from dementia or some shit like that," Kanda replied testily.

Allen blinked.

"So what does this have to do with me?" the white haired boy asked hesitantly, fearing the reply.

Of course, Kanda knew more to the story than he was telling Allen. He knew about the mental illness, the pills, among other things, but it really wasn't something that the British actor needed to know. He swore inwardly, he was never that good at this touchy feely stuff. The Japanese man twisted around to look at the British actor next to him, opening his mouth to fire off a random string of explicative, and stopped.

The white haired boy was sporting an expression of extreme misery as he looked at Kanda, his eyes beseeching. Kanda felt a light flush mantle his cheeks, one that he covered up with a quick hand to his forehead, as if he was exasperated.

"Look," he finally managed, "Lenalee's really possessive."


Kanda twitched again, "No matter what you do, she's going to reject you," he finished bluntly.

The white haired actor seemed to melt before new resolve lit up his eyes, "I don't believe you," his eyes hard, Allen Walker headed down the path towards the Lee mansion.

Kanda sighed and fired off a single two-word text message.

It was over by the time the tall Japanese man walked into the mansion, plastic grocery bag swinging from the crook of a black suited arm. Allen was slumped on the divan. He saw the edge of a red slip down the hallway before vanishing through a doorway.

"I don't get it," Allen mumbled, tears dripping down his face.

Kanda raised his eyebrows.

"She didn't even seem to care," the British actor continued heartbrokenly.

Kanda bent down, he couldn't help himself, and tipped the white haired actor's chin. He looked so vulnerable. So—

"Wha?" Allen did not have the mental facilities to process this new development.

The Japanese man leaned in and kissed him lightly and once, before turning down the hallway to join his employer as if nothing of the sort had happened. Allen placed a hand to his lips, and then found himself running out the door.

Lenalee was waiting for him. She flounced to him, having fetched a handbag and a pair of aviator glasses.

"Let's go."

Kanda nodded.

The lovely girl swung into the room, not a single strand of black hair out of place, bound up by golden clasps, makeup carefully applied, beads clinking around her neck, flowing red tunic top, white short shorts. Smile—deadly. She flung herself casually onto the divan across from the white haired actor, "Hey, Allen."

"Lenalee," he looked up, cowed by her appearance of good health, "I wanted to talk to you about—" he was cut off by a graceful gesture of bangled hand.

Slender fingers clenched slightly, "Allen," she smiled warmly, "it doesn't have anything to do with what happed with Road," a lie, "it's just that… I don't think we're really suited for each other," although she once did, "Maybe we should take a break," punctuating this with a sweet smile, "think about things…"

Allen found himself nodding to her reasonable tone.

Lenalee moved in for the kill, "Maybe, we could just be friends."

The British actor twitched, "Just like that?" he demanded.

Lenalee looked hurt, "I just think it would be better to be friends, instead of anything else. I really value our friendship and I don't want it to be… hurt by…" she trailed off.

"I really like you though, Lenalee."

The earnestness in his voice pitched her off but she returned smoothly to the track, "I like you more as a friend," she smiled, "Aw, come on, Allen, don't look like the world's ending," she pinched his cheek with a smile, "Think about it, kay?"

And she was gone, gliding through the hallway.

"Have Allen Walker and Lenalee Lee split?" the words were written in boldface on the magazine cover, "Just when we thought she had found true love, the flighty actress ditches another man."

Part 3. End.

A/N: And thus, Allen Walker suddenly vanishes from the picture… I'm sorry if the entire Yullen part was really brief. And the entire chapter was kind of sappy… I found myself having trouble getting through a chapter I wrote which might not be a good sign. Anyway, I hope that the next part will be more interesting…

In other news, apparently, one of my cousins is named Coca-Cola (In Chinese, of course)… it's not even a nickname. But then, he's two years old, so it's cute now and at least he doesn't have to do too much explaining on what words make up his name like the rest of us. "Just look at the nearest (Chinese) Coke bottle to see how to write my name!"