All things Twilight belong to the Awesomely talented Stephenie Meyer. (3 days and 12 hours till Breaking Dawn)

Epilogue - Unexpected Gift.

After the day I said goodbye to Renee, things began moving quickly, we were preparing to move so Esme would bustle around the house making lists of everything that was coming and everything that was staying.

Each individual couple had to pack up their own rooms before they left. I still had a room of my own, so I found myself in there boxing up books and some of the clothes Alice was still supplying me with. Other than that there really wasn't much more to do so I asked Edward whether he needed help.

This was the first time I had been in his room and I was surprised by the light the streamed in through the large window wall and danced across each of his possessions, there was a black leather couch and a very technical looking stereo system. What caught my attention though, was the wall of CD's, a wall was exactly what is was too. It was a phenomenal sight to see. I browsed through the titles as I gently stacked them in boxes.

"You have an eclectic taste in music, Edward." I laughed as I placed a stack of CD's into the box, they ranged from Bach to Linkin Park.

He grinned at me as he placed another stack of CD's into the box. "I listen to what reflects my mood."

"So, what would reflect your mood today?" I asked smiling.

"Hmm," he pondered thoughtfully and stood up to browse what was left on the wall we were making quick work of.

"Close your eyes." his grin was mischievous.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Please!" his eyes continued on with the intensity, so I agreed and closed my eyes and waited. I heard the tray of the CD player slide smoothly from the machine as he placed a disc lightly inside.

The music started playing louder than I expected, but that wasn't what caught me off guard. I hit the floor in fits of giggles watching Edward trying to keep a straight face. It was love shack by the B-52's, not exactly a musical masterpiece, but it was a classic.

Alice burst into the room, and looked at the two of us. "Why on earth are you torturing Bella, Edward?" she laughed.

This sent me into another round of uncontrollable giggles. Especially when Alice started singing along and dancing the worst way she possibly could, mocking the song.

That was it, we spent the rest of the afternoon playing classic and embarrassing musical choices from the collection, of course I won the worst taste in nineties music when I was playing new kids on the block, but Edward was tortured for owning it in the first place. Eventually the entire family was inside the large room shouting requests.

Alice, Rosalie and I did a fabulous rendition of Cyndi Lauper's girls just wanna have fun, which had the boys laughing merrily on the floor. Edward's choice in music was certainly diverse, I couldn't believe the ranges of them.

Through discussion I discovered another collection, Emmett collected movies and video games, but Rosalie made him stash them somewhere they couldn't be seen. He had every gaming systems starting with Atari.

They were all in the basement, and he dragged me downstairs to admire his collection, and indeed, it was a large collection. The basement looked like a library with rows of shelves lining the room, there was a comfortable seating area with more wires than I had ever seen before leading to a huge television that sat out far enough someone could get behind it and change out the wires. He challenged me to a game of pong, which of course he won.

After we were finished I offered to help him pack, he was surprised by my offer, it seemed no one was willing to help, and I soon realized why, we had to break down the shelving systems that held them and wrap each case for the movies, games and systems in bubble wrap individually. It was an effort to say the least. I was glad for my new speed, it got things done a lot faster.

I had already put a block on Edward for the wedding and the two of them for Christmas, Carlisle and Esme seemed to have put an end to any dispute and taken in the idea openly, in fact, they seemed almost excited about it. Preparations were already under way.

We were moving to Maine, a small town about fifty miles from Newcastle. The Cullens had bought a large property out there, but that was all we knew, we meaning Edward and I. Some things about our new home had been blocked from Edward at the request of Carlisle and Esme. It was unusual for them to make such a request so I agreed, knowing that they must have a reason.

Alice was moving along nicely with the wedding plans and had decided on the location, she had kept it as a secret from us, and I was intrigued, Edward was annoyed, he continued to sift through his siblings minds looking for some sort of clue, but Alice had thought of everything and he was denied any sort of access pertaining to the wedding.

We left Forks at the end of the week, Carlisle had hired a large truck for us to load and Jasper and Alice would be driving it across the country, I couldn't imagine Alice behind the wheel of the monstrous vehicle, but her small stature jumped up behind the wheel and grinned at me. Strange wasn't the word to describe the picture, I think bizarre was more fitting.

Edward and I drove past Charlie's one last time on the way out. It was the early hours of the morning and I wanted to keep the mental picture in my memory.

We had a large caravan following the truck through the Northernmost states, Edward would get frustrated because the truck would only move so fast, so he was limited to his speed. He continually asked that we were allowed to go ahead and meet the family there, but his request was denied, it seemed no one wanted the surprise revealed.

We communicated through CB radios, which we were cautious about, there was always a chance that there would be other traffic on the channel we had selected. We each had code names, or handles as Emmett insisted on calling them. Carlisle was Doc Holliday, Esme was Bahama Mama, Alice was Tinkerbell, Jasper was Alamo Joe, Rosalie was poison Ivy, Emmett was Kodiak, Edward was Mufasa, and I was Wendy Lady. It seemed the Cullen's enjoyed Disney movies, and it made for an interesting trip.

We arrived in Maine on a dull overcast day, which suited us fine, we could travel under the cover of the clouds and not worry about the sunlight catching out glittering skin. We followed the truck down a large tree lined driveway.

"Come in Mufasa." Carlisle's voice said over the radio. Edward picked up the mic.

"This is Mufasa, Go ahead Doc Holliday."

"I need you to hang back, we have a surprise at our 20."

"Affirmative Doc."

Edward looked at me with his brows raised. He pulled over to the side of the narrow road and let each of the other Cullen vehicles pass.

"Wait for my signal Mufasa."

"Affirmative Doc."

We sat on the side of the road and waited for about thirty minutes, we figured we were halfway up the driveway at this point, I doubted they could have found somewhere more secluded than this, we were practically in the middle of nowhere.

"What do you think they're doing up there?" I asked.

"Unblock me and I'll tell you." Edward chuckled lightly.

"Nice try, Mufasa." I giggled.

"Ok Mufasa, you have clearance to proceed." Rosalie's voice sang across the airwaves.

"Thank you poison Ivy, Mufasa rolling."

Edward put the Volvo in gear and took off up the drive at an alarming rate of speed. I trusted his driving impeccably, but the tree lined drive gave us limited visibility. Edward slowed at a tight corner, but he slid us around it gently, there, about a mile up the road was a grand house. It was beautiful and very stylistic, it suited the Cullen's taste well. Edward slowed the Volvo until we were rolling gently towards it.

"Wow," I verbalized.

"Hmm." Edward said nodding, "That would definitely sum it up."

"Are all of your houses like this?" I asked looking at the large sprawling manor.

"No, this is bigger than usual."

We stopped where Carlisle and Esme were stood, they climbed in the back of the Volvo silently and pulled the door closed.

"Don't stop, Edward, make a right at the end of the drive." Carlisle instructed. I could hear the smile in his voice.

Edward did as he was instructed and pulled to the right.

There, in front of us was a quaint cottage with an attached double garage, the front door had a large bow attached and outside of the garage was the Maserati.

I gasped, loudly. Edward looked back towards Carlisle and Esme.

"It's our wedding present to you both, it took us some time to find a house with a large enough guest house, but with Esme and Alice working together, we finally found it. What do you think?" Carlisle asked, full of pride.

I was stunned, speechless, once again the Cullen's had gone above and beyond everything to make us happy. Edward slammed on the brakes. Each of his siblings were now stood around the door to the house.

We both stepped out of the car and looked at one another. Esme moved up beside me. I threw my arms around her, still unable to find the words necessary to thank them. Edward chuckled and embraced Carlisle.

"Now I understand the blocking me."

"Yes, well that made it all the more fun." Carlisle said winking at me.

"I . . . it's beautiful, thank you." I whispered, my voice was quiet, I was still stunned.

"Well, we couldn't have the newly weds feeling uncomfortable in their first couple of years, Alice and Jasper had a whole wing to themselves after they joined us and Rosalie and Emmett had their own house after they were married so we thought this would be nice, your own house, but close enough to us so you can still be with us whenever you want to be."

We walked slowly towards the house, it had the most beautiful stone exterior with beautiful windows set into it, Carlisle and Edward walked closer to us and Edward snaked his arm around my waist. Each of our siblings had wide happy smiles on their faces.

I beamed at them with the best smile I could conjure in my shocked state. My new life was finally starting.

A/N: I was hoping to draw this out until Friday, but I felt like this was the perfect ending, their happily ever after. It's short, I know, but everyone has been doing wedding scenes and I didn't want it be just another one of those. This story was my baby because it was the first Twilight fan fiction that I had no real guideline on. When writing the Alice perspective, I always had the Twilight books to refer to. Which reminds me, I will be doing Breaking Dawn from Alice's perspective. For now, I will be taking a couple of weeks off, I have written a chapter every night (With one or two exceptions) since April 10. I enjoy updating nightly, it keeps it fresh.

Okay so now I have talked your ear off and the A/N is longer than the chapter, I would like to say thank you, to each and everyone one of you that read this story. And to the REVIEWERS . . . LIKE I COULD FORGET YOU GUYS . . . YOU REALLY ENCOURAGED ME WITH YOUR KIND WORDS AND I THANK YOU FOR BEING SO FRIGGIN' AWESOME . . . YOU GUYS ROCK!!