Disclaimer: Purely my story plot. Characters are from Gakuen Alice owned by Higuchi Tachibana.


100 Days Living With You



It was already morning. Mikan was eating her breakfast alone in the bathroom. Yes, in the bathroom. She couldn't come out of the bathroom because Natsume was lurking around outside. She couldn't take the risk of seeing him.

She sighed, "Hotdog tastes nasty when it's eaten in bathroom…"

"Oi," Natsume knocked on the door thrice, "Mikan."

Mikan choked herself. She gulped a ridiculous amount of water and forced herself to swallow the hotdog in her mouth. Mikan bit her lips, angry at herself for automatically blushing with just the sound of Natsume's voice calling her name.

Natsume knocked again, and this time it sounded angry.

"Come out." Natsume ordered.

"What do you want?" Mikan replied in annoyance.

Mikan raised her eyebrow as she waited for Natsume's reply. It took long enough before he replied. "Vick is here. He said you promised to meet him today."

Mikan's eyes squinted as she recalled her conversation with Vick. She stood up and opened the door. Natsume appeared in front of her sitting like a dog waiting for his master to come home. Mikan stared at him for awhile but turned her head to where Vick was standing.

"I'm sorry, Vick. I—" Mikan realized that Natsume was listening to them so she went to Vick and grabbed his arm. "Follow me."

Natsume stood up and closed the bathroom's door. He followed Vick and Mikan to the living room. Then he sat on the isolated sofa, enough to stay away from Mikan. Vick noticed this and looked at Natsume.

"Is there a problem with you two?" Vick asked.

Mikan gazed at Natsume and shook her head vigorously. "No! N-Natsume likes his seat. He always sits on it."

Vick smirked. "Mikan, I was asking if there's a problem. You thought I asked that because Natsume sat far from you?"

"W-Why did you want to meet me?" Mikan asked, changing the topic.

Vick didn't mind it and just sighed. He pointed to his luggage. "I have to go to theU.S where Iku is."

"U.S.A?" Mikan shouted in shock. "When are you going?"

Vick looked Mikan in the eyes. Sadness was written all over his face. "Today…specifically, one hour from now."

"Why? Why didn't you tell me before? This is too sudden!" Mikan closed her fist and controlled her anger. She stood up. "I-I'm gonna dress up and go to the airport with you."

Vick grabbed Mikan's wrist. "Don't. You can't do that. I just came here to say goodbye."

Mikan sat again and hugged Vick. Natsume and Vick were stunned by this. "Why can't I send my friend away? Why am I not allowed doingthat?" She broke the hug and started crying. "Vick, why can't I do that?"

Vick gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. "Don't cry, Mikan. I don't want to see you crying before I leave."

"What's the matter? She can go to the airport and send you off."

Natsume interjected.

Vick stayed silent as he tried to stop Mikan from crying. He looked at Natsume and shook his head. Natsume looked sideways. He stood up and walked out of the house. Soon, Vick came out too and stood beside him.

"Why are you going to Iku?" Natsume asked.

"Our grandma needs me. Iku won't be able to handle it alone. Besides, grandma wants to see me before she dies." Vick explained.

"Then why don't you want her to send you off?"

"That's because I might not be able to enter the airport if I see her. I won't be able to set my feet on theairplane." He laughed at his own foolishness. Indeed, he was madly in love with Mikan. He continued, "And I might think that she likes me because she doesn't want me to go. I don't want to get my hopes high."

Natsume glanced at Mikan through a window. She was wiping her tears as she drank some water. Then he looked back at Vick. "You haven't told her about your feelings."

"I will." Vick glared at him. "I will if you let her go."


"Don't tell me that you'll let her go, Natsume. You still haven't tried looking at her. I know that you still haven't tried liking her."

Natsume looked angrily at him. "Aren't you assuming too much?"

"What?" Vick looked at him in confusion.

Natsume turned his back fromVick. "Anyway, our engagement is not yet official. And besides, she doesn't like me. I don't see any reason of liking her either."

Vick banged his fist on the wall. "Shut up. Don't give me that bullshit. You know that you can make a reason to do it if you are willing. And you know that Mikan is clueless about almost everything."

Natsume cringed. "What do you mean?"

"Are you implying to me that you don't know?"

"Who would know what you're talking about? It's really nonsense."

"Whatever." Vick gave up. "Natsume, if you make her cry again, I'll come back and I'll definitely take her away from you. Even if she doesn't want to, I'll use any means necessary to keep her away from you. Mark my words." Vick tucked his hands in his pocket and started walking. He stopped and waved his hand to him.

Natsume grinded his teeth as he watched Vick walk away. Damn it. Why do I suddenly feel so obligated about liking her? Everyone's so annoying forcing me to do things. He thought.

Mikan peeped out the door and asked, "Where's Vick?"

Natsume pointed his index finger to the direction where he last saw Vick. "He's gone. Just eat your breakfast at the dining room."

"I don't want to." Mikan stomped her way back in the house. Natsume rolled his eyes at Mikan's childishness. He pulled her arm and guided her to the dining room. He forced her to sit on the chair and bashed the table with her plate. Mikan glared at him. "What's your problem? I told you I will not eat here."

Natsume pulled the chair beside her. "And what? You're going to eat in the bathroom again?"

Mikan folded her arms. "No. I won't eat anymore. I'm full."

"Just finish your food." Natsume said. He began eating his food, ignoring the blazing gaze of Mikan.

"Natsume." Mikan called.


Mikan looked at him with tender eyes. "I hate you."

Natsume stared at his food for a while. Then he ate again and replied, "I know."


Vick looked at his passport as he entered the airport. He heaved a big sigh and smiled genuinely as he remembered the memories he had with Mikan. He couldn't believe how much he fell for her insuch a short time.

"Hey, what's with your face?" Tsubasa raised an eyebrow at him and slapped his back. "Are you too happy to go?"

"What? It's better than crying." Vick laughed.

Tsubasa shook his head and smiled. "Anyway, it's almost time to leave. By the way, I found someone. I think she'll be my love interest for the rest of my life. But since you're going, I'll spend my old man's money for long distance calls. Haha."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really hope you find a girlfriend before I come back. See you next time." Vick patted Tsubasa's shoulder. Tsubasa pouted at this, then laughed it off and looked around the airport, hoping to have a last glimpse of Mikan's face.

Tsubasa noticed this and looked around too. "Are you still waiting for someone?"

Vick coughed a laugh. "No, no. I'll go."

"Take care." Tsubasa gave him a big hug. Vick finally turned his back and walked away as he waved his hand to Tsubasa. "See you again," Tsubasa muttered under his breath.




It has been two months since Vick went to theU.S.A. and left me a warning about Mikan. Usually, I don't mind people who give me warnings and let time slip it off my mind. But this warning was serious enough to make me think about it every single freaking day. It keeps repeating inside my head like a broken recorder, and it irks me so muchthat I want to bash that stupid Vick's face for doing this to the mighty me who didn't give a damn about things before.

I grabbed the toasted bread and put it in my mouth as I heard steps coming from above. I already knew it was Mikan who just got her lazy butt from her bed and was probably panicking about the time. I smirked. She never failed to amuse me.

"Natsume, why didn't you wake me up?" She screamed.

I looked up and saw her as she messily put her jewelries in its properplaces. I shrugged. "I did. About twenty times."

Her facial expression shifted toastounded. "What? I don't remember you doing that!"

"Well that's because you were too busy in your own dream." I retorted.

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. "And you were probably entertained by it."

"Of course." I grinned.

She gritted her teeth in frustration as she walked down towards me and grabbed the bread that I held tight. She put it in her mouth. I watched her, almost wanting to laugh out loud. I didn't though. Instead, I ignored her and continued eating.

"You're ready, right? Let's go. Hotaru and the others are waiting." I didn't intend to hear her answer anymore. I just pulled her with me out of the house and into the car.


"I can't believe it." Anna said.

"You seriously came?" Nonoko said.

I stood there with Mikan as I watched my friends' jaws drop. They all looked like they saw ghosts. I took a seat beside Ruka and Hotaru and let them gawk at me. Mikan went to the sofa at a corner of the room and stayed silent.

"We thought you were lying when you said you would visit." Ruka finally had enough staring at me as he cupped his cheek with his hand and played withhis mobile.

"Long time no see, cousin." Hotaru said. Anna and Nonoko stood up and went to Mikan. It's most likely to let me talk with Hotaru and Ruka alone. They know me too well.

"Nothing's changed much overhere in headquarters." I said and looked around. My table was still in its place, safe and sound. The painting that I bought in Paris still hung on the wall.

"So what is it that you want to tell us?" Ruka asked. Really, they know me too well. Ruka tilted his head as he waited for my response.

"I want advice." I bluntly said.

Ruka and Hotaru looked at each other then at me. "Advice about what?"

"About Mikan and…" I stared at the floor. "Luna."

"Luna?" Ruka raised an eyebrow.

"As in Andou Luna?" Hotaru asked. "Not Iku?"

I nodded my head in confirmation. "Luna, Hotaru. It's Luna now. Iku has long forgotten me. And she's been ignoring my phone calls. I even tried calling Vick's phone, but no luck. So yeah, two months ago, as everyone knows, Vick went to the U.S.A. And he told me some kind of a weird warning about Mikan."

"Uhuh?" Both of them chorused.

"It's beenexactly two months; he left last October 28, and today's December 28," I explained. Hotaru and Ruka looked dumbfounded at this, then laughed and pointed comically at me.

"Y-You've been seriously counting the days! Hahaha! That's just hilarious, Natsume." Ruka swept awaytears forming under his eyes.

Hotaru wasn't able to keep her amusement. Her laugh died down slowly. "What made you do this kind of thing, cousin? Was it because Vick's warning has been haunting you?"

I stared at Hotaru seriously. "Yes. It's been bugging me. And it is freaking me out already."

Hotaru literallyforgot how to smile and blinked her eyes. "Are you serious?"

I raised my brows. Ruka and Hotaru unknowingly opened their mouths in disbelief.

"W-Why? I mean, I thought you forgot about Luna since you began dating Iku?" Ruka frowned at me.

Hotaru heaved a sigh and leaned on the table. "Tell me, what is Luna to you? As in today, what is she to you?"

As if time stopped, I looked sideways and thought deeply. "Luna is…For me, I loved Luna once. She's in my mind. I feel like if she tries at all to bring back my love for her, she'll succeed."

Hotaru nodded. "Then what about Mikan?"

I flinched. "Mikan? Well, I just can't leave her alone."

Ruka smiled at me while Hotaru smirked. They looked at each other then back at me. "And she has a place in your heart, right?" Ruka commented while nodding.

"Cousin, maybe you haven't noticed, but Mikan's already important to you." Hotaru said. I looked at Mikan and smiled a little. Maybe these two are right. Although it is really hard to accept that fact since she's beenan annoying stranger since we first met.

"I know that you asked for advice but really…you should know that it's only you who can decide about what to do with those girls. All I can say to you is that Mikan's the type of girl who doesn't ask for anything. Totally the opposite kind of girl Luna is. I can see that Mikan doesn't want to be a bother to anyone as much as possible."

I really agree on what Hotaru said. That's just the type of girl I don't fall after. Yes, I have a very weird taste when it comes to women. I think I really like it when my girl asks me for something. I guess it just makes me feel good.

"Hey Natsume," Ruka tapped my shoulder, "how about a date with Mikan?"

That caught my attention, "What?"

"I mean, you've been going out with Luna for the past few days. Then you told us that Mikan's been with another guy too. That just means you two don't get the time to be together at all." Ruka explained. He looked at me with his puppy eyes.

I don't get it. Why does he have to beg for this kind of thing?

"We're always together at thehouse." I shrugged. "But I want to watch this one movie. I think I'll ask her to watch it tonight."

Ruka punched his fist up while Hotaru clapped her hands and congratulated Ruka. They both looked so cute. I wondered when they would get together. Haha. It's nearly impossible for these two opposite characters to like each other. I shook my head at them in amusement as they both continued interrogating me.

"Then Iku became such a bitch…"

I flicked my eyelash at the statement. Anna was the one who said that about Iku. I couldn't hear much what they were talking about because Ruka and Hotaru kept talking to me.

I held my hand up and said, "Stop, stop."

Hotaru and Ruka obliged. I tried to hear more of the conversation between Mikan, Nonoko, and Anna.

"We told him how we didn't like Iku…" Nonoko said.

"I still think Natsume loves Luna…"Anna said.

I widened my eyes and stood up. Hotaru and Ruka were startled by this. They could also hear the conversation so they tried to stop me from moving towards Anna. They knew that I don't like people talking about me. But that wasn't the reason. I don't know why,but I waspissed off that they weretelling these things to Mikan.


End of Natsume's POV


"So how is it with you and Natsume?" Anna asked Mikan.

Mikan instantly looked over to Natsume and sighed. "He doesn't tease me that much anymore. His mind's been out of this world most of the time and he seems quieter than before. Worst is he's been calling me by my name. And…he's been going out with Luna."

"Err…shouldn't you be happy?" Nonoko faked a smile. "Well, except for the part where he's been with Luna. But then again, Natsume told us that you've been going out with Luna's little brother, Tsubasa-san."

Mikan bit her inner cheeks and shrugged. "Tsubasa's just a friend—a very good friend. I'm just so bored staying at the house allby myself, so I always go out with Tsubasa. He's pretty free unlike Natsume."

And since he's been going out with Luna, I've been ranting my opinions about it to Tsubasa. She thought.

Mikan wagged her hand and continued, "I just don't like the way Natsume acts nowadays. I like him the way he was before. I actually had so much fun when we were teasing each other. Now, it feels utterly boring."

"To be honest, we know why Natsume's like that. We've been friends for ages and we know what's going on if something changes. We might not know the reason but we know that Natsume thinks he's in deep trouble. He changes into somethinglike what you described to us whenever he's trying to decide something important. A big decision where one will get hurt." Anna stated.

Nonoko nodded in agreement and smiled. "Natsume's not really bad. He always thinks of others. Mikan, do you know? Anna and I confessed to him before."

Mikan covered her mouth and widened her eyes. "Ehhh?"

"And he seriously thought about us since Nonoko and I are best friends. We began avoiding each other when we realized that we liked the same person." Anna laughed as she remembered those times.

"Then one day, Natsume came here in the headquarters. He talked to us and explained that he has someone he likes." Nonoko said.

Mikan nodded in comprehension. "By the way, what's headquarters? What is this place?"

Anna giggled. "I knew you'd ask that. This is our place. Only the five of us and Youichi are allowed to enter here. Well, right now, you can enter this place too. And along time ago, Luna, Iku, and Vick could enter here too."

"Before, our friendship was somewhat strong. We couldn't even imagine one of us out of the group." Nonoko sighed and held Anna's hands. "It was like that for a while… until Luna and Natsume broke up."

"No reason was stated. No words were uttered. Luna just totally left Natsume and us. She went to theU.S.A with her parents without telling even one of us." Nonoko continued.

"Then Iku became such a bitch. We knew that Natsume was heartbroken." Anna said. Her voice was shaking and on the verge of crying.

"And she took that advantage. Iku did. She went to Natsume and well…I don't know what kind of tactics she did but she managed to become Natsume's girlfriend. We told Natsume how we didn't like Iku. She said that she'd kill us if anyone of usso much as got nearNatsume. That's how obsessed she was with Natsume. After all, they'd known each other before this group was evenformed. Iku and Natsume were childhood friends." Nonoko stated.

"I still think that Natsume loves Luna. He was madly in love with her. I mean, if he didn't love her so much he wouldn't havechanged like that. Natsume didn't use to be so rude. He was such a gentleman. I don—"

"What are you talking about?" Natsume angrily asked. Anna, Nonoko, and Mikan looked up and saw Natsume glaring. "Who gave you permission to tell her?"

"A-Ah, Natsume we were jus—"

"Enough."Natsume cut off. "We'll be going." Natsume pulled Mikan out of her seat andthey walked out of the headquarters.


"Are you angry?" Mikan asked. She was waiting for Natsume to talk, but he didn't say anything about Anna and Nonoko. He also didn't ask about what she heard. Feeling guilty, all she could do was take the initiative to ask him.

"No." Natsume replied. His eyes were fixed in front as he continued to drive.

Mikan held her head down. It wasn't the answer she was expecting. Then she looked out. "Eh?" She blinked as she wondered why Natsume didn't turn to the corner where their house was.

Natsume looked sideways. As if he knew what the girl was thinking, he said, "I want to watch something at the cinema."

"What—" Mikan was cut off by Natsume's ringing mobile.

Natsume took the call. "Hello?"

"…drama is it…?" Mikan continued under her breath. She watched and listened to Natsume talk over the phone.

"What?" Natsume shouted, kicking the break abruptly.

Mikan was startled by this. She saw Natsume turn pale. "N-Natsume, what's wro—"

Natsume held his hand up to cut Mikan off again. "Where are you?" Natsume put his phone down and rubbed his forehead. He drove again, but this time it was faster.

After some time, they stopped in front of Strawberry Mall. Natsume looked at Mikan and sighed. "Get off."

"What happened?" Mikan asked.

Natsume scratched his head. "I'll explain the details later. For now, go in the theater. I will follow you after I see… Luna."

Although Mikan wanted to ask more questions, she just got off the car and obliged toNatsume's orders. It'd been like this for the past two months. Luna always got in the middle of them. Somehow, she'd gotten used to it. She shook her head and smiled. This shouldn't get to her now. She'll just enjoy the facilities of the mall while she waits for Natsume to return.

"He said he'll follow…I should trust him." She beamed and skipped her way inside the mall.


"Luna!" Natsume shouted.

Luna came running as she threw herself onto him. "N-Natsume, I was scared."

Natsume gently touched Luna's hair. "Were you hurt?"

Luna shook her head. "It's just a few scratches."

Natsume broke the hug. His eyes glimmered in happiness as he asked her, "Is that so?"

"I know what you're thinking." Luna glared at him then turned her back. "I will not let you."

"Luna, she's waiting." Natsume said.

Luna turned back to face him and shook her head vigorously. "No, Natsume! I want you to stay!" She pointed her finger at the tall, dark guy talking to the policeman. "Are you going to let me deal with that…that spooky man?"

Natsume looked at the floor and stayed quiet as he thought of Mikan. "But—"

Luna grabbed his arms. Natsume looked at her. Her eyes were begging him. "Stay by my side…"


Lights were switched off one by one. Mikan stayed at the middle of the mall's entrance as the people slowly left. She felt bloated from all the foods she ate. Her eyes were irritated due to non-stop watch of movies. She did all her best to enjoy as she waited for Natsume to come back.

She looked at her phone. "I trust you, Natsume. You'llcome back right?" She asked no one. She looked at the mall and giggled. "Too bad you won't be able to see the movie that you wanted to watch." Mikan closed her eyes and gathered enough courage to call Natsume. She brought the phone up to her ear and waited for him to pick up.


He picked up! She thought.

"Hello? Mikan?"

Mikan's eyes widened. "L-Luna? Why is it you answering the phone?"

"We're here at my house."

Mikan felt uneasy at this and replied, "Oh, I see… Is he going to come home now?"



"Can you please not call anymore?"

"But, Luna—" Mikan was cut off by the beeping sound on the line. She lifelessly dropped her hand and heavily sighed. "Natsume…"

-To Be Continued-

Author's Message: Hello everyone! I really hope you enjoyed this update. Haha. It's pretty long too! The next chapter will come immediately~

©minahoru and Irrevocable Truth.