Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice. But this story is obviously mine since I don't have the GUTS to copy other works. Please bear in mind that copying my story won't do any good. If you are going to plagiarize this, think twice. Besides, I'm not easy to handle :) By the way, this is an edited version of Chapter One. Forgive the other version if its not good. Enjoy.
100 days living with you
◄███▓▒░░.Day Zero.░░▒▓███ ►
The innocent and the jerk
A bright sunny day.
A petite twenty two year old girl stands in front of the biggest hou—No...It is too massive just to be a mere house…It is a freaking mansion. The biggest-Rather the only-mansion she had ever seen. Entirely blocking the view from the outside, it is surrounded by a brick, white wall. The only way to see a part of the mansion even without entering the vicinity is to look through the black iron bars of the gate.
According to witnesses, it is said to have been designed by eight of the most well-known architects in Japan and built by more than five hundred construction workers. So it isn't just a mansion to speak of…it's an EXTRA-ORDINARY MANSION
Standing in front of the black iron gate with mouth hanging open, hands limping at her side and eyes as wide as dinner plates; the girl stood absolutely shocked.
"This is a freaking mansion, for crying out loud! I cannot believe I'll be living here from now on!!! My house back there won't even dare to compare its doghouse if we even had one! "
The house that she was talking about? Yeah…a house born from an old wood.
It was designed by a seven year old girl with a dream and a box of crayons. She had drawn it and requested that it be build by her grandfather. Two months, and a handful of workers later…a small one-story house was created and the little girl was happy.
"Unbelievable!" The brunette said with glee as she walked up to the gates and held the iron bars in her hands, pressing her head through the spaces.
"Wait…" The smile on her face slowly disappeared, "…I wonder if…"
Slowly, she let go of the iron bars, walked to the brick fence—beverage in hand—and hit her forehead on the wall.
Seems odd? Yes.
Something weird for the girl? Nope…just another one of her antics
Unfortunately, she had hit her head harder than she expected, causing her to stumble backwards, with her cold drink sloshing from its cup.
"Yeah…Nope…Not dreaming…"
She held her head with one hand as she attempted to regain whatever sort of composure she had in the first place. As she tottered backwards, however, a man around her age passed by and bumped into her. The collision was not a strong one, but strong enough to slosh her drinks on the man's cellular phone.
The man, of course, was far from pleased. Seeing his expensive gadget drenched in sticky liquid and an—For the lack of a better word—insane girl swaying form left to right, he grabbed the girl by the shoulders and turned her around to face him.
It took awhile for her to actually process what was going on, but by the time she did, the only thing she could see was a raven-haired man with piercing onyx eyes glaring at her. She narrowed her eyes at the man
After all…Who was he to glare at her like that!?
"Can I help you with something?" She asked
"Why yes…" he began, letting go of her shoulders "…You can start by explaining why you're acting like a moron in front of my house"
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An old man lying weakly on the hospital bed while a girl knelt next to it, crying her eyes out
"Grandpa…" She sniffled.
"I'll always be with you, Mikan" the old man said faintly then he reached out to caress her long brown hair, lovingly.
Mikan only continued to sob.
"No! If you will die no one's going to take care of me, no one will pay our debts, no one will pay the house bills, and most of all no one will pay your freaking expensive hospital bill!"
The nurse, who had been standing near the door for quite some time now, eyed Mikan strangely 'Who will pay the hospital bill? Such a selfish thing to say to someone who'd be dying isn't it?' the nurse thought, trying to hide his smile of amusement behind the clipboard he was holding.
Ever so slowly, the elderly mans eyes began to close and the hand that had been stroking Mikans hair dropped onto the bed.
Mikan quickly gripped her grandfather's hand and shook the man's shoulders…Praying that he'd open his eyes once again "No…NO! NO! NO! NO!! Grandfather!! You can't leave me like this!!" She yelled.
The nurse slowly walked over to Mikan and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder "Excuse me, your grandfather is not dead… he's just sleeping" he said slowly, trying his hardest not to laugh at the idiocy of the brunette 'Honestly…People this stupid actually exist?' he thought.
"Wh-What??" She asked, lifting her head up to look at the nurse who had an expression she couldn't quite read. It took a few seconds for the statement of the nurse to register in her mind; once it did…She quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and stomped out of the room—Feeling extremely embarrassed.
"You should have said that before! Stupid nurse…hmph!" She growled before slamming the door behind her.
"She's gone, sir" The nurse whispered once the door was slammed shut.
Ever so slowly, he lifted up one eyelid and let out a weak smile "Finally" he said and brought out his manga.
'What a weird family…' 'The nurse thought as he walked out of the room
On the next day, the girl happily brought fruits to her grandpa.
"Grandpa! Here! I bought some apples for you!" Mikan announced, kicking the door wide open as she held out a plastic bag filled with red apples. She walked over to him and placed a small stool next to the bed, she then sat down on the stool and placed the apples next to her grandfather "Try them!"
Before touching the apples, her grandpa reached under his pillow and brought out a small golden key which he held out to Mikan.
"Mikan, this is a key to a house. It was given by your father to me before he left you and Yuka." Mikan took the keys with a puzzled expression on her face.
"What is this key for, grandpa?" She asked.
"It's a key to a house." The old man said. "To…your new home. You will live there from now on"
Mikan didn't really understand what her grandfather was saying so she merely shrugged it off. She slowly stood up from the stool and pocketed the golden key
"I'm going outside to buy some drinks ok?" The old man nodded as Mikan stepped out of the room.
She sighed and leaned on the door for a couple of seconds, pondering on what her grandfather had said.
'Key to my new home?? What's wrong with the current one?' She thought, as she made her way down the hallway towards the soda machine
"Emergency! Emergency! In room number 105"
Mikan stopped in her tracks "105? That's…'
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"…You can start by explaining what you're doing acting like a moron in front of my house"
"…acting like a moron in front of my house"
"…In front of my house"
"…My house"
The words of the man echoed through Mikan's mind as she tried to process what she had just heard.
Mikan raised an eyebrow at the man in front of her
"The… owner of this …house?" She repeated ever so slowly, taking a few steps back as she stared blankly into space. She shook her head which snapped her out of her thoughts. Mikan then glared at the boy
"This" she pointed "is my house" She said menacingly at him, as she showed him the key that her grandfather had given her.
The boy merely rolled his eyes at the girl…She really is a moron.
"Having a key is not enough for proof that this is your house" He said, with a blank expression. "Come, let's go inside" The boy dragged Mikan inside the mansion.
Once they entered the mansion, 12 butlers and 24 maids lined in to bow continuously as they passed every one of them. Mikan bowed her head too, while being dragged by the boy before her.
"Let me go will you?! I'm not a dog!" Mikan whined which only resulted to the man to tighten his grip around her wrist.
"Oh, Natsume! Welcome Home!" A fairly older woman greeted as the raven-haired man rolled his eyes and presented Mikan to the woman.
"Who's this? Your girlfriend? She's a cute one!" The woman replied, a big smile forming on her face.
"No mom!" Natsume replied, running a hand down his face. "This girl claims that this is her house…I figured out that I should bring her to you before calling the authorities."
Natsume's mother raised a delicate eyebrow then faced Mikan "Really? Then, what is your proof?" She asked in a kind voice. Mikan brought out her keys and handed it to the woman in front of her.
Once Natsume's mother saw the golden key, her eyes widened,
"Was your mother named…Yuka?"
"How did you know her?" Mikan asked, feeling chills ran down her spine. 'Who was this strange woman'
"Mikan! You are Mikan, right? Oh my god, you came! I've been waiting for you!" Natsume's mom suddenly said, earning a confused stare from both Natsume and Mikan.
"WHAT!?" Two voices screamed in unison.
"I will never marry him!" Mikan yelled, pointing her finger at Natsume.
"And who said I'm going to marry someone like you?" Natsume spat back. They absolutely refused to look at each other.
"Well, you two have no choice. The two of you will live here in 100 days," Natsume's mom said as Mikan choked on her own saliva.
"You've got to be kidding!" Mikan cried.
"Come again?" Natsume asked, looking at his mother with disbelief.
"Nope, the arrangement had been made. You two will simply have to live with it."
"Never!" the two chorused.
(•.¸(•.¸ ¸.•´)¸.•´)
«´ •. TO BE CONTINUED •´¨»
(¸.•´(¸.•´ •.¸)•.,)
A/N: Minna!! I know, I have many stories to update but I promise Nina-chan to release this story already -.-' please review!! And of course tell me the wrong grammars or something weird here in my new story . uwaahh!! I wish I can have many reviewers here!
E/N: Angelsorceress here :D I just wanted to pop in and say that I'll be editing this story so I really hope you all enjoyed reading it!
CREDITS for Eclipse du Coeur.
minahoru logging off…