Author's Note: This just came to me, and I wondered what would happen if American Idol came to Forks. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, Babe or American Idol.

EPOV (Emmett's)

I was bored out of my mind, so bored I actually decided to read the paper a thing I rarely do. Usually when im bored I go look for Rosalie but she was out shopping with Alice, even though she and I were supposed to be on our honeymoon. Which meant staying out of the public eye. Also if Rosalie is not here I will also tease Edward about him being a virgin, but he was on a date with Bella.

So really there was nothing for me to do, so I grabbed the paper off the coffee table and began reading. It was filled with reports about Seattle killings but I wasn't really interested so I flipped to the comics. But today they just weren't as funny, so I looked at the movies showing even though our family wouldn't see any because if Jasper.

As I looked through the movies they were showing I noticed an advertisement, it took up half of a page. And in bold letters said, "do you think you could be the next American Idol?" then it posted towns where the auditions would be held and the dates, as I looked down the list I noticed Forks as one of the city's where the auditions were being held.

This could be fun I thought folding the newspaper back up and placing it on the coffee table. Yes this could be very fun.



Rosalie and me were looking around the store Babe; I had found a few things that I knew would look great on Bella and some things for myself of course.

"Do you think this is good for me?" asked Rosalie lifting up a red mini skirt and white tank.

"The skirt yes, the tank no, how about you try this," I said handing her a navy blouse.

"Isn't that too patriotic?" she asked, eyeing the blouse with her topaz eyes

"Well so is the white and red," I answered, she nodded

"True, are you going to get all that?" she asked pointing at my armful of clothes.

"Yes, but most of it is for Bella," I replied

"Don't you think she has enough clothes?" Rosalie asked

"Im shocked Rosalie, you know you can never have enough clothes," I answered, "Just look at your closet for instance, you must have at least 100 offits," I added

"Actually I have 110," she said

"Still you can't have enough," I said then pointed at the skirt in her hands

After that action I began having a vision

"Hello im Ryan Secrest and your watching American Idol, today we are having auditions in Forks Washington," said Ryan

"Alice what is it?" Rose asked breaking me out of my vision

"It was Ryan Secrest announcing the auditions for American Idol in Forks," I answered

"Really? There will be auditions here?" she asked smiling, Rose absolutely loved American Idol it was her second favorite thing in the world, the first obliviously was Emmett.

"Yep," I nodded

"Awesome," she said

AN: I know it's short but I hoped you liked it!