Toph looks in the mirror. Or, at least, she thinks she's looking into a mirror. She puts her hand on it, feeling the smooth glass beneath her fingertips. She traces it up and down and wonders once more what she looks like.

She sees him coming before she hears him, which is nearly impossible. His steps have a certain beat to them – but he produces enough noise so that she doesn't have to see to know it's Sokka.

"What are you doing?" he asks. His voice has a particular edge to it – he's annoyed. This doesn't surprise the young earthbender. He's had a rough day.

"Admiring my reflection." She cracks a smile, walking away from the mirror. The feeling fades, and again she's left in darkness. "What's eating you, Snozzles?"

"Nothing." She rolls her eyes – the whole tough man bullshit gets old fast. "I'm fine." Another white lie.

"Sure, Sure. And I'm Momo." She mimics the little lemur.

"I just miss someone…" Her chest pains. He doesn't need to go on. He doesn't need to say her name. Suki. "You know what it's like."

She walks past him, a frown on her face. "No, Sokka. I've never been 'in obsession'."

"What are you talking about it?" She can't see it, but he's tilting his head to the side and giving her puzzled look.

"Just forget it." She begins to storm off, but he grabs her arm. "Sokka," she warns, but he doesn't let go of her, instead tightening his grip and preparing himself to get hit. It's then that she realized – he was touching her. Touches of pink begin to fill her face and she looks down, thankful that the darkness made her unable to see his face.

"Lemego," she mumbles to her feet. He loosens his grip enough for her to pull away. "I've just never…been in love…" she says honestly. "So, I don't know what's it's like." She shrugs, pulling it off nonchalantly.

"I'm not in love," he says defensively. "I miss Appa just like I miss Suki – and let me tell you, Appa's no looker." She laughs. Well, that was a relief, she thinks. He's finally telling the truth. "Hey, Toph..." he says softly.


"When it happens, tell me. I want to be the first one to congratulate the lucky bastard." She smiles, and he takes his leave, brushing past her as he walks out. All she can think is:

Well, pat yourself on the back.

F in. YAY DRABBLES. Anyways, I love tokka – mainly because combining my two favorite characters is face ownage. It's a drabble, because…compared to KH this is like…so very hard…sorry. I tried. ;

All disclaimers and whatnot.