-----If you'd prefer to read the story in Spanish, it's currently being translated by Ylaris. The link is in my profile.-----

Okay, I can't believe I wrote this, cause I don't usually write outside of my norm, but I'm like obessed with this movie, and I think I've read all of the fics on here already, so… I wrote my own.

It picks up a little while after the movie leaves off. Tis Smitchie & Naitlyn. Haven't decided on Jason yet. I hope its not too much like any of the other stories. Sorry if it is. /

Disclaimer: Bree does not own Camp Rock. Though, if she did, it would not have been able to appear on the Disney Channel. Hehe.

After the Credits Roll

Chapter 1

So while I couldn't help thinking how awesome it'd have if Shane kissed me at the end of my- I mean our song, I realized it wasn't the right time or place. I mean, in front of all those people? Including my parents? And Brown might've had a problem with his 18 year old nephew kissing his 16 year old camper in front of all those reports and parents, too. Definitely would not have been good press for Shane, Connect 3, or Camp Rock.

My musings carried me to the canoe dock out by the lake. I wasn't sure, but I was really hoping Shane would meet me out here like he said. I felt like such a lovesick teenager, it wasn't funny. But when I heard foot steps coming from behind me, I knew it was him. I didn't turn around or say anything, so he surprised me by wrapping his arms around me from behind. The feeling of being in his arms, just relaxing against him and knowing he's there to keep me up, is officially the greatest feeling I have ever experienced.

"We really need to talk." He whispered into my ear, through all my hair. "I'd love to just start over from scratch, but we really do need to before we can." I nodded, knowing he was right. As I moved away from him without a word, he grabbed my wrist just before I was out of reach. "Where are you going, Mitch?"

Stopping and turning to face him, I smiled. "You promised me a canoe ride, right?" He smiled, too, lacing our fingers together as we walked to the canoes. Once we made into the canoe and Shane had pushed us off the dock, we sat in an awkward silence.

"You were amazing, tonight." He started. "I'm sorry you weren't allowed to sing in the competition."

Teasingly, I replied, "Well, I think one of the judges joining in kinda disqualified me anyway." I swear, the great Shane Grey, actually blushed.

"Well, I think if you'd sang for me earlier, all lot this wouldn't have happened." He replied equally teasing, but at the reminder of everything that happened, our light happy mood came crashing down.

"Yes, it would have." I sighed. "I mean- I still would have been lying to you, too. I mean- I didn't exactly lie to you, I just didn't tell you the truth. Wait- That made no sense-"

"No, it does. You never told me your mom worked for Hot Tunes, and I never asked. I'd over heard it and didn't think it'd be a lie. That's a pretty big lie to keep up."

By now, I'd had tears welling up, well on their way to spilling down my face. "Shane-" I think I might have just sobbed, but I'm not really sure.

"Shh, Mitchie." He pulled me to him carefully, trying not to tip the boat. "I'm… I'm not mad anymore. I just need to know what else you lied about."

"Nothing-" I sat up quickly, nearly tipping the boat. "Everything I said to you, that was real. That was me. Even the part about keeping up an image."

"I guess you really did understand that better than anybody." He smiled, reaching out to wipe a tear off my cheek. "Stop crying, please?"

I smiled. "I'll try."

"Good. Cause I'd hate to kiss you and have you crying in the middle of it." He smirked at me as I tried to process his words.

My confusion had to be written all over my face. "Wha-" Before I could finish my question, the hand that was still against my cheek slipped backwards until the fingers wrapped around to the back of my head, pulling me into the best kiss of my life.

I was shocked at first, but instinct took over, and I was kissing him back instantly. As he pulled away, his eyes were bright in the moon light, smiling at me as I tried to catch my breath. "Wow." I whispered. "That was… different." I settled on that particular word and wanted to slap myself. "Good different." I amended at his slightly put out face. "Clearly, it's left me a little senseless." I joked, hoping to put my awkward choice of words behind us.

"Good." He leaned in to kiss me again, but paused just shy of kissing me. "I like different." And then I got the second best kiss of my life. Nothing will ever compare to that first one.

As well pulled apart, a flashlight ran across our faces before excited voices on the dock not too far from us called out, "Mitchie! Shane! Is that you?"

Laughing to ourselves, I answered Caitlyn, "Yes, Caitlyn!"

"We'll be right there!" Shane called in. After a few attempts and the wonderful suggestion from Nate on how to row, we finally made it back to the dock.

Shane got out first, then helped me. He didn't drop my hand though once we were both out of the boat. "So, why were you looking for us?" I noticed Caitlyn and Nate were standing awfully close, although Jason was close to them as well. Perhaps it was just my mind.

"Interviews." Shane answered my question at the same time Nate did. "We need to steal Shane, sorry Mitch." Nate explained.

"Eh, take him." I said giving Shane a sideways glance. "I'm getting sick of Mr. Pop Star." Shane made the adorable face he did the day I called him a jerk out on the lake. I think that's one of my Shane faces. Of course his smile is pretty to-die-for ,too.

"Oh really?" He turned to face me, whirling me to face him, too. Leaning his forehead against mine, he asked smirking, "Is that so?" He was going to kiss me again, but Caitlyn interrupted.

"Uh, guys. There's a bunch of reporters milling about. Unless you want this on the cover of Pop Informer, I'd leave the lovey-dovey for the canoe."

Nate threw an arm around Caitlyn. "The lady has a point." I smiled seeing how Caitlyn was trying her best to breath and not start blushing.

"Yeah, I know." Shane pulled away from me. "Jason, why don't you escort Mitchie and Caitlyn, while Nate and I go have a nice little conversation."

"Sure, dude." Jason said smiling happily. He is always happy. But that's what we love about him. "Ladies?" He bent his arms at the elbow for each of us to take an arm. We did and began skipping ahead of the other two boys, though I could still hear their conversation. The fact that I was listening quite intently has nothing to do with that.

"So what was that about?" I heard Nate ask.

Shane replied, "Well, if there are reporters, we can't be linked to relationships if Jason is with them, too, now can we?" Oh, he is so smart, isn't he?

"Good thinking. So what are we talking about?" At this point, I'm assuming Shane whispered something to Nate, because I didn't hear anything until Nate exclaimed, "What?!"

We stopped skipping and turned back. "Dude, everything okay back there?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, fine. Amazing. I think hell just froze!" Nate walked over to me and gave me a very big hug. "Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Nate, you feelin', alright?" I asked hugging him back.

"Okay, now that that is done." Shane growled slightly, pulling me away from the other two, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "C'mere, Cait!" She obliged, as he put an arm around her waist. I looked over our shoulders to see Nate pouting a bit.

I whispered into Shane's ear, "Some one looks jealous."

He leaned down and replied, "I know." He cast a look back at Nate and winked, to which Nate just glared harder at Shane.

"What were you and Nate talking about?" I asked innocently, though I was dying to know.

"I'll tell you later." He whispered kissing my hair. I smiled up at the gesture.

"Shane!" A voice off to the side yelled excitedly. "Where'd you go to?" The person, who happened to be the boys' manager pulled Shane away from me and Caitlyn. "What are you thinking?" he asked, taking in how he'd been walking with Caitlyn and me. "You want your new image to be shot to hell with these two?" Nate and Jason threw protective arms around us as Shane wrenched his arm away from his manager.

"They're our friends, Chris." Shane replied a little pissed.

"I'm sure." The disdain in his voice wasn't missed by either Caitlyn or myself. "Well, you've got interviews to do." He pulled the other two away from us, too. "Excuse us, ladies." His fake smile wasn't lost on us either.

As they were pulled away, with Shane now arguing with his manager, Nate called back to us. "Meet us later."

"Where?" Caitlyn called back, but Nate was out of hearing range. With a quick look at her watch, Caitlyn exclaimed, "What is later to him? 3 in the morning?" At my confused look, she explained, "It's already almost 11, and by the time they get down with all those interviews…" I sighed, knowing it was going to be a long night. "Oh, right. We were looking for Shane for interviews. We were looking for you because Brown wants to see us."

With that we headed back to Camp Rock Theatre to see Brown. When we got there, we saw Connect 3 sitting on the runway talking to a report who was obviously flirting with them. I felt sick, and Caitlyn grabbed my hand. One look at her face I knew she liked Nate. Her face was quite similar to how I felt.

"Girls!" Brown exclaimed from next to us. It must have caught the guys' attention because they looked over and waved and/or nodded to us before going back to their interview. We waved back as Brown ushered us to sit down. "I spoke to one of the executives of Lava Records. They wanted to know why the lovely lady who Shane sang with didn't win."

"Cause Peggy was better?" I replied, fully believing it.

Caitlyn looked at me, disbelieving my statement. "But we were disqualified. How could you have won?" She asked me.

"Well, record label execs don't know that, love." Brown explained. "However, when I did explain it to them, they were quite upset."

"I don't understand." I replied. Caitlyn didn't seem to either.

"Well, Mitchie, they seemed to have loved your duet with Shane. They were hoping you'd win so you could record it."

"She still could-" Caitlyn interrupted before I could stop her.

"Well, the winner of Final Jam was supposed to record the duet, not the girl with the voice that's been driving him insane." Brown explained.

"Driving him insane, really?" I was smiling at what Brown said.

He laughed, ignoring my question. "If it is alright with Peggy and Connect 3, you'll record the song with Shane, and Peggy will record with Connect 3 as a whole, instead."

"Oh, wow, no. That's not fair." My selfless side was coming out. "Peggy totally deserved it. She's lived in Tess' shadow for so long. It's her time to shine. I'm good with the prize I got." I smiled brightly at the end part, glancing over at Shane, seeing him glancing over at me, too, before Nate elbowed him discretely.

"Well, let's let Peggy decided." Brown stood up. "Now, why don't you piss off that annoying man, Chris, and go hover by their interview." He nudged us toward the flirting interviewer whom neither of us liked very much.

We came up behind her, not wanting to distract her, just the guys. I held my finger to my lips to keep them quiet. They smiled at us, and Nate grabbed Jason before he could wave.

"So," miss flirty-interviewer-whom-we-don't-like drawled. "What about your love lives? Shane, any summer flings?" Though his eyes flickered to me, he replied to her with all honesty. "Nope. No summer flings." I felt my stomach flutter at his words, and grabbed Caitlyn's hand tightly.

"Were there many offers while you were here?" She asked.

"No, the girls here were really great. They understood that we were all here for the music. No one threw themselves at me like crazy fan girls. Okay, well, after the initial, 'oh my god, it's Shane Gray!'. After that they were amazing." Shane answered with so much ease it scared me a little.

"What about the rest of Connect 3, Nate, Jason? Anything in the horizons for you two?"

"I don't know. We're, uh, taking it one day at a time. Maybe we'll find someone, but, we're aren't exactly out looking." I could feel Caitlyn deflate a little, but Shane's next words made her perk back up a little with the face he made. "Sometimes the right person is standing right in front of you, though, and you don't see it right away."

Oblivious, the interviewer giggled. "You're such a romantic, Shane."

"Well, if you'll excuse us, our friends are here." Nate said slipping off the stage and walking over to us.

"Finally!" Jason said jumping up as well. "Hey guys! They wouldn't let me say hi before!"

"It's alright, Jase." I smiled hugging his side as well as Caitlyn.

"Group hug!" Jason said loudly, pulling me and Caitlyn in tighter.

"So, Shane," we heard her drawl. I stiffened in Jason's arm. "I was wondering-"

"Excuse me." He slipped past her as well. "Hey." He pulled me from Jason. "Relax." He whispered into my hair, calming me immensely. We watched her slink away, obviously put out.

"Shane! Nate! Jason!" Chris yelled as he spotted them. "Oh, you again." He sneered at Caitlyn and I. I smiled as Nate slipped an arm around Caitlyn's shoulder, shielding her like Shane was to me.

"Here they are!" Brown's voice cut off the impending lecture from Chris. He was with two other men in suits. "This is Mitchie Torres. She's the one that sang with Shane. Or rather the one Shane interrupted and sang an impromptu duet with." He teased Shane while we all laughed.

"It's nice to meet you." The one said as I shook both their hands.

"And this is Caitlyn Gellar, the one who mixed the music for the song." Brown introduced Caitlyn. The other man seemed quite interested in her.

"Oh! That was amazing." He cried.

"Girls, these are Mr. Bradley, one of the execs at Lava, and Milo Sanders, the boys producer." It was about now that I realized how much younger the one had been than the other.

"It's nice to me you." We said together, though a bit confused still.

"We're sure you must be tired from all the excitement, so we just wanted to introduce ourselves and to give you these," They handed us business cards. "Please call and make an appointment with my secretary." Mr. Bradley said. "We want to discuss your roles on the new Connect 3 album."

"What?!" Four eager voices cried out together, mine included. Jason was a bit… oblivious as usual.

Laughing at our outburst, Milo explained, "Well, Brown tells us, you, Miss Torres, are the reason Shane's written this new sound he's working on. That it was your influence and encouragement that helped him."

"It was!" Shane affirmed quickly, smiling at me. I looked down blushing.

"What does that have to do with me?" Caitlyn asked, still confused.

"We like your sound." Milo smiled at her. "We're offering you an internship to work on the new album as a junior producer."

"Oh! My god!" Caitlyn was speechless. "Thank you. Oh wow. Mitchie, did you hear that?"

"Of course, we need both of you to record "This Is Me"." Mr. Bradley said.

"Seriously?" I couldn't believe they wanted me to record my song. The one I wrote. "What about Peggy?" I asked.

"Miss Dupree is going to record with them as well. We just need you both for more than recording."

I turned to Caitlyn. We started jumping up and down and screaming while the boys laughed at us. Once we calmed down we turned to the smiling men before us. "Thank you. So much." I said, much more business like.

"You are very welcome. We'll discuss the particulars when you come see us." With that they shook hands with everyone and left with a collective "Good Night."

As we watched them walk away, Shane turned to his manager. "So, Chris, is there something you'd like to say to Mitchie and Caitlyn?"

"My apologies. I hadn't realized you were the girls who preformed with Shane. I thought you were just… groupies." We could tell it was still fake, but we let it go.

"We'll see you in the morning, Chris." Nate said leading Caitlyn away, Jason, Shane and I following.

We were all wandering around aimlessly. Shane and I were holding hands, while Nate and Caitlyn were walking side by side. Jason was goofing off in front of us. Having heard our laughter, my mother came out of our cabin with my dad.

"Mitchie, is that you?" I paused, turning to face my parents.

"Hi." I grimaced slightly, knowing I was probably in trouble.

"Do you have any idea, what time it is, young lady?" My father asked.

"It was our fault, Mr. Torres." Nate stepped up to defend me. "Our producer and our boss wanted to talk to Mitchie and Caitlyn. We were bringing Mitchie back, but I guess we stopped paying attention because we were watching Jason goof off."

"Oh?" Mom asked in that typical parental I'm-going-to-test-your-story-till-you-break voice. "What about?"

"Well, our producer loved Caitlyn's sound, but they both loved Mitchie's voice." Shane stepped in. "They want her to help us write the rest of the songs on our new album, since she's been such an inspiration to me already."

"Uh huh." Dad didn't seem convinced until Caitlyn handed over one of the business cards. "Alright, your story checks out. Now why are you holding hands with my daughter?" He asked Shane, who looked absolutely petrified. I wanted to die at that moment.

"I, uh, um, uh…" Although, admittedly, it was fun to watch Shane stutter like that.

"We, uhm," I wasn't much better though.

"Steve." Mom smacked him for me. I smiled gratefully at her.

"I'm watching you." Dad threatened. Jason and Nate tried to hide their laughter as Shane glared at them.

"Alright, well, why don't you two go to bed, and I'll be in a minute, promise."

"I suppose." Mom said dragging dad, who was making I'm-watching-you movements with his hand.

"I think that's our cue for you two to walk me back to my cabin." Caitlyn said pulling a still laughing Nate and Jason with her.

One they were gone, I faced Shane, though neither one of us spoke. He was just staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

Surprisingly, he answered. "I still can't believe it was you all along."

"Shane-" I sighed.

He cut me off, quickly saying, "I know. I'm dropping it. I just, wow. It's hard to wrap my mind around."

"I, uhm," I stammered, "What- what are we?" I asked, my dad's question bringing forth thoughts I hadn't thought yet.

"I like you." He offered as an answer, but it wasn't really. "A lot. And I know that I want to be with you. But there is a lot to talk about first that we didn't get to, and we don't have time to now."

"Oh. Well, I like you, too." I said, satisfied with the answer I got. "Will I see you tomorrow before we leave?"

"Of course!" He kissed me sweetly once before he pulled away, walking backwards. "Night, Mitchie."

"Night, Shane." I replied attempting to walk up the stairs and not loose sight of him.



Hope you liked it. R&R please.