Summary: Sam is forced to help a drug dealer sell drugs in exchange for Carly's safety. When Carly finds out feelings are both revealed and hurt. Femslash! Cam!
Warning: This fic contains dark and mature content and femslash.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea of this fic and any characters that I have created.
A/N: All previous chapters have been edited so I would recommend re-reading this story, just to refresh your mind on what has been going on since it's been a little over year since this story has been updated.
Into The Sun
Chapter 5: Getting Use To The Gig
The chilly night air is beating against my uncovered skin as I lean against the building behind me, waiting for my next drug addict to stumble by and buy some of their life line. The jacket I'm wearing fights off the cold nicely but my face is starting to become numb just like my insides.
It's been a few months since I've started selling and I gotta say, just like the addicts that need this drug, I find myself getting addicted to the money that's involved. Sure most of the money goes to Kc and his supplier but I still get a pretty penny out of the deal. The fact that I'm even getting money surprises me. Kc runs things like a corporate owned business, following the rules down to the T and taking care of his employees. He knows that if he mistreats his employees that they can easily rat him out to the cops and effectively shut down his operation. He is a professional.
Despite my best efforts, I find myself loving the way things are run. I've been offered to be part of a family. A family that'll bleed for each other and die for each other. You see, Kc is not only a drug dealer, he's a gang member, the leader of the Blood Trio. I've been offered something that I never had, a family. I'd be stupid not to take this offer.
Snow starts to fall and I brush the unwanted flakes off my shoulder. I find myself thinking back to a time when Carly and I spent a snowy winter night up in the iCarly studio throwing snowballs at each other from the snow off the window ledge. I remember brushing the flakes from her hair and the redness in her cheeks. God I miss her so much.
I haven't talked to her since I told her we couldn't be friends, of course I've kept my eyes on her to make sure that she stays safe. There's still a part of me that doesn't want to let her go and I don't think I ever can. I fell in love with her and she was the only person there for me for most of my life. How do you say goodbye to that?
I push myself off the building and head towards Kc's to turn in my sales money and unsold bags. I tuck my hands in my pockets and face the cold wind as it barrels down the street. Not many people are out at this time of the night and I find it odd that anyone would want to buy at this time. But then again you got your people that don't sleep and need to escape from themselves. Prey on the weak I guess.
As I approach the run down apartment complex I run into Kc's second in command, Razor. Razor's the type of guy that would do anything to get what he wants. He's got a brain that sits on top of his muscular body so don't be fooled into thinking he's just some muscle bound idiot. That brain's the reason he's second in command.
"Sell anything?" His cold voice breaks the silence in the unoccupied apartment lobby.
"Yeah, not much but some. I'm turning in what's left." As much as I hate this guy I have to show him respect for it's one of the rules of Blood Trio.
With a slight nod he leaves the complex leaving me to head up to Kc's flat. This is only one of the many places of business. You can never stay in one place while in this business, no you need to have escape routes and many shops open for business. Another thing Kc thought of, he's always on top of things. Sometimes I wonder if he's an undercover cop just because he knows how to evade them so well.
I open the door that leads to our meeting room and am instantly greeted by the smell of weed and cigarette smoke.
"Ah, Sam. How were the sales tonight?" Kc questions from the couch while motioning for me to come in.
"Not the greatest. But we still made enough money to pass the minimum requirements." I answer while placing the money and unsold bags on the coffee table in front of him.
"Hmm, tomorrow will hopefully be better." He mutters while counting through the money.
I watch as he counts and light up a cigarette before inhaling on the addicting cancer stick. He knows all the money is there, but he does it to double check anyway.
"Very good, well here's your pay." He says while handing me my cut of the money and I gotta say $120.00 isn't bad for five hours of work.
"I'll see you tomorrow Sam." He dismisses while leaning back into the couch cushions.
I leave and am followed out by a fellow Blood Trio. It's funny how we don't even know each other that well but we look out for each other.
I'm escorted out of the complex and am greeted by the sight of the sun making its presence known. I can't believe it's morning already. I flip open my cell phone to check my phone and am relieved when it says 7:05 A.M. I can still make it on time.
I quickly rush to the upper east side ignoring the looks I'm getting from random strangers as I bump into them while running. The wind hits my face and a small smile forms on my lips, I'm running with the wind.
I reach my destination and flip open my phone again to check the time. 7:35 A.M. I'm on time. I let out a sigh of relief and hide in an alley way to keep out of sight. I watch the familiar door of Carly's apartment complex swing open and I find myself holding my breath.
When I see brunette hair and long legs my heart skips a beat and my breath catches in my throat. It only happens when I see her, every morning like this, rain or shine, come hell or high water I'm always looking over her. At least when she goes to school and when she comes home from school where I can easily be hidden.
I miss her so much. Times like this, when I'm watching over her, I wish I wasn't a Blood Trio, I wish none of this ever happened. I wish we could go back to being best friends with me secretly wishing for her to love me like I love her. But I know what's done is done and nothing will ever be the same. Ever.
I let out a small sigh as she starts walking in the direction of the high school. I follow behind at a distance and watch the people surrounding her making sure no inappropriate touches or glances are made and no one hurts her in any way. There are a lot of perverts that hide amongst the crowds and I will not let Carly be touched by one.
As more and more people enter the crowd my heart starts thundering in my chest, even loosing sight of her makes me feel like a panicked animal. My pace quickens as I maneuver through the crowd of people. Some people might call me a stalker but I just love Carly far too much to let anything happen to her.
After pushing some people out of the way I finally spotted that familiar head of brown hair and relaxed a little. The panicked feeling leaves my body and I feel like I can breath again. I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack one of these days from doing this.
I can see the high school coming into view and I quietly slip into an alley way and jump up on the ladder that leads up to a fire escape and pull myself up. Beside the fire escape is another ladder that leads up to the roof. I jump onto the ladder and quickly make my way up to the roof. I swear I should be a ninja.
I make my way over to the ledge and peer over the side. My eyes land on Carly as she makes her way to the entrance of the school and I let out sigh of relief. Now to kill time till school gets out.
One thing that no one ever knew about me, not even Carly, was that I love to free run. It's an amazing rush for me, I don't think about living in the slums, I don't think about Blood Trio, I don't think about Carly, I don't think about anything. It's is just me performing ninja like moves while running. But along with being able to move like a ninja it gives me the upper hand if I'm being chased down since everything around me I can use as leverage.
I know that I don't look like the free running type because I'm lazy and aggressive and seem to not care about anything but free running is just natural for me. It's like drinking water and breathing air. It's the most natural thing in the world for me.
I plant my feet on the ground before breaking out into a sprint towards the edge of the building. The next building across is about ten feet but I know I can make it. I've jumped bigger.
The feeling of being in mid air is indescribable, it's an amazing feeling that's all I know. Leaping from building to building, performing tricks while in mid air, it's something that can't be described, it has to be felt in order to know what if feels like.
As I land on the roof of the building I make sure to roll the second my feet hit that concrete. The force of the impact would be enough to cause severe damage. That's rule number one for me, "Always roll". After my feet touch the hard surface again I'm back to running. It seems like that's all I do now days.
A/N: I know I haven't updated this in a while but bare with me. I've recently edited all the previous chapters of this story so go back and check them out! I'm so proud of myself! Now Sam is mentioned as being able to free run. If you don't know what free running is, you should look it up on youtube, it's wicked awesome!