Chrona x Ragnarok 6


FINALLY!! Uge, I know the people who read this are probably super pissed at me, but u see I started collage just as I started this chapter ; and it just became easier to write shorter fics. Plus naught bits always take me a long time, they're pretty hard to write and because I made Chrona a girl, it was even harder since all my former scenes had been YOAI (damn her and her cute butt that has pulled me astray) but its finally up.

Also, if those who like this want, I've been thinking about a sequal, either still at this age or when they're all grown up with a son, you decide. Enjoy thanks to Chrona who edited this for me


Somewhere between the entrance of Shibusen and its seemingly endless hallways down to the guest rooms, the toll of being apart for so long became too much to bare. By the time Ragnarok kicked open her door way their mouths had been locked for some time. She wasn't even aware of where exactly they were until she felt herself suddenly fall from his embrace. A spark of panic ran down her spin for a second before she felt herself bounce on her bed. She looked up curiously but he soon climbed over her, standing on all fours, in the dim light he looked almost like a towering wolf, the sight causing her to cringe but large hands held her close and made her look up. Two piercing silver eyes cut though her timid soul and looked at no one but her; it sent a shiver down her body.

"R-Ragnarok…" her weak hands clung to his arms, grip shaking with a mixture of soft sobs from the joy of having him back and the fear of not knowing what was going to happen between them. "W… what are you-"

"Shut up." he didn't let her finish her sentence, looking over every inch of her, which, even though it was him, made her feel uneasy. It wasn't until he spoke that she felt tension in her body fade. "I didn't get to get a good look at you at the party…"

"…because you were so quick to get angry."

"Shut up." He warned again, his tone more annoyed than serious, "It's not my fault you chose to dress like this in public." Pressing a finger to her cheek, a bit more roughly then she would have liked, he smiled down at her in a way that she could have almost sworn was loving. "From now on you can only look this beautiful when we're alone… they don't appreciate you anyway, not like me…"

With a sheepish smile she nodded, deciding to take it as a compliment. "I like the way you look too… you're very handsome when you clean yourself up."

A long winded groan told her he didn't feel the same, tugging at his tie, "Are you kidding me, in this monkey suit? I can't stand it. Freaken-" his voice halted when thin arms reached around his neck, easily removing the offending piece of clothing and slipping it away. When her hands cupped around his neck, hanging loosely, he heard a soft whimper and found something he hadn't seen before in her face, a look of needing.

He couldn't help but smirk, "You don't want to talk do you?"

She returned it, though her's was much more hesitant, "…shut up."

All he responded with was to lean down and press his lips to hers, pushing her down into the sheets, and trapping her under him so that she could never get away; not that she would ever want to. Chrona gave a soft purr of affection, clinging to his shoulders and locking their mouths. The fear of loss was almost palpable between them, in their tight hold and soft noises of need and want. Their tongues met in a wet dance before he pushed inside her mouth, though he was much less forceful then he usually was, and he didn't need to be. She sucked and nibbled eagerly at the appendage, holding him all the tighter.

Ragnarok chuckled into their embrace, entertained with her rare eagerness and nibbled at her lip. His hands slid behind her, lifting her fragile form into the air and began untie the white bow that held her dress around her neck.

Chrona squirmed uncomfortably, whining through their kiss. He released her lips but before she could even utter her complaint he pulled away the ribbon and sank his teeth into her exposed neck. The girl let out a cry but arched slightly into the advance, fingers digging into his back.

But as he began to pull the dress down further she found her lost voice. "N-no!"

The much larger male growled into her skin, glaring up at her. "What? I'm being real freaken' gentle here, what the hell is wrong now?"

She gave a small whimper, holding the black and white fabric so she couldn't be exposed. "I… I… don't want…"

"You don't want me to see you naked, is that it?"

A deep crimson flooded her cheeks, almost making her sheepish nod unneeded.

"Well too bad," he tugged at the bottom of her dress, making her squirm and pull back harder, "I want to see you, so stop struggling."

"No!" she squeaked, louder than before, "I-I don't want you making fun of that!"

"Making fun of what damn it?"

"M-me… nude… I-I don't want you to make fun of the way I look."

The statement brought a serious, stern expression to his face, the stare he gave her made her cringe, but when he spoke his words took her by surprise.

"I know I'm a bastard but I meant it when I told you I loved you, alright… I know you're sensitive, stupid… I wouldn't pick at you at a time like this," another tug to her dress emphasized his point. "Besides, why would I make fun of something I want?"

After a few moments of hesitation she finally released her grip on the top of her dress and clenched her eyes shut, as if waiting to be hit. Ragnarok sighed, he knew beforehand that she was going to be difficult but this was going to take a while. Leaning down he nuzzled where her cheek met her ear, both trying to calm her down and enjoying how soft her skin was. Her body relaxed to the affection but still shivered as she felt his hand, the top of her dress in his fingers, trailing down her chest, the loose ribbon just barely grazing her skin... Lying there in her underwear she shivered at the sudden rush of cold. No matter what he told her she still cringed, waiting for his insults, or maybe just mocking laughter, but none came. She knew he was looking at her, she could feel his eyes on her body, but she didn't hear anything.

Finding the courage she opened her eyes and found his own just staring at her, color lingering in his cheeks and mouth slightly open, until he caught her gaze and quickly huffed and looked away. She could only blink dumbly.

"W-what is it?"

"Nothing, alright… I was just expecting… something like when you were little. When the hell did you grow up anyway?"

A smile tugged shyly at her lip, Ragnarok was almost cute when he was embarrassed, it completely distracted her from her own shyness. "I-I guess when you did?" With a hesitant hand she reached out and tugged on his shirt, giving him a whine of need and cold. He understood completely ignoring the buttons and simply tearing them out and throwing the fabric to the floor. As he stood over her on all fours she ran a hand over the white, X shaped scar that crossed over his heart, but didn't spare a thought for their past. It didn't matter. All that mattered was he was here now… with her. When he leaned down to embrace her, the new sensation of skin on skin made them both 

shudder and she wasn't cold any more.

"Ragnarok…" she murmured, unable to find any other words in her spinning thoughts, a small growl of responds sufficed for "shut up" from her companion. His mouth traveled down with a series nips down from her neck until he rested his face on the flat plane of her chest between the slight rises on either size. Looking up he met her eyes for a moment before she felt his large hands ran slowly up her thin waste and stomach, causing her to shiver, putting her head back in a shuddered moan. She could feel him smiling into his skin, despite the fact that he was always telling her to shut up he seemed to rather enjoy her noises. Her thoughts must have distracted her as she didn't realize what he was doing until she felt his mouth on the low rise of her breasts.

Ragnarok's grin only widened at the breathless gasp that escaped her mouth and the slight arch in her back. It seemed that she was far more sensitive to pleasure than abuse, and he was more than happy to explore how much more. Chrona made a high pitched squeak when his tongue met her pink nipples. He almost chuckled as he took it between his teeth, tugging at it. She squirmed with each movement he made, whining and moaning and digging her fingers into the back of his neck. All of it just made his hands want to explore further, trailing down her flat stomach. The affection made her give off a small shaking moan that sounded almost like a kitten's purr, he couldn't help but laugh.

"W-what's so funny?" she whined, shifting and squirming under him indignantly. This was not a time she wanted him laughing at her.

He made no attempt to halt his laughter but he did apologize. "Ah, I'm sorry, idiot. I didn't know you were so sensitive. You're making so much noise when you're usually so quiet; it's funny."

Though the explanation wasn't as bad as she expected, it still didn't change her pouting face. Ragnarok just smiled, rubbing his thumb low on her thigh, making her twitch and giggle. Tracing small circles on her stomach she relaxed, too distracted to be angry with him. Though her eyes were closed, concentrating on every movement he made, he was oddly fascinated with her reactions. It was odd, he was the one touching her but the way she was responding was making him the excited one, he'd never felt anything like that before. Every time his fingers ventured to where lower, tracing just above where her skin dipped into the line of her underwear, her breath hitched and her grip on his back tightened. When he finally hooked a finger on the last bit of fabric on her body he heard a small whine of objection and looked back up.

"W-what now?" he tried to sound angry but at the moment he was really too on edge and excited to be anything but worried.

Chrona fidgeted. She didn't look afraid, or hurt (he still had to try hard to not harm her, he was so much bigger and heavier). She just seemed nervous, unsure of something. "R… Ragnarok?... Do… you know what you're supposed to… do?"

He blinked blankly, "… Do what?"

"W-what we're doing right now." She looked back and forth between them and blushed. "O-or going to do… "
Scratching the side of his head he looked away, the last thing he wanted was for her to refuse him but to be honest…

"No… not really… I'm not even sure what this is… much less what I'm supposed to do."

The hesitance in his voice only added to the worry in her face. "W-what? B-but I thought… what have you been doing then?"

He responded with a shrug. "I don't know… whatever felt good?" He let off an annoyed growl when she shoved his arms but she was far too frustrated to care.

"Ragnarok! How could you do stuff like this without even knowing what you're doing!"
"Don't get mad at me! You know as little as I do and you wanted this too!"

"I-I…" crimson flooded her face and she looked away in shame, "I missed you… I would have done almost anything if it meant we could be close again…"

He had to admit, that was kind of cute. Any anger he felt before faded away, as it always did when she acted so loyal. Leaning down he pressed his lips to hers for a moment, savoring her taste before he pulled away. Her eyes looked questioningly into his own.


His smile was odd but reassuring, "Do you remember what I told you, when all this started?"

She found herself smiling at well at the memory, "That if I like us being close… I should just shut up and enjoy it?"

"And this is why I love you, my obedient little moron."

Chrona whined but he tickled her side again and turned the reaction into a broken giggle, which faded into a moan when he sank his teeth into her neck, nibbling and leaving small marks in her otherwise milk white skin. It all distracted her while his hand slipped further and further down her stomach but then he felt a hand fidgeting with the clasp on his pants. He looked down at his partner in slight shock that she would be so bold. At his gaze she cringed, face red with embarrassment and stopped cold. Chuckling to himself he unfastened the fabric she had been having trouble with, which made her nervousness all the worse. She seemed to be attempting to burn a hole through the headboard with her stare. He tried not to laugh again, it made her so fussy.

"It's not going to bite you, Chrona." He teased affectionately, tugging just as playfully on the edge of her panties. Though her nervous fidgeting made it take longer but eventually he got her underwear down her legs. Almost immediately she buried her face in his shoulder, crossing her legs back and forth and gave a loud nervous whine, searching for support perhaps. It would have been sweet but by doing this her body pressed up against his own and the feeling of her hot flesh against his sent a shudder down his spine. A low pounding in his lower half told him that things needed to speed up. Clutching her to him their contact made his eagerness known and she let out a soft moan as it pressed against her. They hovered together, breathing in the shared heat between their nude bodies. There was air of hesitance but also great need.

He could have just done what he wanted but she was so frightened, he stayed his urges. "Chrona, are you-"
A sudden tug around his neck was followed by the soft pressure of her lips on his, it was weird but the simple contact sent a spark down his spine. "I love you…" the words floated by his ears, barely audible... even in the quiet of the room.

That did it. Leaning down, he captured her mouth passionately, pressing her body down against the complaining mattress and shot his hand down her body, past the soft fuzz just between her legs and pushed his fingers inside her. Chrona broke the kiss, throwing her head back and letting out a cry. He buried his face in her neck, shuddering at the warm wetness that surrounded his digits as he tried to prepare her for what was coming. The squirming and calls she gave out fogged his head and he wasn't sure how long he was going to be able to hold out. After a moment or two he pulled out, even though they didn't know exactly what to do. Chrona's legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. They were both suppressed by such a reaction he had to hold back another chuckle at the rush of red that came to her face. Taking a deep breath he positioned himself over her smaller form, trying not to look nervous because she kept her own hesitant gaze on his own, looking for support.

With one movement he pushed himself inside her, immediately she cringed and gave a soft whine between broken pants. He attempted to slow down as he pushed further, giving her time to adjust but she still seemed uncomfortable.

"I-It hurts… Ragnarok…"

"J-just shut up for a second…" he commented, trying to get the situation under his thumb. Slowly pushing in and out he made his way further, trying to keep the hot feeling around such a sensitive organ from distracting him from the fact that this was for her enjoyment too. He took to nipping and kissing her neck, trying to distract her from the discomfort. She relaxed bit by bit, squeaking every once in a while when his teeth found a sensitive spot. The speed 

between them finally beginning to rise and as his thrusts grew deeper, her whimpers started to turn into soft moans while her grip around his neck tightened. He let out a low groan himself, even though he had been trying so hard to fight it.

"D-damn it…" he mumbled under his breath, Chrona still heard it.

"W-what?" she asked, an air of worry in her voice, wondering if she was perhaps hurting him now.

Growling, he pressed his face to where her neck met her shoulders. She could feel the heat radiating off his face and the wet pant in his breath pelting her skin. "Why… do you have to feel… so damn good…"

Before she could think of anything to respond he gave her a hard thrust, making her gasp and shudder in his arms. They continued as a rhythm began to develop, matching the hot, broken breaths. With her legs wrapped around his waist she began to push back with him, making him groan twice as loud as before and run his large hands up and down her. It left her a moaning, breathless mass. The bedsprings complained as the pace grew even more frantic, but it was drowned out by the animal like grunts that rose from the entanglement of sweaty limbs. The sensation was new and over stimulating for them both and they wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Somewhere in the insensible rush of everything, Chrona let out a loud cry of ecstasy as she was sent over the edge, tightening herself around her partner; who in turn, grunted and growled like a wolf before joining her over the top. The smaller body shuddered almost violently at the unfamiliar feeling of hot liquid flowing through her body.

The sudden moment of confusion and pleasure around the room seemed strangely silent. Only the hoarse, tired breaths they shared between them. Chrona's fingers loosened their grip on his sweat slicked back as he hovered a few inches above her face. They both locked gazes, looking for something in the other's hazy eyes until they embraced, kissing each other passionately, unable to do it long as their tired lungs demanded air, and eventually just clung to each other like stunned, frightened children who had finally found their guardian. It was a few minutes before they even found the strength to speak.

"I love you." He mumbled, his face resting on her chest, almost like a thankful pet.

She stroked his wet hair, smiling at his rare affection. The warmth of their bodies fighting off the cold of the rest of the world and the smell of their encounter still lingering in the air. "I love you, too…I love you so much…"

It was another good while before he finally rolled off her, tired of holding himself up so he wouldn't crush her, but still held onto her arm so she flipped with him, resting on his chest. She giggled, resting happily on his muscles while they slowly drifted back to reality.


He looked up at her curiously. "…Yes Chrona?"

She squirmed a little on top of him, as if unsure of what to say. "P… please don't leave me again…"

It was his turn to stroke the back of her neck, at which she leaned against his hand like a small animal given affection. "I promise."

That caught her attention, "… you've never promised me anything before."

"I've never had anything I cared about enough… now I have you."

Her little face became flooded with pink and she looked away with a shy laugh. "T-thank you…"

He chuckled, continuing his soft strokes, "My shy little rabbit… after all I can't leave you, that shinigami will come in and snatch you up."

She giggled, snuggling down into his chest and letting of a small sigh of relief. He could tell she was tired and reached down to pull the blanket to cover them up. Her ice blue eyes were shining up at him with more affection then they had ever had towards anyone and he felt rather proud of himself.

"Hey Chrona…"

"Hm?" she was already half asleep, that made him feel much more comfortable with saying what he wanted to, she probably wouldn't remember.

"Thanks… for putting up with all my crap so we could be like this."


"And Chrona?"

She made a soft mumble.

"If anyone asked, I forced you to do this, alright?"Something that sounded like a giggle floated up from her before he heard her breath steady out, signaling she was lost to the world of sleep. He was feeling rather tired himself as he cradled her small, fragile body in his arms. He rested his face in her still-moist hair and allowed himself to drift off as well. The room was soon only filled with their even breathing and entwined heart beats as the moon watched through the window with an even larger smile then usual.