Hi everyone! I'm sure you all know me from my previous stories and are all wondering why I'm starting a new story when I still haven't finished my story Imagine Me and You. Well the reason is I was was very disappointed with the way the show ended and felt that I had to give it a better ending here on Fanfiction. I know we all have our own opinions for how the show should have ended and what should happen to Jude...well here are my thoughts. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as you have my others. And thanks so much for giving it a chance!

In this story everything is as it was at the end of the show. It's just going to pick up on where Instant Star left off. Jude is on her own in London, leaving everyone she loves and everything she knows behind in Toronto. Is she going to be happy? Is she going to find success? How does she handle being without her support system, without her crutch? Find out how Jude handles the Life of a Rockstar.

Disclaimer: I don't own Instant Star...if I did it wouldn't have ended like that.


Feeling the car pulling to a slow stop, Jude feels her excitement bubbling up again inside the pit of her stomach. It had been almost six blocks before Jude waved one final time and blown a kiss goodbye before finally sitting down and closing the window. After that, the ride to the airport was more or less uneventful. Looking out the tinted window Jude sees the same mass of a cheering people that had been at her home. "I'm going to wait for airport security Big Lou." Jude says resting back against the seat again. "I think this crowd might be a little to much to handle, even for you." When she hears the deep rumble of laughter from her favorite bodyguard Jude smiles to herself. Sure enough a few minutes later there is a knock on her window and Jude sees there is now am open path made by airport security for her to get safely into the building.

"It looks like they're ready for you now." Big Lou says before climbing out of the car and opening her door for her. "Now you know the drill." He says leaning in close so Jude can hear him over the roar of the crowd.

"Yes I know. Stay behind you and close to your back. Honestly Lou, I don't think we have anything to worry about." Jude says smiling brightly before waving to her fans.

Not bothering to reply, Lou turns around and starts walking. His eyes never stopping their constant scan of the crowd, looking for any possible threat to Jude. Once inside the airport Lou lets himself relax again and turns to see Jude is still outside signing autographs. Grumbling to himself he goes back outside and stands with his arms crossed over his chest, giving Jude his best annoyed face.

Sensing more than seeing Lou's annoyance Jude signs one more quick picture before turning and making a quick dash for the airport doors. "I know, I know. I didn't follow protocol and I could've gotten hurt." Jude says before Lou has a chance to say anything. "But come on Lou!" Jude says turning to stare at him while walking through the airport towards her gate. "I'm leaving Toronto! This is my last chance to say goodbye to all of my fans. I had to stop for them." Jude says before turning back around and starts digging through her bag, looking for her ticket and passport.

"So your fans are important enough to stop and give a proper goodbye, but not Quincy." Lou says quietly, basically to himself, while Jude digs through her bag. As a body guard he makes it a point to never give his opinion on personal matters for the people he protects. But this is one time where he's almost be willing to break his own rules. But knowing when to bud in and when to stay out, Lou decides now is not he time for Jude to receive lectures on her choices. And if Quincy wasn't smart enough to realize he shouldn't let her go, at least not without a fight, than maybe Lou had been wrong about the guy after all. And Jude was better off going alone.

"What was that Lou?" Jude asks looking over her shoulder. When she sees him only shrug his shoulders, she just smiles before turning and continuing in her search for the disappearing passport. Reaching her gate Jude sighs and kneels down on the ground, starting to pull the contents of her bag out and setting them on the ground around her. It would be really bad if she missed her flight because she didn't have it with her.

Noticing the stress on Jude's face Lou bends down, "what are you missing?" he asks.

"My passport!" Jude says looking up at Lou. "I could've sworn I put it in here before I left the house, but now I'm not so sure."

Smiling Lou reaches in his pocket and pulls out Jude's passport. "Sadie told me you would forget this."

Her jaw dropping Jude quickly stuffs everything back into her carry on bag before standing and swiping the passport out of his big hand. "I would not have forgotten it!" And when Lou just stares at her she sighs. "Ok I probably would have, but still...I...Well...Alright, alright you're right, I would've forgotten it. Thank you Lou." Jude says smiling.

"No problem." Lou says shaking his head and smirking. Looking over her head he notices the line getting shorter. "Looks like you better get going. There almost done boarding for your flight."

Looking over her shoulder Jude notices he's right. "Well than...I guess this is goodbye." Jude says stepping towards him and giving him a hug. "Thank you...for everything Lou."

Just nodding his head Lou watches Jude pick up her bag and turn to get in line. Putting his hands in he pockets he feels the corner of the paper and sighs, after making a quick pro con list in his mind, he decides it couldn't hurt, it was meant for her after all. "Jude!" He calls, using her real name for the first time ever. Stepping forward he quickly pulls a little white envelope out of the same pocket that had held her passport. "Here. This is for you."

Surprised, Jude looks at the envelope and than back at Lou. "Oh Lou! You shouldn't have..." But he cuts her off with a shake of his head.

"It's not from me." He says simply.

"But, than..."

"They were with the flowers." Lou says quietly.

"The flowers?" Jude says confused. "What flowers?"

Sighing Lou looks away before quickly looking back at her. "The roses." He says. "You know, the ones from your last concert."

Before Jude or Lou can say anything else a feminine voice comes over the intercom. "Final boarding for flight 141 to London. Final boarding for flight 141."

"I-I have to go." Jude says looking over her shoulder, looking anywhere but at the envelope in her hand. She smiles at Lou before quickly shoving the envelope in her pocket. Turning she hands her boarding pass and passport to the attendant and turns to look back at Lou for one last time before taking back her paper work and disappearing through the gate.

Waiting another moment, Lou turns around to head back towards the car. Darius expected him to return to G-Major after dropping Jude off at the airport. Reaching the exit of the airport he notices a familiar car parked right behind his. Stepping through the doors he senses someone before he sees them.

"Did she really get on the plane?"

Turning around Lou sees Tom Quincy standing behind him. "Yea, I just left her." Lou says wondering if this was the same cocky SOB he used to watch out for back during the Boyz Attack days. Because he didn't see that Tom anymore. The Tom standing in front of him looked as is he could be blown over by a feather. "She's supposed to take off in about five minutes if you wanna try and catch her." Lou says, keeping a small smile to himself over the fact Tommy wasn't fool enough to let Jude go so easily.

With a very weary, sad sigh Tommy shakes his head before running a shaky hand through his hair. Looking over Lou's shoulder towards the inside of airport. "No...she wanted to do this alone." Looking back at Lou, Tommy's gaze still doesn't focus on the big man standing in front of him. "I just--I never thought she'd actually leave without saying goodbye." Turning back around Tommy doesn't even acknowledge Lou calling his name, he just climbs into his car and starts driving. Knowing that once he does stop driving he will have to face the fact that Jude left today, and he didn't know if he was ever going to be ready for that reality.


Boarding her flight, Jude tucks her bag under the seat in front of her, but not before pulling out her I-pod. She was an ok flyer as long as she could listen to music to keep her mind off of the fact she was in the air. Unraveling the earphones Jude starts to plug them in her ears when a flight attendant taps her on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry miss Harrison, but you won't be able to play that until we're in the air."

"Oh! Oh sure...no problem." Jude says smiling nicely while raveling her earphones back up. Putting her I-pod in her pocket Jude feels the envelope that Lou had given her just before she had passed through the gate. Pulling it out of her pocket she recognizes the handwriting right away as Tommy's. It was just her name, JUDE, but it was obvious that it was written by him. Feeling a jolt, Jude looks around and realizes that they are getting ready for take off and any moment now they will be rising in the air. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Jude opens the flap of the unsealed envelope and pulls out the small sheet of paper. Which only has writing on the one side. With shaky hands she flips the paper over and it takes her mind a second or so to register what Tommy had written.

I don't care if you're herding sheep

I don't care if you're waiting tables

You can even be the worlds biggest rockstar

Or simply the normal girl next door

I'll still love you

Jude continues to stare at the words on the card until they start to get blurry from the tears filling her eyes. Looking away and then back down at the card, almost hoping the words will have changed, Jude clears her throat and wipes at her eyes. She knew that leaving Tommy was going to be hardest thing she would have to do, and when it came time for her to say goodbye to him she just couldn't do it. So she had stuck with saying goodbye on stage and hoped that he would understand that she just couldn't face him any other way.

Putting the paper back in the envelope and leaning forward to set it safely in her bag. Looking out the window Jude is surprised to see they are in the air and now notices the seatbelt lights have been shut off. And all of this happened without her notice, when usually take off was the worst part of flying for her. Pulling out her I-pod Jude tries to block out all thoughts of doubt, but in the back of her mind a little voice is telling her that Tommy would've understood, if only she had explained. Shaking her head she turns the music up louder to drown out all other thoughts and rests her head back. It's going to be a long flight to London, she might as well start sleeping now.


Landing in London Jude fights back a yawn and turns to find a clock. When she had left Toronto it was almost 3:00 PM but with the five hour time difference and the 11 and a half hour flight it was nearly 8 AM and she had a meeting with the owner of her new record label at 8:30. Since all of her belonging we being shipped she had no reason to go to baggage claim and so swinging her carry on bag over her shoulder she starts walking and soon sees a man in a black suit holding up a sign that says Harrison on it. Walking forward Jude holds out her hand. "Hi I'm Jude Harrison. I'm assuming it's me you're looking for, right?" The man stares at her hand for a moment before he just nodding his head once and then reaches for Jude's bag. "Oh, no, no thank you. I can just hold on to my bag."

"As you wish Ms. Harrison. " Turning he starts walking away. "Just follow me this way." He calls over his shoulder, not even bothering to look back to see if she is following.

Hurrying after him, Jude finally meets up with him outside the airport where he is holding the door open for her to a black Lincoln town-car. "Oh, thank you." Jude says before quickly ducking into the backseat of the car. Turning to ask the man if they were heading to the studio, Jude quickly snaps her head back as he shuts the door in her face. Sighing she leans back in her seat and looks out the window. For some reason the excitement that she felt in the pit of her stomach while leaving Toronto is starting to feel more and more like anxiety and less like excitement. Feeling the car pull away from the curb, Jude looks back at the airport until it is out of view, trying not to acknowledge that the welcoming she got was not what she had pictured in her mind.

Rolling her shoulders she pulls out her cellphone and turns it on, and when the phone goes off announcing she has four missed calls Jude feels a little better. Calling into her voice mail and entering her password Jude waits for the first message.

"Hi Jude it's just Sadie. I know you're still in the air, but it's almost midnight our time and I just wanted to wish you luck, again, and hope your first day in the studio goes good. Call me when you can, just don't forget the time difference!" Smiling Jude erases the first message and makes a mental note to call her around noon, that way it'll be 7 there and she will be getting ready for work.

"Hey dude!" "Hi Jude." "You're on your way to London!" "She obviously knows that Spiedie..." "Karma just let me talk to my best dude Jude, ok?" "Huh! Fine! Good luck Jude." "So hey dude! Good luck over there! Be sure to call often. Don't forget about the best band ever!" Yea Jude we'll miss you!" "Wally you are such a suck up. Jude good luck!" "Dudes! Sorry about that Jude. Wally and Kyle wanted to say bye too. Well I'm getting the glares from the Karma and the guys so I'm going to go. Love you dude!" Unable to control the laughter, holds on to her stomach. She was really going to miss those three boys and wondered if they were ever going to truly grow up. And as for Karma, she wasn't as bad as she first started out to be.

After having missed the beginning of the first message Jude starts it over and hears Jamie's voice filling her ear. "Hey Jude. Right now you're probably flying over the Atlantic Ocean. I hope your flight goes well, I know how you feel about flying, and hopefully your first day in the studio goes better than your first day at G-Major. Make sure to show all those people in London how great Jude Harrison truly is. An don't forgot to mention your best bud Jamie and his amazing record label Nana's Basement Records in as many interviews as you can over there, ok? Ha! Just kidding! Good luck Jude, even though I know you're not going to need it." Deleting Jamie's message Jude just shakes her head. Amazed that even though so much has changed since they had become friends, that so much still seems to have stayed the same.

The last message surprised Jude and she had to play it twice, just for assurance she heard right. "Ah Jude? This is your father here. I just got off the phone with Sadie and apparently you're on your way to London? London, Jude! I know you're 18 and I can't tell you what to do, but wouldn't a simple phone call saying 'Hey dad, guess what!' Is that too much to ask for? I'm only kidding sweetheart. Congratulations, I am so proud of you. Call me with all the details as soon as you can. Love you honey."

Exiting out of her voice mail Jude doesn't know if she should be surprised Tommy didn't leave a message. Than going through her missed calls she notices he didn't even try calling either. Closing her phone and shoving it into her pocket Jude looks out her window, but doesn't actually see what's out there. Instead she keeps replaying in her mind the last time she had seen Tommy and wonders, even though she tries to block the thought out of her mind, if that would be the last time she saw Tommy. Noticing they were no longer moving, Jude looks out the window and sees they are parked in front of a building. "Ah...Is this it?" Jude asks and is surprised when her door opens as she was reaching for the handle. Looking up she sees the sign on the doors. Beurmaunt Records. Climbing out of the town car Jude smiles at the driver.

"If you'll follow me, they're are waiting for you." The man says.

Following closely behind him, Jude silently wonders what his name was and if she would get to know him any better. She stops abruptly almost running into a group of people that the driver had stopped to stand by. Looking around she feels her face breaking into a smile when she finally sees a familiar face. "Nicolette! Hi." Jude says taking a step closer to the only person she kind of knows.

"Oh Jude, dear." Nicolette says smiling. "How was your flight? I hope everything went well." Not even waiting for an answer Nicolette turns to the rest of the group and starts to make introductions. "Jude this is Henry Crick, he is the other A and R rep for the label. This is Rebecca Mouns, the head of our PR department and her assistant John Westridge. And I believe you have already met Richard Stutten." Nicolette says pointing to Jude's driver. "He wasn't originally supposed to meet you at the airport, but our normal driver fell sick."

"Oh yes." Jude says, pretending to know who Richard is. "Thank you Mr. Stutten for meeting me at the airport and for the ride. I hope we can keep in touch while I'm here." Oblivious to the slight smirk on everyones faces Jude turns her attention back to Nicolette. "I hope I'm not late."

"Oh no, just on time actually. Today we just wanted to get you introduced to the building and to the people. And hopefully maybe get you in the studio with your producer, you know, get the creative flow going."

Smiling Jude simply nods her head. That was exactly what she wanted to do. She couldn't wait to meet her producer. "Well I'm ready whenever you are." She says rubbing her hands together.

"Great." Nicolette says. "Than Richard, I'm going to let you show Jude around the studio. Make sure she feels comfortable and please don't forget that when Paul gets in today he would like a meeting with you and Jude."

"You can expect him around 2." Rebecca says before continuing her discussion with John.

"I'll remember Nicolette." Richard says smiling before turning to Jude. "If you'll follow me this way, I'll show you to the studio we'll be working in."

Confused, Jude looks back at Nicolette, but notices she's already back in discussion with Rebecca and John. Turning she notices that Richard hasn't waited for her to follow and she once again hurries after him and catches him just as he enters another room she notices right away to be a recording studio. "First of all will you please stop doing that, at least wait for me to follow you before you start walking off. And second of all what's with the silent treatment, why does Nicolette think I should know you? And finally...What do you mean the studio we'll be working in?" Jude asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, isn't it obvious Jude? I'm your new producer." After a long moment of silence Richard rolls his eyes. "That's right. I keep forgetting. You're the American artist that almost failed out of high school. You're going to be a bit slow on most matters." He says so matter-of-fact.

Shocked into silence, Jude feels her arms fall to her sides and can only stare at the man standing in front of her. Taking a deep breath she can't help but wonder what exactly she had gotten herself into.

I hope you all like it so far! The next chapter isn't going to pick up right where this one leads off. It's going to be a few months into the future, after Jude has settled in London more. Thanks for reading and I can't wait to here your opinions.