Xellos: My Filia
by Lady Cailin

I smile my eternal smile, watching the little group of adventurers from my position against the tall tree we are camped under for the night. The flickering lights of the small fire barely touch me in this little corner of mine, and only an outlined figure and a flash of smile are discernible from the night surrounding us. It only takes a glance or two in my direction for the others to decide to ignore me. It's always disturbing to see the shadows stand out from the night, and they don't value the site of my dark form hidden here. It reminds them of danger, the threat I pose and the one behind us. No one likes to be reminded of things like that on nights like these, so they shut out my presence and don't look to my little corner again.

Isn't it amazing what a little thing like good positioning can do?

Lina finally sits back with a sigh after polishing off nearly half of the food supplies with Gourry's help. We'll be arriving at a town tomorrow to restock, but Lina is sure to make everyone's morning offal when they run out of food in the middle of breakfast.

I'm looking forward to it.

Lina, dear Miss Lina Inverse. Power practically radiates off of her, especially since that incident with Lord Hellmaster and the Lord of Nightmares. I don't think she realizes it, but that golden energy still hovers around her aura. It's so thick I can almost taste the chaotic power. And she wonders why we mazuko like her so much.

I did believe I was in love with her, once. It's not unknown for the more powerful mazuko to feel something that might be called love. I'm sure humans wouldn't see it as such, but in our spectrum of feelings it's actually a quite tender emotion. It wasn't to be however. I'm afraid dear little Lina is meant for greater things than I, so the master decrees. Ah well, I'm not that disappointed, I wasn't in love with her, just her power. Her power and her anger, I'd never tasted anything so wonderfully delicious as Lina Inverse's anger.

Until I met Filia-san that is.

I step into the circle of light cast by the fire and sit down next to my dragon maiden, and feel her agitation beginning to radiate almost immediately. She doesn't show her anger just yet, but continues sipping her tea in a calm manor as if she hasn't even noticed my lowly presence.

I wonder if I could get her to break the cup. . .

There really is nothing in this world like Filia-san's anger, especially when it's directed to me. Pure, unadulterated rage at a moments notice. It's like a banquet of the best dragon cuisine served every day. It is desert that has become my favorite part though. I've grown fond of that mace of hers. I can actually say I get chills of excitement every time she reaches for it.

I think I could get her to break the cup.

She really is an intriguing creature, my Filia-san. When I first saw the little dragon bossing around Lina Inverse and crew with that yellow tail twitching I was. . .highly amused is the least I can say. Then she smashed Zelgadis-san with her mace and I could have kissed her.

I almost did.

Then I decided it wouldn't be the best way to introduce myself. Of course, the introduction didn't go. . .exactly as I'd planned. If fact I don't remember the last time I was so agitated by someone as I was by Filia. Naturally I have since recovered and am in perfect control again.

Filia has not been so blessed in control of her own emotions. Even sensing my presence for long enough can throw her into a fit of rage. I know, I've tried. Lately though, she's begun to mellow. Its taken her longer to work into a fight, a higher degree of rage to break through the 'dragon maiden' matra she sings to herself while I taunt her.

She's getting used to me. I'm not sure if I like that. It was in my best interests to allow Lina and her little crew to become comfortable enough with me that they could forget my presence at times. To allow Filia to do so. .somehow grates at my nerves. She may pretend to ignore me, but even now her senses have become attuned to me and she's barely following that campfire conversation any longer. The idea of allowing her to forget my presence with the ease of the others does not sit well.

After all, she's my Filia-san.

I could definitely get her to break the cup.