Razzle Dazzle

Razzle Dazzle

She was bold, colorful, flamboyant, and above all, exciting.

Exciting, as in the situation that she would readily go diving in the middle of the ocean instead of a free trip (and pay) to stores like Vera Wang. Exciting, that she was unpredictable as secretly planted bombs ready to blow up anything in a 10-metre radius.

And that's what he liked about her.

Sasuke had met her at a casino on the notorious Las Vegas Strip. She was an odd one; instead of trying her luck to gain (and spend) money, she was taking her strange luck at gambling and, confident in her abilities, she steadily won, with minor, almost untraceable losses.

She was Lady Luck.

And Lady Luck liked him too. Sasuke was on a quick vacation with his girlfriend Sakura, who was too busy, in Harry Potter's terms, snogging with other men, namely high rollers. And this vacation, he reasoned, was far from quick. A few weeks long? That was quick? Well, moving on. Sasuke had spotted her amidst the large crowd, her silver brown hair twisted around and clipped up conveniently on her head with a plastic-jeweled claw clip, the ones he had seen in the commoners' stores.

Like a dragon.

Clad in color, her dress sparkled with hues of fire red and pheasant gold, a Chinese style dress ending in a slim fit on mid-thigh. She held a plastic cup with tokens in her hand, while the other twirled a lock of her hair absent-mindedly.

Then, she approached him.


"Excuse me, sir, but have you seen a man with a pineapple-like hair around here?" She asks curiously, her chocolate pupils swallowing him in.

"No. Maybe he's somewhere behind the slots." He replies quickly, snapped out of his stupor. He jerks his head in a certain direction, and she smiles.

"Oi! Where were you?" They spot the said pineapple man, and she grins.

"You were right. Bye,um…" She begins, but is at a loss for what his name is.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Pleased to meet you. Now tell me your name." He smirks, and she laughs pleasantly, something he was not used to.

"Tenten, just Tenten. Glad to meet you too." She replies airily, her words coming out on the trail of oxygen.

"Well, bye Tenten." He says confidently, smirking once again. She duplicates his actions, and walks away.

"Wait!" He calls out to her. "That your boyfriend?" He asks curiously, if not pushy.

"Eww, no way! That's my brother!" She declares, and sticks out her tongue at him childishly.


He was calm, collected, confident, rich, and dashing.

Dashing, to describe him, would be dashing as in well-tailored, well-bred, and the fact that women (and men) pursued him like ants to sweets. Dashing, that his collectedness was covering his intelligence and willpower, his confidence, something she found less and less in men these days.

And that's what attracted her to him.

Tenten had met him in a grand casino smack-dab in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip, surrounded by women fawning over him. She opted for more humble-looking men when asking for directions, as arrogant fools (bastards, they were) tended to give her the wrong directions, but in places like this, people like that were nonexistent. Besides, he looked polite. Maybe even more than polite.

He was High-and-Almighty.

And apparently, she had caught his attention as well. Dressed in navy blue silks, him and his suit looked like they came together as a package. Pristine and rich, intelligent and aware.

Damn, he was a like an imported white tiger.

Eyes scanning, fingers clutching the stem of the wine glass gracefully, but still aware and ready for anything. This was her type of man, not that she'd admit it, lest she face the wrath of rabid fan-girls and (she shuddered) his girlfriend. But still, she needed to find the exit, and her brother.

So she approached him cautiously.


Sasuke smirks, disregarding his annoying girlfriend clinging to his arm, when a hickey is visible on her neck, definitely not his mark.

Tenten was so his by the time this vacation was over.


Tenten follows her brother to the exit, ignoring the wolfish stares from the pampered men in the casino behind her. She spots her boyfriend, Neji, coming from a hotel room area that is not theirs. She smirks.

Sasuke had better watch out, because she wasn't giving up.


Author's Note: Yes, yes. A new story. Sheesh, I know I should finish my other ones, but this one had to get out of my head.