Disclaimer: I own only this story.


It was the strangest moment in his entire life. His pet was so gentle to him all week. Maybe it was silly, but still, Iason was starting to worry for Riki.

"I love you." he said to the blonde.

All of a sudden.

Riki was playing with his golden locks in the darkness of Iason's room.

Iason just blinked, not able to say a single word.

Maybe that was some of Riki's lies.

Some kind of a plan…To get more privileges and finally manage to run away.

No reason to do so, though, because Iason was ready to set him free.

And it was hurting inside like hell.

He started regretting he developed feelings for this gorgeous mongrel.

Deep inside he wanted to believe Riki really loved him.

He wanted to hear it again and again, and again…just to enjoy the illusion Riki was making.

Riki started to kiss his long neck, inhaling beautiful smells of the Blondie next to him.

"Riki…" Iason whispered softly, "Don't…" he shoved the boy gently.

Riki was looking at him in confusion.

Iason was so quiet, so melancholic…so unlike himself.


"I'll set you free. For one year. Under condition you come back after the year expires."

Riki blinked a few times, processing Iason's words in his brain.

"I don't believe you."

"You're free to go tomorrow." Iason said and turned aside, trying to fall asleep. To erase the pain, if possible.

"Oh, Iason…" Riki hugged him tightly from behind.

"Stop pretending to be gentle. I know you hate me."

"You're talking to me like we're equal."

"From tomorrow, we'll be. Now go to sleep."

Iason closed his eyes once more, leaving Riki to blink endlessly in disbelief.

But Riki knew better.

"You don't believe me, do you, Iason?" instead to be stunned, he was angry.

"Riki…Go to sleep."

"No! I told you my feelings…and you said nothing!"

"Because there's nothing to be said."

"Iason…I miss my gang…and thank you for setting me free…but what I said, I meant."

Iason turned to face him. The Blondie that was once strong, now was in endless agony. His eyes were wet and Riki recognized in the darkness Iason was crying.

He wiped the tears from his face, caressing it lovingly.

"I love your torments. I love everything about you…" Riki whispered. "And it's for real…"


"Yes!" Riki removed strands of hair from Iason's eyes. "After all these years, I've learned to understand you."

"Liar." Iason shoved his hand.


"Riki…please stop saying lies…"

"Do you love me, Iason?"

At this, the Blondie closed his eyes.

"I…I do…"he barely whispered.

"Then I'll be more than happy to come back after a year…"

"Don't lie to me anymore…" his voice was trembling.

"Let me love you tonight…and you decide later will you believe me or not." said Riki, dead serious, as he crushed their lips together in a fierce kiss.

"I just love you so much…" said Iason, ravishing Riki's neck.

"Iason…My Iason…" was all Riki could say before they started to make love for the last time.
