Won't You Say 'I Love You'?
by Pink Rabid Monkey

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the Harry Potter series (oh, why must you remind
me?!)! All Harry Potter characters, places, etc. belong to the wonderful Ms. Rowling! But,
the plot (what little plot there is) belongs to me. So don't take that ^_^

A/N: this is slash, involving two GIRLS! This is the second part of 'Won't You Say 'I love
You'?' with Ginny's point of view. Reminder; don't read if you don't like slash. (Flames
will be used to toast marshmallows ^_^)


Part Two

I bite my lip and try and stifle another sob. I hate these nights where I cry myself to sleep.
I wish I knew a silencing charm, that way my dorm-mates wouldn't know, not that they
would care about me.

That's just the depression talking. I know the other girls in my year would be concerned if
they knew. I'm just upset. I just want to get over *her*.

I couldn't believe it when I realized it. I, Virginia Weasley, liked another girl. It took a
while for the horror to wash away before I figured that perhaps I wasn't sick, that it was
okay. (A few comforting talks with Hagrid helped too. Who knew that he could offer such
good advice?) But I know that she'll never love me. She's to perfect.

Hermione Granger, top of her class, smartest witch in her grade, and one of Harry Potter's
best friends. Untouchable to me. Hermione would never love me, she's probably in love
with Ron for all I know. Or maybe Harry.

I forgot about him. Seems pretty hard, doesn't it? Forgetting about The-Boy-Who-Lived?
Well, after the famed Harry Potter spends a couple of summers at your house you get used
to him. You realize he isn't perfect. In fact he's far from it. You also learn little
unattractive things about him. Such as he snores terribly and sometimes forgets to cover
his nose when he sneezes. Maybe I'm nit-picking but I can't help it, he's practically like
another brother now. I never liked him in the way I like Hermione. It was more of
adoration for the one who stopped You-Know-Who as a baby and a boy. Who can't be
slightly impressed-until you get to know him.

Hermione is perfect, at least to me. She's so smart and strong. Not like me. I could never
pull the grades Hermione gets. She's brilliant, I love that about her. She does what she
thinks is right, it makes her even more special. I wish I could stand up for what I believe
in. I wish I could stand up and tell her that I love her. That I want her.

I never will. Too shy, too timid. Even after all the times she's slept at my house, in my
room nonetheless, even after all our friendly chats, even though we're friends, I can't tell
her. I don't want to risk it. I can't take the chance that she'll be disgusted, that she'll laugh
in my face, think I'm a vile idiot. I wish she'd make the first move. I wish I knew if she
did like me.

Hermione, all I want....is for you to say, 'I love you'.

A/N: ah yes it was cheesy fluff. I can just see the flames lol. but in reality its just building
up! the sequel to this (even if you don't want it) is another Hr/G slashy piece, filled
with-er, let's just say it's rating will be much higher than PG! Heh, ^_^ And it will be
longer. These two were just to set things up. Thanks for reading! Please review!