Orion Alphard Black
Orion Alphard Black was not your average eleven year old boy, and the morning of September 1st was not your average day. Orion was not your average boy in the main fact that he was a wizard. This seemed perfectly normal to him as both his parents and grandmum were all magical. His little brother was also a wizard. This was all very normal to the eleven year old, soon to be twelve, who had always known of the wizarding world. Today however he was literally bouncing off the walls. Orion was a hyper boy, something his mother Ciel was prone to yell at him for in her French accent. To say Orion had only been hyper for a while was an understatement, for he had been hyper for no less than a month. In fact ever since receiving his Hogwarts letter he had been acting as if he was hyped up Honeydukes sweets- which his mother rarely let him have. He had been asking questions about the place nonstop, and unfortunately for him all he had learned of it was from his grandmum. Both of his parents had gone to Bauxabons where they had met. Orion's grandmum hadn't been keen on sending her son to Hogwarts so soon after the first of the wars, and leaving her bad memories in England, had moved to France for Orion's father's childhood. Orions Father, Jim had come back to the United Kingdom with his wife shortly after the second war bringing his mother with them. Orion had been born shortly after the war ended. Jim now had a job in the Ministry of Magic Department of Games and Sports while Ciel was a housewife. That is why for the past three weeks Orion had done nothing but bug his grandmother relentlessly. What is it like? Why are there only four houses? Which one is the best? How do you find out which house you're in? What if you don't like your roommates? What classes do you take? Orion's poor grandmother had sat patiently through the questions, and had even taken him to Diagon Alley herself to get his school supplies. As all grandmothers do, she spoiled him horribly not only getting him a big black horned owl but also letting him go into Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. This was her first mistake. Really, she should have known better. She should have realized what his name was. She should have realized what this seemingly innocent incident would lead to; and perhaps she did. But in any case, she took the boy into the store only to change his life forever.
Murphy Bryan Finnigan
Murphy Bryan Finnigan had gotten his Hogwarts letter on his birthday, July 30th. It had arrived at the average sized Irish household at nine a.m. as the family was breakfasting. Murphy's father Semus worked for the Irish Ministry of Magic in dealing with international affairs, particularly with England. Murphy's mother, Iris Finnigan, was a muggle who had met her husband when he was working in the department of Muggle Affairs right out of school. She was somewhat comfortable with magic in her household, but she didn't understand it. She usually shrugged it off or smiled at it's strangeness. Today Murphy was nervous. His father had awakened him early this morning for his first day of school. He had eaten his breakfast quietly. He was now getting ready to floo to Diagon Alley. He hated flooing. He lived in Ireland so he had to floo to get to England to London to get to King's Cross for the Hogwarts Express. It was going to be a long ride, but his father had gotten him a little start of school gift. A book on his favorite quidditch team, the Kenmare Kestrels. Murphy and his dad arrived at the Hogwarts Express, Platform Nine and ¾ at ten o'clock. This was because Murphy's father had to be at his job back in Ireland in a half hour. His dad helped him load his things on the train and with a quick goodbye left the short, strawberry blond haired, blue eyed eleven year old alone on the train.
Ted Remus Lupin
The day of September first was a day for Teddy Lupin too. His letter had arrived on time at 9 am on July 31. His had also contained a warning from Professor Longbottom, a family friend, not to change his appearance or look too drastic for the first few days of school. And that would be why Ted Remus Lupin had the biggest scowl on his face since Voldemort's and his hair was a shaggy light brown offsetting his blue eyes. He looked just like his father today, and if he followed his grandmother's orders he would look like that for the rest of semester. That was not the only reason Teddy was frowning into his disgusting bowl of cereal. His grandmother was also forcing him to wear the most uncomfortable muggle clothes and walk all the way to King's cross from their house. This is why he was up and ready for school at nine a.m. His only consolation was the banned items in his trunk that his grandmother didn't know about.
Hearing a knocking at the window he looked up to see James' new snowy white owl Mercury with a letter. James was his best friend and the two had been writing notes back and forth all morning as both were too excited to sleep. He grabbed the letter from James as his Grandmother called him from the hall. Scribbling a response about how they were leaving and that he would see James at King's cross, the twelve year old sent the letter off and went to join his grandmother who had shrunk his trunk and put it in her purse and was impatiently tapping her foot ready to walk out the door. He sighed as she grabbed his hand and they headed off to King's cross together.
Although Teddy was twelve he was indeed entering into his first year at Hogwarts. When Teddy had been old enough to go to Hogwarts without James, he had asked his grandmother to see if he could wait a year. His grandmother, ready to latch onto her grandson for another year had jumped at the prospect. Teddy would be the oldest in his grade, but that would mean very little in the long run. As they walked to King's cross, his Grandmother chatted about Hogwarts and was sure to talk about Ravenclaw. Teddy rolled his eyes. No son of Remus Lupin, famed gryffindor was going to be a prissy smart Ravenclaw. Nope, Gryffindor was where he would be.
James Sirius Potter
James Sirius Potter rushed into his parents room at six thirty a.m. "WAKE UP!" His mother Ginny Potter groaned loudly and turned over. His father Harry knew that his wife had been up all night taking care of the last minute preparations for her son's first year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry got out of bed and pulled on a fluffy scarlet bathrobe and put on his glasses to look at his son. His son was practically bouncing off the walls as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet to keep moving. James had the same untidy black hair and looked just like his father except he had a mix of mother's bright brown eyes and his father's green ones, making his eyes a mysterious hazel color.
This morning Harry remembered how he had felt his first day at Hogwarts. Harry walked down the many stairs of number 12 Grimwald Place with James bouncing along behind him. When they reached the kitchen Harry wasn't surprised to see Kreacher up and about. The house elf had already cooked a large pile of pancakes.
"Thank you Kreacher. Today is a big day for James and I'm sure he appreciates such a delicious breakfast." James nodded with his mouth full and Harry smiled at the elf who then went to his cupboard to leave the father and son to eat.
"So how do you feel?" asked Harry.
"I'm excited. Teddy and I have been sending owls back and forth all morning. We both agreed we want to be in Gryffindor. Teddy says his mum was in Ravenclaw but since his dad was in Gryffindor and you were in Gryffindor and I want to be there, he wants to be there too. We also decided that we were going to…." James trailed off and looked at his father darkly.
"What were you going to do?" asked Harry wondering what James had decided against telling him. His son was a bit of a prankster taking after his uncles Fred and George and his namesakes.
"Well we were going to er, stop by and see Neville, I mean er.. Professor Longbottom. He's head of Gryffindor House you know. So I think maybe he could help us get in and all," said James not looking Harry in the eye. "Anyways, umm yeah I think I'm going to go make sure I have everything one last time." James bounced out of his chair and practically ran from the kitchen. Harry smiled knowing that Ginny had spent half the night making sure that James would have everything and wondering what his son was avoiding. Looking at the clock he realized that it was nearly eight thirty. They were going to have to leave for King's Cross Station at ten thirty to be on time. That gave them about two hours. Getting Albus and Lily ready would take that long. James would be in the car in a heartbeat if he thought it would get him to Hogwarts faster. Harry went upstairs to wake up Ginny. On his way he looked in James' room and noticed him detaching a letter from the leg of a large snowy owl. Shaking his head he went on to wake up Ginny.
James noticed his dad walk past his door and then quickly read the contents of the letter.
Hope you get this before you leave. I'm leaving with gran shortly. She is making us walk all the way from our house to King's Cross Station! She says she doesn't trust the Muggle transportation and since we can't use magic to get there… Ahh well, see you there. Ohh and don't worry I got the items. No problem, gran won't miss them for weeks if ever. See you at the Station! Teddy
James grinned and put Mercury in his cage with an owl treat and locked it securely. He took it downstairs to join his trunk that was already waiting by the door. He looked up as Lily bounded down the stairs. She was tall for seven and grinned at James.
"Pancakes!" she said excitedly. As if he had heard his sister's exclamation Al came running down the stairs pushing her down the last few steps on his way to the kitchen.
"HEY!" wailed Lily as she fell. "MOM! OWW! ALBUS PUSHED ME!"
Lily's cries mingled almost immediately with the shouts of Mrs. Black's Painting. Mudbloods, filthy Halfbloods, you dare desecrate the ancient and noble house of Black! Harry was immediately down the stairs stunning the painting.
"Albus Severus, apologize to your sister. Lily, you're fine, here let me help you get up. See, no reason to cry. Come on, Kreacher made pancakes, your favorite. James, why don't you put your trunk and Mercury in the car?" Al looked abashed as he apologized to his sister and then followed them into the kitchen. James opened the front door and pulled his trunk out the door and went toward the car. He had to work hard to lift the heavy trunk off the ground into the back, but finally he somehow managed it. He went back inside to find his mother flitting around the kitchen. Lily was still in her nightdress, but Al had put on a pair of blue jeans and a green and white striped shirt. James was also wearing blue jeans, but his shirt was red. He hoped in support of his future house.
"You look like a Slytherin supporter! Haha! I bet you're sorted into Slytherin when you finally go to Hogwarts!" he taunted.
"Mum said this shirt matched my eyes!" exclaimed Albus. "Mum! I want another shirt! I won't wear it. I won't be in Slytherin! I won't! I won't!"
"Albus, you have two years before you go to school and besides, that shirt is very nice on you. James! Be nice. Lily! Change!"
Miraculously, the Potters left their house at exactly ten thirty. As they got into the car, Harry looked over at Ginny and smiled. "Strange being on time for the Hogwarts express for once." They laughed and the kids looked at them strangely.
When they got to the station, James bounded out of the car and looked around already hoping to spot his friend. Disappointed, he went to the back of the car and his dad got his trunk.
"Hagrid wants you to stop by for tea at the end of the week. He said to send Mercury with a time. Neville will want to have tea sometime also. Don't forget to go to either of them for anything," said his Dad.
"I know. Teddy and I are looking forward to it," answered James impatiently dragging his trunk into the station.
"James, honey, we'll write lots, that's what the owl was for. Don't worry, you'll be fine without us," said his Mum as they neared the platform. "Right through the barrier here. Take it at a run with him, Harry. I'll take Lily and Albus."
James and Harry took off at a run and to James surprise instead of hitting the barrier they emerged on the other side on a smoky platform. James looked around in awe. There were wizards and witches everywhere saying goodbye to their children. Suddenly he felt his mother's arms around him. She was tearing up. "Oh MUM!" he said rolling his eyes.
"Be safe James, don't get into too much trouble with Teddy. Ohh where is Teddy? We'll see you at Christmas. Don't forget to write, goodness where did I put my handkerchief. Ohh, and give our love to Neville. And don't tell him that the … the… oo that whatever plant he sent your dad for his birthday died. I love you baby, hug your brother and sister quick before you get on the train. Ohh, one more!" Ginny had tears coming down her face. Her first son off to Hogwarts, he was so young, too young. He had been born a mere ten months after the war, while she and Harry had been married only a week after the war. She was practically turning into her mother. How pathetic. She immediately stopped blubbering and turned to see Dromeda Tonks standing there quite red faced with her grandson Teddy Lupin in tow.
"Bye Mum! Bye Dad, Lily, Al!" rushed James hugging them all in turn before grabbing Teddy and dragging him onto the train with him before anymore embarrassing spectacles could take place.
"Thought we would never get away!" exclaimed James dragging his trunk along behind him. The two began looking for a compartment but most seemed to have multiple occupants. As they walked they saw another boy doing the same.
"Oi! Are you a first year?" asked James.
"Yes," answered the boy turning around. The boy was tall for their age with shaggy black hair and pale grey eyes.
"I'm James Potter and this is my friend Teddy Lupin," replied James. "Do you want to find a compartment with us?"
"The name's Black, Orion Black. And why not." Answered the boy smiling mischievously as he introduced himself James Bond style.
Finally near the end of the train the three boys found a compartment.. Teddy and James followed Orion inside and found him with a small dark haired girl and another dark haired boy with chapped lips. The girl had long dark brown hair and had her nose stuck in a book. She looked up gave them a passing glance and continued her perusal of Transfiguration Level One. The boys then hefted up their trunks and took a seat.
Almost immediately the train let out a shrill whistle and began moving. Looking out the window, James searched for his family, but they were lost in the crowd standing on Platform 9 ¾. He waved anyways and then turned to Teddy.
"So when are we going to do it?" asked Teddy quietly bowing his head closer to James'. He shot a glance at the girl as she turned a page in her book.
"After the food cart comes by," answered James surreptitiously looking at the girl again. Her companion was negligible and the boys were already ignoring him, but the girl had a spark. "And for now lets find out if we can trust her."
"So," he said rather loudly addressing the dark brown haired girl. She startled, looking up at him with wide emerald green eyes knocking the book off her lap. Teddy bent to retrieve it and James took the initiative to introduce himself. "I'm James Potter, and this is my best pal Teddy Lupin and this is Orion Black. We're all first years, how about you?"
The girl cleared her throat nervously and answered in a soft slow voice. "My name is Elaine. I'm a first year too."
"Were you raised a witch? Or did you come from a Muggle family, 'cause it's fine if you do. Just wondering because your clothes are pretty normal and all," said James looking over at Teddy who had been dressed in orange wind pants and a blue raincoat by his gran. This girl was wearing blue jeans and a sapphire blue tank top. She was wearing a heart shaped locket with a blue stone too.
"I was raised by my mother. We didn't really know anything about the Wizarding world before now, but my mum thinks my dad must have been one. They had a spur of the moment marriage before he disappeared. I was born after he disappeared, so all I have of him is my last name and the name he left my mom to name me." She was cut off by the lady with the sweets cart.
"Anything off the cart?" she asked sweetly. The children gathered around the cart excitedly picking out what they wanted. James and Teddy got a pile of chocolate frogs and some cauldron cakes to share. Elaine who turned out to be very tiny when standing compared to the stronger and taller boys, only got some Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans and a pack of cauldron cakes. The small boy she was sitting with didn't get anything or speak to the other children besides Elaine in a whisper that James couldn't hear. "Plan!" interjected Teddy. "We've got to go! Want to come Orion? We'll be back soon!"
The boys ran out of the compartment and then hurried back in and grabbed a small bag from Teddy's trunk before hurrying out again. They headed down to the back of the train and sat in the farthest corner from view that they could. Getting the things out of the bag James took out a piece of parchment from his pocket.
"What are we doing?" asked Orion.
"Hmmm, Uncle George's handwriting is a little difficult to read. But it says that you just put them all next to each other in a circle and say CONJUCTO" Taking his brand new twelve inch mahogany wood with a phoenix feather core, James pointed it and said the spell. Yellow light shot out the end of the wand and the objects seemed transformed into one large egg-like object.
"Cool! It worked!" said Teddy.
"Of course it worked," said James smugly who was also a little surprised that the spell had worked. He hadn't even been sure that his uncle George wasn't lying when he told him this spell.
The two boys then hurried back to their compartment with the egg deep in James pocket. They looked at Elaine who had fallen asleep reading her transfiguration book. Her head was tipped to one side and resting against the widow. They quickly pulled their black Hogwarts robes out of their trunks and over their heads. Taking the egg out and hiding it in the folds of his robe, James took out his wand and led the way out of the compartment. Finally they got to the front of the train where the prefects compartment was located.
"Look at the cute, wee little first years!" exclaimed a darkly beautiful older girl. She motioned excitedly at James and Teddy. "Both of you in Slytherin I'd say?"
"No way! We're going to be in Gryffindor. Slytherin's a nasty place!" exclaimed James without thinking.
"Ha! Listen to them Gretch! Well here's what Bella LaStrange has to say about that," said the girl raising her wand. James immediately ducked pulling Teddy and Orion with him into the next compartment. Inside were a bunch of older Gryffindors. The girls among them immediately began cooing over the "cute little first years." Soon Teddy, Orion, and James stepped outside knowing the coast would be clear. They then snuck a little quieter down the corridor until they reached what was obviously the Slytherin compartment. Taking the egg they set it next to the door gently. Teddy looked around and then tapped it three times with his wand. The boys set off at a run down the hall and didn't stop until they reached their compartment. They slowed to a walk and entered the compartment loudly. Elaine was awake and had changed into her robes.
"Hello again. Sorry if I feel asleep on you, earlier. I haven't been sleeping well lately," she said with a yawn. She then looked out the window. "We will probably be there soon. It's getting dark. Ohh I can't WAIT!"
"What house do you want to be in?" asked James picking up the food they had left before and beginning to eat it.
Elaine looked at them incredulously. "I've been reading about the houses in Hogwarts a History but I don't know yet."
"I don't really know yet either. My parents both went to another Wizarding School in France, so I don't know much about Hogwarts," said Orion.
"Ohh we decided eons ago," answered Teddy. "James and I are going to be in Gryffindor. We even brought a plant to bribe the head of house with. There is no way we won't be in Gryffindor."
"You can't bribe the head of house with a plant to get into the house you want. It's not possible. We are sorted by this hat of sorts. I read all about it in Hogwarts a History Second Edition by Hermione Granger. There is loads of interesting stuff in that book. You put the hat on and it looks in at your mind and puts you in the house that best suits your personality. The brave to Gryffindor, the Cunning to Slythering, the Brilliant Minds to Ravenclaw, and of course the rest go to Hufflepuff."
"Well I guess that plan is shot!" exclaimed James. "Why didn't they just say that in the letter we got from the school with our supplies?"
"Perhaps it's because it's fairly obvious," answered Elaine giving a slight giggle.
"Yes," said James wishing she would be quiet so he could hear. Suddenly there was a loud bang. Grinning he looked at Teddy.
"What was that!" exclaimed Elaine nervously.
"I'm not sure, let's go check it out," suggested Teddy. Their three heads poked out the compartment door to peer down the hall. All along the train people were stepping out to see what the commotion was. Suddenly a light smell, a horrible smell however light, reached them. Elaine wrinkled her nose in disgust. Suddenly the word was spreading like wildfire along the train as people began scurrying down the train to gossip. Someone had set off a horrendous Weasley Wizarding Wheeze. It let off this greenish powder and apparently it got all over the Slytherin fourth years and their compartment. The report was it smelled horrible and none of those affected could get the powder or the stench off themselves.
"There's no way that stupid hat will put us in Slytherin now," whispered James to Teddy. Teddy smiled and looked out the window.
The quiet boy with the chapped lips finally spoke up. He had felt as if he should have answered before when asked about what house he wanted to be in. "I want to be in Slytherin. My whole family has been in Slytherin."
"EWW! What's you're name anyway?" asked James.
"Farley Greengrass."
"More like Farty Greengas," laughed Orion. "Did that green powder come out of your arse?"
"Nice one!" laughed James and Teddy smiled.
"Come on Farley, lets go to another compartment. There isn't much of a ride left anyways." The two walked out of the compartment with Elaine giving the three laughing boys a dirty look her eyes flashing almost neon green before tossing her hair over her shoulder in a huff.
A few minutes later, a short blond boy stumbled into the compartment interrupting the other boys and their laughing over the prank and Farty Greengas.
"Can I sit here? Some other people came and kicked me out of my compartment," asked the short boy in a slight Irish accent. "My name's Murphy Finnigan."
"Well I'm James Potter, I believe my dad went to school with your dad, they shared a dorm. This is Teddy and this is Orion."
"Hi guys, are you excited for school? I sure am! I sure will miss my broom though. Got it for my birthday this July." This comment immediately sparked a conversation on quidditch which the boys continued until they reached Hogwarts.
"LOOK! We're stopping! We're there! We're there!"
The four looked at each other and hurried off the train. Suddenly James saw a familiar figure looming overhead. "Firs' Years with me! Four to a boat, come along now!" came the cries of Rubeus Hagrid. Smiling James settled into the boat with Teddy, Orion, and Murphy. The boats began across the lake. James couldn't take in enough of the castle as it towered above them in it's full golden lit glory. They soon came to the small harbor where they were led up a set of steps to be met by no other than Neville. James let out a nervous squeak and waved at the good family friend who winked back.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm Professor Longbottom. I teach Herbology and am the Head of the Gryffindor House. When we enter the hall you are going to be sorted in your houses, hope some of you are in mine! Get in a double file line and we will parade into the hall, don't be nervous!" James was nothing but nervous. He began to have doubts. What if he was in Hufflepuff, not smart enough for Ravenclaw, or brave enough for Gryffindor? What if he wasn't in the same house as Teddy? He had been counting on being in the same house together since they were old enough to understand such things. Teddy was old for a first year, but his gran had wanted to hold him back a year to be with his best friend. Teddy was a bit shy. James was anything but.
After the group had filed into the great hall James looked around. The ceiling was amazing. It was bewitched to look like a night sky. The four House tables were in front of him and the high teacher's table was behind him. The Sorting Hat was brought forward by Neville, or as he was now called: Professor Longbottom. It sang some sort of song, but James was too nervous to pay attention to anything. He looked over the room and finally spotted the girl who had almost jinxed him on the train. She was sitting at the Slytherin table with a deep frown on her face. She had greenish dust all over her face and hair, but she had obviously changed into different robes. James just hoped she still stank. Suddenly he realized the first student had been called to be sorted.
"Black, Orion" called Neville and James snapped to attention. Orion set his face determinedly and literally stalked up to the stool. The hat sat on his head for a few seconds before shouting out "GRYFFINDOR!" Orion smirked and walked over to the Gryffindor table amid cheering.
The next person who James even bothered with was "Didrel, Elaine." He was surprised to see Elaine from the train hop up to the stool. How odd, her eyes appeared bright green as she was sorted but right after they were a tranquil blue. In any case the hat soon chose Gryffindor. He watched as she glided to the cheering table with her shiny straight brown hair bouncing and her blue eyes flashing happily. She looked as if she was about to sit next to Orion, but turned on her heel at the last minute and sat a few seats down next to another girl who James thought was named Sarah Albright.
Murphy Finnigan was forced to sit an embarrassing four minutes on the stool before the hat finally called out "GRYFFINDOR!" Murphy let out a sigh and staggered to the table to sit next to Orion.
James smirked as "Greengrass, Farley" was called. He stole a glance at Orion who mouthed "Farty Greengas" quite distinctively as the boy was sorted into Slytherin.
Soon a dark haired boy was called up. "Krum, Dmitri" called out Neville when the boy came forward. A few people whispered and James caught snatches of conversations involving Dmitri's possible famous father Viktor Krum the famous seeker. Slytherin.
"Ted Lupin." Ted went up and placed the hat on his light brown hair. Almost immediately it shouted out "GRYFFINDOR". The Gryffindor table burst into applause and Teddy shot James an encouraging look as he took his place next to Murphy.
After some more names Professor Longbottom finally called out "James Potter." James walked nervously up to the stool and placed the hat on his head.
"Well, another Potter huh? Named for you grandfather of course. Gryffindor he was, so were your father and your mother, the Weasley. All of them in Gryffindor of course. Hmm.. plenty of courage, clever, cunning, loyal, you could do very well in any house. Hmm… but your heart is obviously set on GRYFFINDOR!"
James was stunned that the hat had said that to him, or rather had put that into his mind because he was sure that the only word the hat had actually said was Gryffindor. He stood up shakily and walked slowly to the table to join Orion who had saved him a seat on his other side. James immediately turned his attention back to the sorting.
The feast passed in a daze for the four boys as they stuffed themselves. At the end of the feast Professor McGonagall the Headmistress made a brief speech that James and the boys smirked at. Everyone was dismissed to their dormitories and the boys hurried after the others in her House hoping not to be left behind. They were led through a complex route and finally they came to a painting of an obese woman in a fancy blue dress with an elaborate headdress.
"Password," she demanded coolly.
A tall blond boy with a shiny prefect badge on his chest replied, "Umbridgerots" and the painting swung open to reveal a small hole. The gryffindors began crawling through and James did also, entering into a large comfortable room decorated in gold and scarlet with a large Gryffindor banner. There were two staircases winding around the circular room.
"Welcome to the Gryffindor common room. The girls' dormitories are on the left with the boys' on the right. The rooms are labeled. See you in the morning."
Orion rushed up the stairs followed closely by the other three boys he had met on the train. He shouted as he jumped on the large four poster bed next to the window. "DIBS!" he called out.
"DIBS!" shouted James jumping on the bed next to his on the other side of the window.
"I'll sleep here if that's okay," said Teddy sitting down on the other side of Orion's bed. Murphy went to the only bed left on the other side of Teddy and closest to the bathroom.
"Wow, only the four of us," noted James looking around to find no other beds. "I would have thought this would be a big year for gryffindors, especially because we are the first class of post war babies!"
"Lots of gryffindors didn't survive the battle. Houses tend to run in families. I paid attention during the sorting and there were eight Ravenclaw boys and five Ravenclaw girls. There were fifteen hufflepuffs, and thirteen slytherings. We had six gryffindor girls. I counted. I wouldn't want to be in Hufflepuff. It will be very crowded!" stated Teddy.
"You would pay attention!" laughed Orion as he pulled his trunk over to his bed. James snorted.
"You don't know Teddy; he's a bookworm if you ever knew one. He's lucky he isn't in Ravenclaw," stated James.
"The hat considered me for Ravenclaw, but my dad got me here."
"Hmmm, well the hat told me that my grandfather was one of the greatest Gryffindors around, but told me I could go with the family tradition of Slytherin if I wanted," said Orion with a funny look. "I knew I had lots of relatives in England and at Hogwarts, but I'm pretty sure that half of Slytherin is related to me."
"Yes, the Blacks are a big family, lots of them in the Ministry," said James tiredly.
"Well, I for one and very tired, so goodnight everyone," said Teddy with a yawn.
James and Orion replied with two goodnights but Murphy who was already asleep and answered with a snore.
In my story I adjusted the dates a bit as you may have noticed. I thought that Ginny and Harry would marry right away and start having kids. This way Teddy and James can be the same age. Ginny couldn't have finished school because Hogwarts was almost destroyed, and I set the ages of the rest of the Weasleys such as Rose, Albus, and Lily to match. Ellie