
Chapter one -- New Destination

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Titanic. If I did, I would freak out and cry of happiness. But you don't see me doing that.

Summary -- Same as the movie, only it's not an old woman telling the story, it's actually happening and the plot is twisted up a bit. Travel back to 1912 with Inuyasha and Kagome for my personal Japanese version of a romantic classic

Note: Please try to keep in mind that nobody in this story is a preist or a demon. Everyone is human.


Kagome Higurashi is a young, beautiful maiden, destined to marry Naraku Onigumo for his company's money, much to her dissapointment. She always dreamed of getting married to a normal, kind man, whether he was rich or not. In this case, he was. Kagome wasn't in love with him. Her mother forced her to accept his proposal and they were now in Japan, where Kagome was born and raised. She had to say goodbye to her home. Naraku lived in Vietnam, her destination on the mighty Titanic. They would be sailing there and within 4 days, they'd be there.

Kagome wasn't your average Japanese woman, she was far more beautiful then any other. She had very long, silky, straight black hair, despite her mother constantly nagging her to cut it short. She liked to wear her hair parted in the center so it flowed evenly down both sides of her pretty face. Her mother always made her twist it up into a chignon for parties. She often wore dresses and jewelry as well. She was about 5 and a half feet tall. Her lips were puffy and pink. She had high, rosy cheeks that were the slightest bit chubby, unlike her mother's bony face. She had very dark brown eyes and a fully developed, 19-year-old body, much to Naraku's enjoyment.

Naraku was a very tall and muscular 25-year-old man. Kagome sometimes swore that her mother liked him because her arm was always latched with his and she only smiled around him. He had long curly dark hair and a devilish grin that scared Kagome. He certainly was manly but he was too manly. He had the appearance of a criminal. Because Kagome and her mother were boarding the ship with him, they were in first class -- the richest class, of course.

Kagome's mother, Karori had short black hair, was very skinny and had a very boney face. In some cases, Kagome asked herself where her beauty came from if it wasn't her mother.

Kagome had a personal maid named Sango. She was also like her best friend. Whenever Kagome cried, Sango would comfort her in a friendly way. Kagome almost never asked anything from her. The two were very close, probably the closest thing Kagome had. They were like sisters. Sango could also trust Kagome with her problems and secrets too. Sango had dark brown hair that she kept tied in a low ponytail. She was almost as beautfiful as Kagome but in a man's opinion, not quite. She was 21 years old.

And lastly there was their so-called kind, personal servant, Hakudoshi. He was tall -- not as tall as Naraku. He had bluish, purplish eyes and long black wavey hair. He was another man that Kagome felt very uncomfortable around.

Their horse carrage had just dropped them off at the docks where the Titanic would sail from for the first time. It was known as the ship of dreams. It never sailed before and the furniture and dishes inside have never been used either. Kagome's personal made and best friend, seemed to be more excited than she was. Hakudoshi carefully help Kagome and her mother step out of the carrage. Kagome stared up at the ship with her eyes wide.

Karori looked up at the ship with a straight face. Sango took one look and squealed. "It's beautiful! I've never seen a ship so big before!"

"Oh Sango..." Kagome giggled. She had to admit, though. The ship was very big and she was suprised. "How the hell is the ship unsinkable if it's so big? Can't it's weight pull it down?"

"The ship is very unsinkable, I assure you." Naraku's voice boomed from behind her causing her to jump. "It's more luxurious than any other ship you'll ever ride."

Kagome turned away from him and rolled her eyes. I hate hearing his voice. she thought dangerously. She was dissapointed enough that she was moving away from home but knowing that she'd be getting married a week after she arrives in Vietnam, she was fuming. For the occasion, her hair was tied in a low bun and she wore a large white sunhat and a matching dress.

After they went through the inspection cue for lice and bugs, they began to board the ship. Sango squealed at everything she saw and ignored the stares she was getting from everyone who walked by. Kagome smiled to herself. Maybe this won't be as bad as I though. Maybe Naraku will be the only pain in my ass. she thought. She was never allowed to curse out loud. Her mother forbidded it...


Inuyasha Takahashi was a whole other story. He was a 21-year-old orphan with absolutely no money. He sometimes made small amounts of money by sketching beautiful potraits and gambling. He was tall, had long black hair and amazing gold eyes. He was skinny but muscular and had pretty much nothing but his sketch pad and his best friend, Miroku, who traveled with him.

Miroku usually laid back and watched Inuyasha's expert ways of gambling. Inuyasha was Japanese but he wanted to travel to Vietnam to sketch the sites and live the rest of his life there.

Miroku had short dark brown hair and blue eyes. His hair was normally tied into a very tiny ponytail. Although Inuyasha did the gambling, Miroku was a lecher so that made both of them trouble makers. He posed as a Buddist monk but wore casual clothes like Inuyasha. Inuyasha only wore button-up shirts and dingy dress pants and shoes. He was lucky to even have clothes.

The two had just got done winning over two Russian men in a game of poker. One of the men bet their 3rd class tickets on the Titanic and Inuyasha wasn't gonna risk the chance. Instead of going to the inspection cue, the two ran right on the ship and straight to their room.

As the ship started at a slow sail, the 3rd class passengers stood atop the ship, waving at the people below. Everybody was cheering and was in a good mood. Inuyasha stood and balanced himself on the railing as he waved at the non-passengers below. He'd never been so excited in his whole life. Miroku stayed close behind, doing the same as the rest of the people around him.

Once the ship moved at full speed, Inuyasha ran and made his way to the front of the boat. Miroku leaned against the front railing and looked down at the blue ocean water. Inuyasha stood close behind him, standing on the railing again. He looked out to the ocean then loked downward and saw a speck of silver in the water then another. And another, and another. He soon realized he was looking at a pack of dolphins. He smiled and pointed.

"Miroku, look down there! See em'?" Miroku looked down and laughed.

The two spent hours exploring the almost the whole ship. The only section that they didn't explore was first class, where they were forbidded to go...


Aboard the ship, Kagome's mother told Kagome about a woman named Kagura. She was sort of elderly but still had her long brown hair. She was about 47 years of age? Her husband struck gold somewhere in the south and Kagome's mother called her "New Money". (sounds familiar, huh?)

After Kagome met her, she and Sango were in Kagome's new bedroom looking through her paintings after Naraku called them a waste of money. Kagome didn't care. They were looking for one of Kagome's favorite paintings. Sango happily agreed to assist her and annoy her. She just would shut up because she was so excited...

"I'm so happy, Miss! We're gonna be the first ones to sleep on this wonderful ship and have parties here! You should convince Naraku to buy it."

Kagome frowned, hearing his name. Sango saw the look in her eyes and frowned. "Sorry." she said quietly.

"Sango, I don't care how I have to do it but I'm getting out of here. Out of this marrage. I don't want to marry Naraku. I never even accepted his proposal. My mom forced me to. I swear, sometimes I just wanna kill myself!"

Sango walked over to her and sat on the bed next to her. Kaogme continued complaining. "To think that my mother really loved me... All she cares about is money! That's why I'm stuck marrying this pathetic bastard. I barely even know Naraku!"

"Why don't you just tell your mother that you don't want to marry him?" Sango asked, wiping away Kagome's tears.

"Because she'll kill me! She doesn't even care about what I think. If something puts me at risk that involves money, she'll go for it! I swear... my dreams are never gonna come true."

"What are your dreams, Miss?"

"Sango, I told you that you don't have to call me Miss. You can call me Kagome."

"Sorry Mi-- Kagome." She studdered. She was taught to follow orders and wasn't used to calling people by their first name. It was disrespectful. She was taugh to call people Miss, Missus or Sir.

Kagome smiled. "It seems that you're the only one I can talk to, huh?"

Sango shrugged. "I guess so. Considering how much you talk about how other people bother you so much... Do I bother you?" she asked hopefully.

Kagome laughed wholeheartedly. "You're the only one who doesn't. You're my only friend."

"Thank you very much, Kagome." Sango smiled. "I won't let you down. I'll be there for you whenever you need me! Not only as a servant but as a friend too."

Kagome laughed again. "Thank you so much but we've been so busy unpacking, I want you to take a break. You work too hard. I'm gonna go outside and get some air, okay? Try not to get sea sick."

"Yes. And I could use a cup of tea." Sango curtseyed and left the room behind Kagome.


Inuyasha and Miroku rested on the back of the boat getting to know some of the men there. Miroku was busy talking to a man name Kouga that he recently met and Inuyasha was drawing a picture of a man holding his daughter on the railing so she could see the ocean more clearly. Whenever he drew something, he shaded and put in as much detail as possible. It always came out quite well.

"Well the ship was actually built in Ireland by over 15,000 Irish men. God knows how it was ported here." Kouga said staring at Inuyasha's hand work. He noticed that he drew with his left hand, not something he seen everyday. Most people he knew were righties. This talented artist was a lefty...

"I always thought that the ship was built by Japanese men." Miroku said, breaking Kouga out of his trance.

"Nope. She certainly is a piece of work, isn't she?" he rubbed the railing as if worshipping it. He looked back at Inuyasha. "You've got some amount of talnet there, boy. Do you make and money with your work?"

Inuyasha looked up at him and smirked. "A little. I've made up to about 50 cents."

"Only 50 cents? You deserve like -- 50 million bucks, boy! I'd gladly pay you for your drawings but I'm dead broke. I'd steal from first class but the bloody guards are all around."

"I know what you mean," Miroku rolled his eyes. "The first class woman aren't that hot anyway. I've seen most of them. They're old ladies."

Inuyasha stopped drawing to laugh. "You are correct, my friend." he said, attempting to go back to drawing but looked up and his jaw dropped.

Walking on the upper deck was a first class woman. Not and old lady, but a young maiden. She had to have been to most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on. His eyes focused on her large breasts and her lucious lips. Suddenly her eyes were what caught his attention.

He didn't even notice Miroku's hand being waved in front of his face.

The girl was staring out blindly into the ocean as if she were in deep though. Her eyes suddenly cast downward at him. She knew he was staring at her. She could feel it. She looked away and pretended he wasn't there but found herself glancing down at him again.

Inuyasha put down his pencil just so he can keep staring at her. He growled under his breath when a man walked up behind her and ruined their moment. He grabbed her aarm and she turned around, angry...

"Do you mind? Can't I ever have some time to myself?" Kagome yanked her arm away from Naraku's grasp and walked away, unknown to her, golden eyes watched her every movement.


Kagome, Naraku and Karori were in another party, as ussual. Kagome's hair was tied in a chignon as she made faces at the caviar on her plate. Fish eggs... gross. she inwardly commented. She didn't like to call these little gatherings parties, she called them meetings. Parties were suposed to be fun. All anyone every did at these parties was chatter mindlessly. It bored Kagome to the point of insanity.

Of course, she was dressed up like a porcelin doll, wearing a suprisingly thin red dress with black beads decorating it. A healthy amount of her cleavage was exposed. Every so often Naraku would glance there and smirk. That didn't go unnoticed by Kagome.

"Excuse me mother." she stood up and pushed in her chair. "I'm going to bed." she walked off, her heals clicked off the floor beneath her.

Naraku and Karori stared at each other then back at Kagome who ignored them. She walked straight up to her bedroom, ignoring the stares she was getting from the waiters and butlers who walked by her. She hated her life. She was getting forced into a marrage with a jerk and she was sick of being around people would only cared about money and did the same things with their lives. Smoke, drink, eat and chatter.

When she finally reached her bedroom, she shut the door behind her and locked it. She looked around the room and noticed right away that Sango wasn't there. She reached up and tried to pull the chignon out of her hair but failed.

"Sango?" she cried and pulled and her hair again but to no avail.

"Sango?!" she screamed and tried to undo the ties of her dress but found that she couldn't reach. She screamed again and picked up her flower vase. Without thinking, she hurled it across the room and yelled again and began to flip out.

"Sango!" she began to grab at her dress, forcefully pulling the strings loose. The tight grip that it had on her body began to drive her out of her mind. "Fuck!"

She stopped to look at herself in the mirror. Her make up was smeared, her dress was slightly torn and her hair was a mess. Her eyes began to fill with tears. She wouldn't let herself become a money-loving robot like the rest of her fellow rich mates.

She'd kill herself.

She ran out on the deck as fast as she could, pushing down anyone who got in her path and not caring who they were. She ran towards the back of the ship, seeing as no one was back there at night.

Unknown to her, she ran past the man who caugh he eye earlier that day. He was laying on a bench, looking up at the sky. It was like a blur to him. At first he heard sobbing and heavy breathing but suddenly something zipped past him and the scent of wonderful perfume hit his nose. He sat up and saw the woman from earlier that day running towards the stern. His eyebrow quirked in curiosity.

Kagome kept running until she was almost at the railing. She stopped dead in her tracks and peered over if, her eyes widening. That's a long way down. she thought. She slowly walked forward and stepped onto the rail. She lifted her dress so it wouldn't trip her and made her way over the rail, holding onto the pole that was positioned there. Once she was over, she held the rail tightly and gulped as she looked down. The water wasn't too rough but the waves were still big enough to pulled her under and drown her.

She was so busy looking down into the depths that she didn't hear someone approach from behind.

"Please... don't jump." a manly voice startled her. She turned around and was suprised to see the man that caught her attention earlier that day.

"Back off. Whether I jump or not is none of you'r damn business!" she yelled and turned back to the water.

Inuyasha sighed and looked down at her feet, hoping she wouldn't jump. She was to beautiful to kill herself. He had to think of a way to keep her from jumping but then again, keep her from thinking that he wasn't trying to stop her, just warn her. "It is my business. I'm involved now because I'm a whitness. If you jump I'll just go in after you and pulled you back up."

"You can't. The fall itself would kill you." she tried to smooth out. Inuyasha tried not to just rush forward and pull her over. He had to be careful with this.

"Well, I'm a pretty good swimmer. In all honesty, miss, I'm more concerned about the water temperature. It's most likely below freezing. If you jump in and decide you don't want to go through with it, those freezing waves are gonna pull you down, the coldness will paralyze you and put you into shock while you drown and freeze to death at the same time." he put a foot on a nearby stool and started undoing his shoes.

Kagome only stared at him, wondering what he was up to. He glanced at her to see what she was doing and tried not to laugh at the look she gave him. She was so damn cute.

"And how would you know all of that?" she asked, eying him suspiciously.

"When I was young, I used to go ice fishing with my father. I fell through some thin ice and it felt like millions of little needles impaling my whole body. All I could think about was pain. Luckyly, my father managed to get the hook in my shirt and pull me up before I froze to death. I really don't think a woman deserves to go through that pain so if you jump in," he paused do undo his jacket, "I do too."

Kagome stared at him for quite some time until he smiled and extended his hand. She stared at it before slowly reaching to grab it. He looked down at her feet again.

They made their first physical contact. Inuyasha smiled to assure her that everything was okay. She nodded and slowly turned around, making sure she didn't step on her dress. She stared into his beautiful gold eyes and he smiled.

"I'm Inuyasha Takahashi." he said.

"Kagome Higurashi." she replied.

His smiled widened, despite the situation she was in. He firmly gripped her hand in his own and instructed for her to step over the rail. She looked down, not able to see her feet when she suddenly slipped and screamed. Inuyasha's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed her hands to keep her from falling to her death.

"Oh no! Please, help me!" she screamed harshly. Inuyasha stared down at the water below her and realized that his body was almost halfway over the rail. If he slipped just a couple more inche, they'd both fall.

"It's okay! I won't let go. Now pull!" he yelled. Kagome nodded as tears started to form in her eyes and she forced her weight upward. Inuyasha successfully pulled his body over the rail and slipped Kagome over right after. They both fell on the floor, exhausted.

Suddenly, three guards ran up on the deck after hearing Kagome's insane shrieking. They saw Inuyasha sitting over Kagome, who was laying down and breathing heavily with tears in her eyes. You'd get the wrong idea...

"What the hell?" one of the gurads yelled at Inuyasha. His eyes widened as he suddenly caught on. "Stand up and back away from the girl! Go get the chief!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and followed suit while one of the men ran off.


Kagome was being comforted be an elderly man while Inuyasha got yelled at by Naraku, not even bothering to say anything. He was angry at Kagome for not telling the guards what really happened or something to get him out of trouble. While Naraku continued to yell at him, he made the wrong move when he grabbed Inuyasha by the collar. Inuyasha didn't exactly approve of letting people touch him aggresively. He attempted to headbutt Naraku when Kagome came into view and pushed Naraku back a couple feet, startling him.

"Naraku, stop it. It's not his fault. It's mine." she said. All eyes fell on her. Naraku cleared his throat.

"Oh really?" he said sarcastically. "Then why was this peasant all over you? More importantly, what the hell were you doing out here in the first place? You said you were going to sleep!"

"Because I came out to get some air. But while I was watching the water, I leaned over the rail to see it more closely and slipped. Luckyly, Mr. Takahashi saved me, he also almost fell over."

Inuyasha stared at her, wondering why she lied for her sake. Naraku stared hard at her as well as the other men. She didn't seem to react. She only glared innocently at Naraku.

"You... wanted to see... the water?" Naraku managed to get out. Kagome nodded. He looked at Inuyasha. "Was that really how it happened?" he asked sternly.

Inuyasha caught a glimpse at Kagome. She gave him a look as if telling him to agree with her or she'd be killed. He nodded slowly and looked back at Naraku. "Yeah. That's pretty much how it happened."

"Well then that makes him a hero." one of Naraku's friends stated. "Now we can get back to the meeting."

Naraku eyed Inuyasha before turning around, wrapping his arms around Kagome's shoulders. Another one of Naraku's friends stopped them. "Don't you think Mr. Takahashi deserve a reward?"

Naraku and Kagome looked at each other. "How about a 20?" Naraku said. Kagome huffed.

"That man saved my life. Don't you think he deserves more than 20 bucks?" she stared hard at him, waiting for him to say something. He clicked his tongue and looked back at Inuyasha who was fixing his jacket.

"How about we invite him to dinner?" he said. Kagome nodded.

"Go tell him that." she said.

Naraku approached Inuyasha slowly. "It goes against me to upset Kagome. She requests that you join us for dinner tomorrow."

Inuyasha glanced at Kagome then back at Naraku. "Sure. Count me in." he said quietly. Naraku smirked and walked away, not even bothering to thank Inuyasha for saving Kagome's life.

Hakudoshi stood and studied Inuyasha's form. He was obviously from the third class. His hair was tangled ever so slightly. As Inuyasha finished brushing himself off, he noticed Hakudoshi staring at him. He ignored him and walked back off to the 3rd class dorms.

Hakudoshi continued to study Inuyasha as he walked away. How the hell did he have time to remove his outer clothing if Miss Kagome slipped so quickly?

This is my second story on fanfiction and there are still more stories to come. Please note that I'm trying my very hardest not to copy the actual movie word for word but summerize it. I'm trying to make it different from the movie but with the same plot. I don't own Inuyasha or Titanic. Just thought I'd let you know. Also, this story won't be updated as much as The Tutor was but it won't be updated super later either. It'll be updated like every week and a half? Plus, I'm going to start updating all of the stories that you see on my profile.
