Ch.1 Annabeth Decides to be Nice

-Disclaimer: I do not own any of PJO. Mr. Riordan does, and he deserves to.-

This is my first fanfic. Hope you like it! Percy's POV.

It was about two weeks after my birthday. I just didn't want to think about the fact that I was turning sixteen next year, so I tried thinking about other things. What kept coming to my mind was Annabeth. At the end of camp, she started to ignore me. If I began to talk about Luke/Kronos, she would ignore me once again. Did I do anything? I guess she was still getting over the whole Luke-is-dead-thing. I really wanted to know how she felt about him. If she still did have feelings for him, then why did that happen on our quest? By saying that, I mean the kiss. Why does this have to be so complicated? Maybe if I just…..

"Percy!" I heard from a familiar voice. I turned around to find (guess who?) Annabeth in an IM. It's scary how she does that.

"Hey Annabeth," I said. Why did she suddenly become so friendly?

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday, Seaweed Brain?" she asked. When did you start caring? is what I wanted to ask.

"I guess I just didn't want to brag about being so close to sixteen," I replied. She laughed a little. Maybe this will change things.

"Well, I have something for you. Can we hang out later today so I can give it to you?" I was beginning to feel a little hopeful now. I didn't have anything to do today, so I guess we could.

"Sure," I started. "What do you want to do?" I questioned.

"I can stop by your house at three, and maybe we can get something to eat. Then, if you want, we can see a movie or something since last time somebody had to catch their school on fire." She looked directly at me when she said that. I rolled my eyes at her. Before our last quest, we were supposed to see a movie, but I was attacked by empousai. Goode High School, which I where I was at the time, ended up on fire.

"Ok, I'll see you then, Wise Girl," I said, smiling.

"Just try not to catch anything on fire before I get there, Seaweed Brain." She waved her hand over the mist, and the IM was ended.

I looked at the clock, and it was already two o'clock. I hurried up and got ready. Just as I was finished trying to make my hair look half-decent, my mom called in from the living room, "Percy, Annabeth is here." As usual, she was right on time.

"Ok, I'm coming," I answered, and I grabbed Riptide just to be safe. As I entered the living room, saw Annabeth's smiling face and her stormy, gray eyes. I was stopped from staring when she said, "Ready?"

"Let's go," I replied. I hurried outside to escape from being embarrassed by my mom.

While we were walking, I struck up a conversation to avoid an awkward silence moment. "So," I began," are you going to that private school by your dad's?"

She took a moment to answer. "I talked to my dad about it, and he took me off the list. I really didn't want to go. After talking to him some more and doing some convincing, he's allowing me to go to Goode. With you," she added. I stared at her for a little, taking a while to realize what she was saying.

"Where are you staying for the year?"

"Right around here. My dad considered how dangerous it was for a half-blood living in San Francisco, and he decided to move," she said. "It took a while for my step-mom to agree, but she learned that moving away from there would keep us-especially her kids-safer," she finished. This was great! We would get to spend the whole year together, and we would be able to help each other prepare for the battle coming up.

"That's cool," I said, trying to hide my excitement. "Did they send you your school schedule yet?" She did, so were comparing our schedules. It ended up that we actually had many classes together. By the time we finished talking about that, we decided where to eat. We walked into a nice restaurant, but not too fancy. This 'not-date' was going pretty good so far, and little did I know that I was going to get a lot better.

So how was it? Please review, but no flames!! Sorry, there wasn't much action or Percabeth, but I just wanted to get the story going, and there will be more of both in the next chapter. Second chapter will be up probably in 1-3 days. Keep reading, the story will get better! :)