Disclaimer:I do not own csi, I do not own Grissom(damn it) or own Sara, or Brass, yadda yadda yadda. I do not own Bruno either(although he is a cutie). I know he's known as Hank on the show but I like his real name better so he'll always be Bruno in my stories. I do however own the characters of Alex and Megan since I made them up. IF I DID own Grissom I would gladly share him with anyone...for a small fee of course(members of the GrissomandSaraForeverLove wiki would get a discount rate LOL). This story is not beta'd so any and all mistakes are mine.

Rated T: Wasn't sure what to rate it so decided on T just in case for any future chapters.

Summary: Something happens to Grissom leaving little 5 yr. old Alex as the "man of the house". How will he deal with the situation?

Chapter 1

"Mommy, Mommy!! Look what I made for daddy in art today!!" yelled 5 yr. old Alex as he ran to Sara after getting off the bus. Bruno bounded up to his "little brother" and lapped at his face happily.

"Ewww, Bruno!!" he squealed, laughing.

After a moment Alex finally managed to escape Bruno's tongue assault.

"Shhh, calm down little man. You'll wake your sister." Sara spoke softly, waving her hand at her son to quiet down, and pointing at the sleeping bundle in the stroller.

"Now let me see your picture."

Alex held his picture up proudly for his mother to see. On the paper were two big black ovals with squiggly lines coming off them. Each oval had two white eyes and a white smile. To the left of the paper were smaller ovals, similar to the larger ones, but with frowns on them.

"Wow" replied Sara, "That's wonderful. Tell me about your picture." she asked as they headed towards the house.

Alex beamed at his mother's enthusiasm over his picture. He pointed at the two larger ovals, "Those are daddy's racing cuckaroaches and they're smiling cause they just beat the other cuckaroaches in a race." He then pointed at the smaller ovals. "See, they were WAAAY behind daddy's cuckaroaches cause they were TOOOO slow. You think daddy will like it?" the little boy asked.

"He's gonna love it."

Alex beamed again at Sara's answer as they entered the house.

"Now why don't you put your backpack in your room and I'll fix you a snack."

"Ok" he said as he took off down the hall, Bruno hot on his heels.

Alex was a spitten image of Grissom. Same brown curly hair, same sparkling blue eyes, even the same devilish grin when he smiled. If Sara didn't know better she'd swear Wayne Zalinsky from Honey, I shrunk the kids had broken into the house and zapped Grissom down to size with his shrink ray.

Their daughter Megan on the other hand, Grissom was sure was gonna take after Sara. She had those same captivating brown eyes, and at only a month old already had every man in the lab wrapped around her little finger, himself included.

A moment later Alex and Bruno came bounding back into the kitchen.

"Here ya go little man." Sara said as she placed a plate of apple slices with peanut butter and some graham crackers in front of him, then poured him a glass of milk.

"Mmmm yummy." he exclaimed.


Bruno sat next to Alex's chair and looked at him and Sara with pleading brown eyes.

"Oh alright, you can have a snack too." said Sara. She handed Bruno a large biscuit which Bruno grabbed quickly and took to his bed to munch away happily.

"Where's daddy anyway?" asked Alex as he took a piece of apple.

"Oh he got stuck working a double today. I'm sure he'll be home soon." Sara replied.

Just then Megan woke up and began to whimper. Sara, not wanting to disturb her, had left Megan in the stroller in the living room to continue sleeping.

"Guess your sister is getting hungry too. I'm gonna take her to the nursery and feed her while you eat your snack ok?"

"Ok mommy."

Sara picked up the now wailing Megan and took her down the hall as "the boys" happily ate their snacks. As Alex finished his snack there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" asked Alex as he approached the door. He had always been told NEVER open the door without finding out who was on the other side first.

"It's your favorite person in the whole wide world." replied the voice. Alex giggled as he opened the door.

"Hi Gampa Jim."

Alex still couldn't say grampa right but Brass loved the way he said it better.

"Hey big guy." greeted Brass as he ruffled the small boy's hair. "Where's your mother? I need to speak to her."

"She's feeding Megan." Alex answered. "MOMMY!! GAMPA JIM IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!" yelled Alex.

" BE RIGHT THERE" Sara hollered back. A moment later Sara walked into the living room. "Hey Jim, what's up."

The smile on her face quickly disappeared when she saw the serious look on Brass's face. "Is something wrong?" she asked worried.

"Ummm" Brass replied glancing between her and Alex. Sara got the message that Brass didn't want Alex to hear it. "Alex honey, why don't you take Bruno and go play in your room for awhile ok?"

"Ok mommy, come on Bruno." Alex said as he headed for his room. As soon as she heard Alex's bedroom door close, Sara turned back to Brass.

"Alright, what is it? What's wrong? Is it Grissom? Is he alright?" Sara rattled off.

"Sara..." Brass began but stopped, wishing he didn't have to be there at that moment.

"Jim, what is it? Spit it out already."

Sara was getting more and more anxious. Brass took a deep breath and sighed.

"Grissom's missing."

A/N: OK I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Reviews are appreciated but not required(but I hope you do LOL)