Congratulations to Shannon Rose XD for being the fiftieth reviewer!! You get a FREE cookie(plus 19.95 shipping and handling)!
Wait, what's that you said? Oh, no, of course it's not burnt, it's suppose to be black! ;P
-Red063 has signed on-
-H3y h3mi0ne s4ys has signed on-
Red063: how's your date with Malfoy?
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: great(:
LightningStrike: well, when are you planning to tell Ron?
LightningStrike: you can't avoid him forever
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: -sigh- I know
-WeasleyIsDaKing has signed on-
WeasleyIsDaKing: hermione I have something to tell you
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: ...
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys has sent a private message to Red063: help!
Red063: well I'll just leave you two alone now
Red063 has sent a private message to H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: sorry!
-Red063 has signed off-
WeasleyIsDaKing: hermione?
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: …yes?
WeasleyIsDaKing: well, it's kinda embarrassing but
WeasleyIsDaKing: I heard from Pansy Parkinson-
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: don't believe her, whatever she said about Dra-
WeasleyIsDaKing: -that you have a crush on me?
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: …is that what she said?
WeasleyIsDaKing: yea and...
WeasleyIsDaKing: actually, well, I-
WeasleyIsDaKing: I've had a crush on you too!
WeasleyIsDaKing: for a long time now...
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: But I-
WeasleyIsDaKing: I know, you're being shy, I'm nervous too
WeasleyIsDaKing: but I'm glad we finally told each other!
WeasleyIsDaKing: I'll see you at lunch!
-WeasleyIsDaKing has signed off-
H3y h3mi0ne s4ys: PARKINSON!!
SO after forever here's an update(: