
Wedding Date

"But Mom, do I have to? But.. Mom, I'm busy right now, can we ta-- no Mom, I'm not doing that.. MOM!"

Reid, Caleb, and Pogue snickered as they listened in on Tyler's side of the phone conversation. They were all in Caleb's living room 'studying', AKA Reid was playing Smash Bros, Pogue was stuffing his face with junk food, and Caleb.. was actually studying.

Tyler had been partially doing all three before he got that dreaded phone call.

"Mom, c'mon, seriously, we can talk later... oh my-- MOM, stop that," Tyler was turning a bright shade of red from what his mother was asking him, "God, mom, I'm with the guys, studying! No, there's no girls... guys? What? Mom, stop."

"Tyler's own mother thinks he's gay," Reid laughed, falling onto his back; Pogue laughed with him but tried to hide it with a cough while Caleb was biting back his laughter and pretending that he was still reading the book on his lap.

"Okay, okay, mom, okay, I'll go, when? But that's a Saturday! I don't wan-- fine, okay. Alright, alright! Yeah, yeah, I'll find one, okay, bye.." Tyler grumbled and turned away so he could mutter, "Love you too," to his mom without the other guys hearing him. After he hung up, he fell down on the couch and let out a groan.

"What? Did your mom set you up on a blind date?" Reid asked, crawling over from his spot on the floor to kneel next to Tyler. "...with a guy?"

Tyler sighed and hit Reid with a cushion, "No, and I don't know why she thinks I hook up with random guys, unless you've been telling her stupid rumors, Reid," Tyler glared at him.

"Okay, fine, I told her one thing and it just slipped when she asked my mom if me and you were still hanging out and as close as we used to be."

"...what did you tell her?" Pogue asked, butting into the conversation.

"Just that little Tyler here got drunk and made out with this guy at so--mph," Reid glared as Tyler covered his mouth with his hand.

"You're a dick," Tyler muttered and let his hand drop.

"You like dick."

Tyler just groaned and pushed Reid away, "Shut up."

"Leave Tyler alone, Reid," Caleb chuckled, putting an arm around Tyler's shoulder, "We accept him no matter what he likes."

"You're not helping," Tyler rolled his eyes and pushed Caleb's arm away.

"Just leave him alone," Pogue laughed and ruffled Tyler's hair, "So why did your mom call?"

Tyler sighed and sunk down into the couch, "My cousin's wedding is coming up and my mom's making me go.. and I have to go find a date."

"Which cousin?" Reid asked.

"Kyle, does it matter?"

"Duh, if it was one of the hott girls you're related to, I'd be volunteering to be your date."

"You're too funny, Reid," Tyler rolled his eyes and kicked at Reid, who just smirked and went back to playing his game. They all went back to what they were doing before, except for poor Tyler, who decided to brood instead.

The afternoon passed without anything eventful happening. Reid had left around seven because some friends had called him to go do stuff; the other three didn't even want to know what exactly. Now, Pogue and Tyler were leaving; they said their goodbyes to Caleb at the door and headed to Tyler's hummer-- Pogue was hitching a ride with him because his bike was in the shop for some problem or another.

When Tyler pulled out and they were on the road, Pogue turned the radio down and turned to face Tyler, "So.. you made out with some guy?"

Tyler blushed and kept his eyes on the road, refusing to glance at Pogue. "Yeah... once," he shrugged, trying to play it off like it wasn't that big of a deal; in reality, that one time turned his world upside down.


"Just some guy," he sighed, "It doesn't matter, I was just trying new things out. Drop it, Pogue, alright?"

"I'm just curious," Pogue chuckled, "But alright... so that wedding, any ideas for a date?"

"No clue at all."

"How about me?"

That almost sent Tyler veering off the road. "What?" He looked at Pogue with wide eyes, pulling over to the side of the road so he wouldn't go swerving around again.

Pogue braced himself with one hand on the dashboard and let out a nervous laugh, "Whoa, baby boy, don't go and kill me just because of that."

"..sorry," Tyler murmured, "But.. what?"

"Take me, y'know, as a date."


"Because... I wanna try something new?" Pogue flashed him a nervous smile, "But listen, just.. forget it, I just thought.. I mean, forget it."

In reality, Pogue had been thinking about Tyler for some time now. Something about the younger boy just made him feel... different. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he liked it, and with this new found information of Tyler 'exploring', he had gotten a little confidence burst.

"No, no, I just.. no, I mean, yeah, I mean.." Tyler let out a groan and let his head fall to his steering wheel. Why did Pogue have to go do this now? Just when he had convinced himself that Pogue would never see him like that, he had to go pull that.

Tyler was in the same boat as Pogue; since Pogue had broken up with Kate, he had been noticing the older boy a bit more, realizing just how attractive he was, liking his personality a bit more-- he started seeing him in an entirely different light.

But he was convinced Pogue was straight, and now this? Tyler sighed and picked his head up, "Are you being serious?"

"If I wasn't, would I do this?"

"Do wh--" Tyler's question was muffled by Pogue's lips on his own.

"That," Pogue grinned when he pulled away. "So, yeah?"

"Yeah.." Tyler nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried to bring his heart rate back to normal, "Yeah."

"Great," Pogue's smile got wider as he pulled Tyler in for another kiss.

Time passed and the relationship between Tyler and Pogue grew into something that could definitely be labeled as boyfriend/going steady status. While Tyler loved that part, he hated that time also brought the day of the wedding closer.

It was tomorrow, to be exact.

Today, though, all four of the Sons were at the Sims estate, in Tyler's room. Pogue and Reid were battling each other on Guitar Hero while Caleb and Tyler were throwing things at them to mess them up, which earned them fiery glares but that sure as hell didn't stop them.

When the two gamers became immune to the objects being thrown at them, the other two started yelling things to mess with their heads... but that proved to be harder because after a while, they ran out of things to say, so Tyler just grinned and said, "Pogue's a hottie."

"Tyler, can you keep it in your pants for TWO seconds?" Reid asked without missing a beat on the game.

"Whoa, its out of your pants?" Pogue asked, glancing back to throw a quick smirk at Tyler, who blushed, because as much as he had lost some of his shyness since getting with Pogue, he was still Tyler and he still blushed... a lot.

"For all we know, him and Caleb are screwing behind our backs right now," Reid shook his head, using his whammy bar to rack up points.

"Oh yeah definitely, come here, baby, I want you so bad," Caleb laughed and made kissing sounds, grabbing onto Tyler and rolling them until they tumbled off the bed.

"Oh, Caleb," Tyler laughed, letting Caleb break his fall before rolling off of him to lay on his back on the floor. "Don't be so loud, Pogue's gunna hear."

"Oooooh, you're gunna take that Pogue?" Reid teased. "Caleb's all up on your man, what are you gunna do about it?"

"Pft, Caleb's got nothing on me," Pogue smirked, setting the guitar on the floor when the song finished, "Besides, Tyler knows who he belongs to."

"I'm not a dog, Pogue, God," Tyler chuckled as he pushed himself up onto his forearms.

"Well after last night, baby boy, I sorta beg to differ, I mean.." he winked, grinning at how red Tyler turned.

"...too much info," Caleb groaned, covering his face with his hands, "That was so too much info."

"Hey, you're not in the dorm room when they get it on," Reid said with a scowl, "I'm in the next bed, y'know."

"Oops," Tyler smiled sweetly and pushed himself up into a sitting position. At that moment, there was a knock at his door and his mother's head popped in.

"Boys, it's getting late, and we have to wake up early tomorrow.."

"Are you kicking us out, Mrs. Sims?" Reid asked bluntly.

"Well, to put it simply, yes," She smiled that same sweet smile that Tyler had, "It was nice seeing all of you, but shoo," She opened the door more so Caleb and Reid could leave.

The boys said their goodbyes and Mrs. Sims escorted Caleb and Reid down to the front door, leaving Pogue and Tyler alone.



Pogue chuckled and held out a hand to Tyler, helping him up and pulling him closer, "Now that we're all alone..."

"Yeah...?" Tyler asked, pretending to be clueless.

With a low chuckle, Pogue pulled Tyler even closer and brought their lips closer, "Well we can--"

"And you two!" Mrs. Sims was in the doorway again, causing Tyler to jump away from Pogue, "No staying up late! I don't want to have be dragging you out of bed tomorrow."

"Yes, mom. We won't be up late, promise."

We'll make it a quickie. Tyler heard that in his head and stomped on Pogue's foot, trying to fight back the blush crawling onto his cheeks.

"Goodnight then," Tyler's mother smiled and came over to give her son a kiss on the forehead, "You too, Pogue," And she gave him a kiss on the forehead as well, making a rare occurrence happen: Pogue blushed.

"Goodnight, Mom, tell Dad I said goodnight, too," Tyler smiled.

"Night, Mrs. Sims, and same for me, Tell Mr. Sims goodnight for me too," Pogue murmured.

Mrs. Sims gave them both that same sweet smile from before as she left, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she left, Tyler was snickering at Pogue's blush. He tried to hide it as he changed into pajama pants and a tee-shirt but failed miserably.

"What's so funny, Sims?" Pogue asked as he pulled his shirt off and slid his jeans off.

"Your face, Parry," Tyler chuckled, turning off the light before heading to bed. He thought he had tripped over something in the dark but when he landed on his bed and there was some unknown weight on him, he figured Pogue was to blame for that and that it was Pogue on top of him.

"Yeah, what's so funny about it?" The older boy asked, leaning down close enough for Tyler to see the playful gleam in his eyes.

Tyler laughed some more and wrapped his arms around Pogue's neck, "You were blushing."

Pogue grinned sheepishly at that and let his forehead drop to Tyler's shoulder, "Yeah, well, I wasn't expecting your mom to do that."

"But you didn't blush when she walked in on you with your hand down my pants, sure."

"Shut up," he chuckled, kissing his way up to Tyler's lips.

"Make me."

Pogue just smirked and did just that... which made them stay up way later than they were supposed to so when the morning came, Mrs. Sims was pulling their ears to get them out of bed. She even enlisted her husband to help, even if he still felt a little odd about his son with another guy, let alone a boy who he had helped raise and was part of the Covenant, but he helped anyway.

When he saw how his son snuggled into Pogue and how Pogue held him close, almost as if he was protecting him even in sleep, he warmed up to the idea just a little bit more.

Tyler was the first to finally wake up after all the torture his parents put them through and when he opened his eyes and saw his father standing right next to his mother, he jumped out of bed and landed flat on his ass. He thanked every god there was that they had both put boxers on after last night.

"What.. what are you doing in here?" Tyler asked, standing up and pulling the comforter off of Pogue so he could hide himself, which left poor Pogue exposed.

Tyler really didn't appreciate it when both his parents laughed at his reaction.

"It took both of us just to get you up," His father answered, laughter still evident in his voice, "You want to help wake up your friend here?" He gestured at Pogue, who was still sleeping soundly, even after Tyler had roughly pulled the blanket away from him.

"Y-yeah, okay, got it.. can you leave?"

Tyler loved his dad, don't get him wrong, but him walking in on him sleeping with a guy... that just didn't sit well with him, no matter how many times he was reassured that his dad was alright with it for the most part.

"I just come in here to give my son a nice good morning and this is the thanks I get for it?"

Mrs. Sims rolled her eyes and started dragging her husband away, "Let the boys have their fun. If you two aren't dressed and ready before 9, I'm sending him back up here, got it, Tyty?"

"Don't call me that, mom!"

"That's my boy," She smiled and closed the door behind them. Tyler just groaned and pushed Pogue off the bed, efficiently waking him up.

When nine o'clock rolled around, the two boys were sitting on the living room couch, dressed and ready to go. Tyler was fidgeting in the outfit his mother made him wear, even after him protesting and insisting that he was old enough to pick out his own clothes. Mrs. Sims just wouldn't take no for an answer though and now Tyler was stuck in khakis, a light blue sweater vest, and a white button down shirt. The only part of his wardrobe he picked out was his shoes... and just to get back at his mother, he wore Converse. She, of course, disapproved and argued, but Tyler had been stubborn and refused to change them. Obviously, he got his way.

Pogue, on the other hand, had laughed most of the morning through, from Tyler having to wear what his mother picked out from him to the shoe argument to Tyler fidgeting next to him now, he was having a hoot.

Unlike Tyler, Pogue was able to wear what he wanted, which happened to be black slacks, a white dress-shirt, and black dress shoes. He was about to put on a red tie when Tyler's mother came in and made him put on a tie that matched the color of Tyler's sweater vest. Pogue, being the polite boy that he was, put it on without an argument.

"Oh you two are just too cute!"

Tyler groaned when his mom walked in; he was beginning to think she had been subconsciously training him to like guys since he was a kid.

"Why, thank you, Mrs. Sims, you look quite stunning yourself," Pogue gave her one his winning smiles and Tyler wanted to gag.

"He's not this nice, mom, don't let him fool you. He's just playing you like he plays girls."

"Now, now, don't get jealous, Tyler," Mrs. Sims rolled her eyes and patted her son's hair down, making a face at how messy it was. "Did you comb your hair, Tyler?" She asked and started to dig through her purse for a comb.

"Mom, I'm 17, not 7, I can take care of myself."

"Tyty, I don't like this attitude you've gotten lately. You should learn something from Pogue."

Tyler opened his mouth to say something but just sighed and shook his head; Pogue was biting his cheek to stop from laughing. The Sims family had always been fun to be around, he had been relearning that lately. Out of the four families, they were the most normal and Pogue had to admit, he liked being around them and he knew Tyler did too, even if he did start acting a little bratty sometimes.

"Honey? Boys? Time to leave, let's go."

It turned out that they were stopping for breakfast before they went to the wedding. They went to some random restaurant and neither boy cared to remember the name.

Tyler ordered eggs and bacon, while Pogue went for the pancakes; they learned the hard way that this restaurant served oversized meals times two. Tyler had no problem finishing his breakfast, but Pogue could only get halfway through his pancakes; Tyler happily finished them off for him and then proceeded to steal things from his parents' plates too.

Neither of the Sims realized just how much of a growing boy Tyler was; they were amazed at how much their small framed son could eat. Mrs. Sims kept commenting on it all the way to wedding; she even said something about how she had to go repay Evelyn back for all the nights Tyler spent at Caleb's house. Tyler just rolled his eyes and punched Pogue in the side because he couldn't stop chuckling at his misery.

The 'wedding' turned out to be a commitment ceremony instead; Kyle was 'marrying' James--Tyler finally figured out where his mother was getting her crazy ideas from.

The ceremony was just as long as a wedding, which was unfortunate for Tyler because with his big breakfast, he had 6 glasses of orange juice. He got up to go to the bathroom at least 4 times, each time earning a stern look from his parents and a quiet laugh from Pogue. It wasn't his fault though, it's not like he was planning to have to pee so much.

The reception after the wedding was held at some high class banquet place in the biggest suite or something; the information was fuzzy in Tyler and Pogue's minds. All they knew was that they sat at Table 3 with Tyler's parents and his Aunt May and Uncle Dan.

By the time dinner was being served, the boys had gone through Mrs. Sims pushing them to dance... several times, all which were rejected by Tyler, Mr. Sims talking to them about Using and the Power, not to mention telling them some stories from his youth that made both boys laugh, and, the most common happening, drunk relatives coming over and asking them to take pictures with them and telling them stories neither wanted to hear.

Luckily, between those occurrences, the two were usually alone and had time to talk to each other. During those times, Pogue was usually trying to convince Tyler to go with him and try to find some place where they could.. have some fun.

Tyler only gave in once and that one time, Kyle, the cousin that just got married, happened to find them just as things started to get heavy. Tyler turned beet red, but he could live with that. It was when Kyle started giving them the 'sex safety' talk that Tyler thought he was going to die.

Fortunately, Kyle promised to keep his mouth shut, but Tyler knew he told James because each time he'd look over to either of them, they'd give him that knowing smile and Tyler wanted to go hide in the corner for the rest of his life.

Pogue, on the other hand, took it a bit better; he had recovered from the shock and embarrassment of Kyle finding them rather quickly--quick enough to ask him for tips right after they finished that little 'talk'. What could he say? He was young and curious.

When dinner was done being served, Tyler dug into his plate like he hadn't eaten in ages (even though he had eaten at least 3 of each of the h'ordeurves being served), leaving the rest of the table, sans Pogue, who just ate calmly, amazed.

"Well.. they must not be feeding you at that school," Mrs. Sims commented.

"He's a growing boy," Mr. Sims laughed, "Let him eat all he wants." But as soon as Tyler went to steal some of his dad's mashed potatoes, he was shooed away, so he went to Pogue's instead.

After dinner and desert, Tyler was stuffed and didn't want to move at all, but that didn't stop his mother from bothering him about going out to dance with Pogue.

"It'll be so cute, dear, I'll even take pictures so you can remember it, how about it?"

"...that didn't help."

"Pogue, ask him to dance, he won't say no to you."

Pogue almost spit out the water he had been drinking at that request. He was actually hoping Tyler could just talk them out of this again but with Mrs. Sims asking him to do that and his little picture perfect reputation going for him in her eyes, he couldn't just say no, so he cleared his throat and stood up, holding his hand out to Tyler.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked with a small smile.

"Mom, God," Tyler sighed and looked up at Pogue, knowing he couldn't just say no if Pogue had that cute little smile on his face. "Alright," He murmured and put his hand in Pogue's, pulling his napkin off his lap and setting it on the table as he stood up.

As they made their way to the dance floor, the song changed to a slow song and a quick glance to the DJ let Tyler know that James was behind it. Everyone else must have been in on some devious plan because as they got closer and closer to the dance floor, couples started to leave slowly. By the time they started dancing, it was only them and two other couples, who both left shortly after.

"They're all staring at us," Tyler murmured, hiding his face in Pogue's neck so no one could see him blush.

"Yeah.. they are," Pogue chuckled, glancing around as they moved and swayed to the music. Most people were trying to feign being occupied with other things as they watched but others just were just flat out staring at them.

"This is so embarrassing," Tyler groaned, tightening his arms around Pogue's neck, which caused Pogue to tighten his arms around Tyler's waist.

"Just think of it as our first dance as a new couple."

"But we're not married."

"Pretend we are," he grinned and kissed Tyler's temple.

Tyler relaxed a bit at that and picked his head up to ask, "So.. where's my ring?"

Pogue laughed and shook his head, "I don't have that but I can promise you something else."


"A honeymoon," he smirked and Tyler grinned, hiding his face in Pogue's neck again as he laughed; he definitely wanted to see how that would turn out.