Disclaimer: I own nothing affiliated with the WWE, Jeff, Maria or any other of the wrestlers mentioned in this story.


AN: Sorry about the long wait. Will get better at updating. I just want to thank those who reviewed the last chapter Hardys4Life, Niki-Boop, .CmPunkluver., xxxZeroDarkMoonxxx, Jocelyn, KayleyBubblez, Jess, DevilsPrincessAngel, RiaxJeff, amazing_grace, Briar-RoseMystery and LatinaParadox. Here goes another one…



Maria saw Jeff approaching and began to panic.

"Let me handle this. Follow my lead." Shawn said facing Maria trying to get her to calm down before she blew her cover.

"Hey Shawn, have you seen Maria anywhere? I have been looking for her and can't seem to find her." Jeff was speaking to Shawn and noticed that someone else was with Hunter.

"Nope can't say that I have." Jeff looked at the third person and raised an eyebrow. Shawn saw this and decided to step into his line of vision. "Come to think of it I did see Maria. She was heading back to the arena looking for Lillian."

"Thanks. Who is that with Hunter? She looks kind of familiar," said Jeff trying to get a better look at the person with Hunter, which was kind of hard since Shawn decided to step in his line of vision.

"Oh…" Shawn stepped in front of Jeff to try to block his view of Maria. Shawn knew that Jeff and Maria are really close and that given the chance he would be able to see through the disguise. "That's his cousin who stopped by for a talk. She's a little upset and needed her 'big brother'. Something to do with her boyfriend or something like that."

Jeff knew by the tone that Shawn was speaking in the last part of that statement was directed towards him. Jeff couldn't help but feel guilty all over again. "Oh, okay. Tell her that no guy is worth crying over and that there are many more guys that are not creeps in the world. Thanks again for the information on Maria's whereabouts. I'll see you later I'm a man on a mission."

Shawn waited until Jeff had exited the lobby and was heading back to the arena in search of Lilian. Once Shawn was sure the coast was clear he rejoined Hunter and Maria and began to head towards the elevators to go up to their rooms.

"Hold on I have an idea," said Shawn while turning around and walking over to the receptionist desk. After a few minutes Shawn returned with a smile on his face. "I decided to upgrade to a two bedroom suite. That way if Jeff or someone else comes looking for any of us especially you Maria, as I know they will, they won't find you or any of us. That is if we don't want to be found."

Maria hugged Shawn while giggling. Maria linked her arms with Hunter and Shawn and headed once again towards the elevators. Once the elevator reached the 15th floor Maria jumped on Hunter's back and was carried towards the door to the suite.

Once inside the suite Maria called the smaller room. Since both Hunter and Shawn would have to share Maria decided to at least give them the bigger room. Hey its the least she could do considering everything thing have done so far. Hunter and Shawn couldn't help but roll their eyes at the younger diva. It was so good to see her happy again.

"So missy, what should we do since your in hiding? You want to sneak out to a club or stay in? Hunter asked Maria.

"Its okay if you want to go out. I can just hang here and watch a movie or something until you return," mentioned Maria and she plopped down on the couch with the remote in her hand.

Shawn stepped in front of her and took the remote control away from her. "Nope not going to happen. We are on a mission to cheer you up. So what is it going to be, stay in or are we going to hit the town.

Maria couldn't help but giggle at Shawn. She pretended to think about it. "I know let's go to the mall and watch a movie, since you seem so intent to keep me company. No one will find me there at the mall. Well except maybe for the girls. We know that Jeff wouldn't think to look for me there."

Hunter couldn't help but look at the young bubble diva with a smile on his face. "Depends on what kind of movie you have in mind. I don't know if I can stand to watch a love story or a silly chick flick. You know what any chick for that matter should be out of the question."

Hunter and Shawn laughed. Maria gave hem a stern look at responded. "Come on you know me. I love action and adventure movies. I'll only watch chick flicks with the girls or with guys who piss me off and I want to punish them. Since I'm in a better mood thanks to you two I will let you decide which type of movie we will see."

They all changed and left the hotel without getting spotted by anyone. Once at the mall they noticed that no "guy" movie was playing. Maria pouted and Shawn couldn't help but laugh. "How about we stop by the food court and get dinner then we can buy some movies to watch when we return to our suite. We can pick up some snacks as well, including your new favorite of skittles."

Maria immediately perked up at the thought of junk food. "Okay lets grab some slices of pizza or we could order room service. Of course this would be after we shop. I need a new outfit and some new headphones for my iPod.

Maria knew the guys hated shopping so she took pity on them and went into a sports store. They bought some movies from a DVD store and noticed the time. Apparently they spent two hours shopping. They wanted to get back to the hotel before the others returned from the arena.

A few minutes later they headed back knowing that the others would be arriving shortly. Once they reached the lobby they ran into Lilian.

"Hey chick how are you feeling?" asked a concerned Lilian.

Maria gave her a hug, "I am okay these two took me shopping."

Lilian smiled, "I can see that based on your bags. I can also see that they were kind enough to carry your bags for you."

Maria giggled when Shawn and Hunter looked at her and shook their heads. They knew what she was going to say. "Nope these bags are theirs. They're worse than me…anyways were going to head up before anyone else sees me. I'll call you later if you don't go out. We can talk and you can help me sort everything out.

Lilian nodded, "okay I'll be in my room. I don't feel like going out tonight. I'm just heading to the gift shop because I seem to have misplaced my toothbrush…again. You think I would carry extra ones with me."

Maria giggled and hugged Lilian then headed to the elevators. As the doors were closing Maria noticed Jeff entering the lobby and heading towards Lilian without stopping her.


Preview: Maria gets unexpected visitors who convince her to talk to Jeff.

AN: Who do you think gives Maria advice?