It was 3:00 in the afternoon at RR HQ, and Callie was outside looking out into the water of the beach.
"Where are you guys?" She asked woundering where the Swat Kats were and when they would come to rescue her.
Over the weeks she had spent with the Rovers she had seen thaat these strange creatures were indeed good and kindhearted after all. In time she was able to befriend Colleen, without getting her block knocked off of couse. Also she was able to be roam around the base so long as she supervised by Master. Master saw that Callie was in no way being a danger to anyone and began to give her more privlages around the base as well. He also talked a bit with Callie and asked her where she came from and how she got here. Callie would then talk for hours about here home, MegaKat City and talk about how the Swat ats were her heros and everything. Master found that to be a bit strange and came to the theroy that this cat had been under some special experiment by Parvo to create a team to beat the Rovers, yet she always denied working for him. One thing that was strange when she talked with Master was that everytime he began to try and talk witth her about when the Rovers saved her she would deny it and say they were monsters. Master assumed it was because of the part when she said they killed Steel, which Master didn't aprove of either but said they had no choice. Calie didn't care about that, she knew they killed him because they wanted to. As if to fill some twisted preasure, like when she first met the Rovers in battle.
"Hey what are you doing out here?!" Blitz called out to her
"Oh I..I was just," Callie began
"No excusses get back in the base," he barked out
Callie had managed to somewhat befriend the Rovers, she had managed to become a good buddy with Colleen (wiothout getting hurt of course) and enjoyed being with Shag and. Yet she truly hated Blitz. In a way he was a key cause for everything. It was Blitz who ordered the Rovers to attak her and her friends, it was Blitz who puncher her in the face and left her half blind, it was Blitz who made his friends kill Steel, and it was Blitz who used her as his love toy. Given the chance she would punch him in the face, hard. Yet she decided against it when she saw his sharp claws. Hitting Blitz would probably mean her losing her head.
Yet as she walked to the door she noticed a red and black colored oject in the sky. "Oh thank you," she said
"Thank what?" Blitz asked.
"Hey pretty boy paws off the girl!" T-Bone said as he pounched on Blitz and began to punch him
"We came to save you Callie" Razor said as he landed the Turbokat with now had some weapons on that they made from stuff they found at a junkyard.
Calie ran to Razor and hugged him
"Oh than goodness you're here she said
Yet her moment of joy was taken away as she heard the blood splatering and T-Bone chocking. She turned around to see that that T-Bone had been stabbed in the chest by Blitz claws. Fresh blood ozzed out of his body and on to Blitz as he got up and bit his face.
"GET HIM, KILL THAT MONSTER!" Callie scremed in terror
Blitz then ran into the building. Callie ran after, fuel by the tought of destroying the evil dobermen.
"Callie, no, don't," Razor called out. But to no avail and ran inside as well, everyone else followed.
Blitz quickly set off an alarm warning the others that introders were here. Pretty soon he got to the briefing room where he found the others.
"Guys that cat girls friends are here, and they are pissed," Blitz said
"What?" Hunter asked
Just then Callie jumped in and kicked Blitz in the face as some other cats followed her
"Well it's round 2," Felina said as she began a karate fight with Colleen. Camera guy went for Hunter. Feral simply holding a gun in his hand (reminder he's in a wheel chair) went for Shag
Callie began to punch and kick Blitz
"You bastered, it's all your fault this happened," Just then Callies eyes turned red and her skin went black "I'M GONNA KILL YOU"
Just then she grew muscles, claws, and her hair became a blazzing inferno.
"Wow guess the transdogmifyer did give her a power," Master commented
"I would not have predicted this," Hunter said as camera guy bashed him with a chair, only to hve his butt set on fire by Exiles eye beam.
Callie than began to claw and punch at Blitz, yet oddly it had little if any effect
"What?" Callie said in her new demonic voice
"Hello, I get beaten up by Colleen on a regular basis you think this is anything new to me?" Blitz said then slashed Callies head off causing blood to spray everywhere.
"Oh my God HE KILLED CALLIE!!" Razor aid as he saw what appened to his one true love
"YOU BASTERED!" Camera guy id (get the joke)?
"Hey kitty, kitty remember this?" Hunter sked as he held Muzzle in his straight Jaket thing.
"Okay buddy Muzzle him!" Hunter ordered
Yet sadly for Hunter Razor fired a net from his wrist gun thing and stopped Muzzle
"Not this time blondy," Razor declared
"Okay then I'll just do this," Just then Hunter ran and Razor as fast as he could (leaving his signature trail of fire behind him) grabbed Razor and threw his face into his fire.
"AHHHH!" Razor cremed in plan as his flesh pealed of his face. Soon he was dead to.
"Okay forget revenge, I'm outta here," Camera guy screamed as he ran out of the building and into the ship. He then turned in on as took flight. Sadly thought RR HQ defence systems activeted and he, along with the TurboKat were blown to bits.
Feral charged (or in his chase rolled) over to Shag and began firing. Yet oddly the big dog wasn't going down. Shag then got right p to Ferals chair, grabbed his gun and threw him out his chair.
"But this dosen't make scence you should be dead," Feal said
Shag then pulled a bullet proof plaiting out of his fur and hit Feral in the head with it.
Felina was all that was left now, she punched and jabbed at Colleen.
"Give up you can't win," Colleen said, but Felina was to stuborn to hear her and countined to attack. Yet ultimatly she was defeated when Shag pulled out a woooden baseball bat from his fur and hit Felina in the back of the head with it.
After the terrilbe battle the Rovers took the courpses of the dead fighters and burried them.
Blitz felt a toch of guit for the rest of life because of this.
Feral and Felina lived and Master found a way to turn them into regular cats. They lived the rest of their lives being taken care of by some family in Florida. At east unti a guy in a car accidently killed Feral.
The Rovers built a tombstone for Callie, in a way she was almost their friend. She could have made a great Rover. It said
"Here lies Callie Briggs. The forgotten Rover"
Well that's the end. I hoped you all enjoyed it.
Rovers rule, and Kats poo