Holidays In Space
"Are you ready yet?"
Videl lifted her head from her luggage to Gohan, who was leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Do I seem ready to you?" She asked, her hands on her hips. "Don't you see I'm not finished packing yet?"
Gohan just smiled, being used to her temper by now. She rolled her eyes and continued to pack. He walked toward the bed and sat on it, next to Videl's luggage.
"So, are you excited to go to space?" He asked.
"Who wouldn't be?" She said, keeping on packing. "Weren't you excited, the first time you went to space?"
"Of course I was. But I was a bit scared, too."
"Well, didn't you tell me that you were only five at the time? It's understandable to be scared at that young age."
"Are you scared?"
She looked up at him, and smiled at him. "Why would I be? I have the strongest fighter in the Universe with me." She said with a wink.
"Well, I'm still not sure if I am stronger than my father, we're always even when we're sparring…"
"Who said I was talking about you?"
He blinked. "Then who were you talking about?"
"Gotenks, of course!" She replied happily. Seeing the look on her friend's face, she burst out laughing. "I'm kidding! Of course I was talking about you!"
He crossed his arms, pouting. "That was so mean. You made me look like an idiot."
"There wasn't much difference."
"You… You're so mean!"
She laughed. "You have no humor."
Videl stared at the big, round spaceship before her, Gohan, Goten and Trunks at her side. They were all going to New Namek for the holidays, just visiting the planet and its inhabitants. It had been hard to convince Chichi to let her sons go to space, especially after what happened the first time she let Gohan go to Namek. But after assuring her that they were going to be safe, and that he would study during the trip, she had finally accepted.
The spaceship's door opened, and out came Bulma and her father, walking toward them.
"So, so, can we go now? Can we go?" Goten asked excitedly.
"Yes you can, Goten." Bulma replied with a smile. "I already explained to Gohan how to fly the ship, so if you are all ready, you can go to space."
"Awesome!" Goten and Trunks said in unison.
"I just hope there won't be another powerful villain after the Dragon Balls…" Bulma said, recalling her time in Namek when Frieza was terrorizing the Namekians.
"Even if there was, they won't stand a chance against Gohan." Videl said. "Right, Gohan?"
"Oh, so now I'm the powerful one, not Gotenks?" He said, still a bit upset by her jokes.
"Aw, you know I was only kidding!" Videl said. "Stop pouting already! We're going to have fun!"
He smiled at her. "I know."
"Oh, you two are just too cute together! You're going to make such a cute couple!" Bulma said, making the two teens blush.
"Bulma! It's not like that!!" Gohan protested, his face deep red. "We're just friends!"
"Yeah, it's not like I like Gohan that way!" Videl said, making Gohan wince slightly. It went unnoticed by Videl, but not by Bulma, who smirked knowingly.
"If you say so." She said, her smirk still on her face.
"Can we go now?" Gohan said, heaving a sigh. He was already tired and the trip hadn't even started yet.
"Everyone's ready? We're going to take off in 3, 2, 1…"
The spaceship took off with a big jerk, then the jerk stopped. Gohan unbuckled his seatbelt and got up from his seat, walking toward his room.
"Where are you going?" Videl asked.
"I'm going to rest a bit." He replied.
"You mean you're leaving me to babysit those two little demons by myself?"
"Hey!" Goten protested. "We're not that bad!"
"And anyway," Trunks added. "We don't need you to babysit us. We can take care of ourselves."
"That's right!" Goten agreed.
"If you two can take care of yourselves, then I don't need to cook for you, do I?"
A look of horror crossed the two boys' faces.
"You… You're not going to starve us, are you?" Goten asked fearfully.
"If you two don't behave, then I will be forced to." Videl replied.
"We'll be good!" They said in unison.
"See? You're doing really well. See you later." Gohan said, closing his room's door behind him.
Videl sighed. "So, what do you want to do?" She asked the two boys.
They looked at each other, then exclaimed at the same time:
"Video games!"
It has been days since they had left Earth, and the trip was going rather well. Gohan spent his time most of his time studying and training (Bulma had installed a Gravity Room in the ship). Sometimes he played with the boys, or spent time with Videl. He trained her most of the time, but sometimes they spent their time just talking, or playing video games with Goten and Trunks.
It was really going well, and soon they arrived to New Namek.
"Wow, it's so pretty." Goten said, staring at the green planet through the glass window.
"Yeah it is." Videl agreed.
"Well, we have to land now, so go back to your sits." Gohan said.
They obeyed, buckling their seatbelts, and they landed with a jerk.
"We're here!" Goten exclaimed happily.
Videl grinned. "This is going to be fun."
The End