Chapter 10

Party Time

The boys will be performing at the Winter Dance. It's official. Mrs. Busto told us the day after the press found out about Connect 3 working at our school for our music program. It's stupid, now that the world knows about Connect 3 here, people from other schools are going to try and get a famous person to train them for competition. At least there's about 5 weeks or so until the competition so we'll just have to deal with the media following kids around and staying in the front of our school for that long… oh man, sucks for the boys.

Now, I'm with Caitlyn and Peggy as Peggy's brother, Jordan, drove us to their house so that we could meet with Lola, Ella, and Tess who will be staying with Peggy for the winter. It was nice to finally meet with them after the last time we saw them. Jason, Shane, and Nate will meet with us later at Peggy's house so for now, what we had planned was to gossip. How fun.

We reached a gated housing, soft of like the place like Shane's neighborhood, but I think this is farther than Shane's house. We drove through the streets until we reached a white two story house that looked like it was almost as big as Shane's house, but smaller.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked Peggy and Caitlyn as Jordan drove to the back to the garage.

"We're going to throw them a welcome party! They're here until January 5th which means they'll be here for about 3 weeks. We need to have fun with those three weeks." Peggy grinned wickedly.

"We'll bring them to the dance next week!" Caitlyn brought up.

I smiled. "That's not a bad idea, but I don't go to dances." I told them and the car stopped.

I opened my door and stepped out of the car and got my things. I closed the door and followed Jordan to the door and Caitlyn and Peggy followed behind me. Once he opened the door, I looked in and was awed at how nice the house looked. Everything was white and crystal like, almost made for royal or something. Tiled floors, everything looked fragile and I'm afraid I might break something and the whole house would break or something.

I looked back at Peggy and she smiled. "Just go, the living room is right in front of you."

I looked ahead of me and walked in. "Wow." Is aid and climbed the three steps which led to the living room.

I walked toward a couch and sat on it as I set my bag in front of me. There was a huge plasma TV in front of me and a computer on the side. The coffee table was made of glass, and it looked like anything I touch could break. I felt kind of scared.

"I'll go get some snacks while Caitlyn sets up the DVD." Peggy said as she set her things down, about to leave me and Caitlyn alone.

"Do you need help?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I'm fine, it's my house, and you should relax." She smiled and headed out of the room.

I looked at Caitlyn who was took her laptop from her bag and put it on the computer table next to Peggy's computer. She turned it on and went back to her bag to take a DVD from it. She kneeled in front of the TV and popped in the DVD. She turned on the TV and looked back at me.

She grinned. "You should be excited."

I smiled. "I am excited; I get to see my camp friends." I leaned back into the couch and looked at the TV as a picture we took at camp display on the TV.

"Oops." Caitlyn said and turned of the TV.

I scrunched my face and sighed. "I want to watch it." I said but she shook her head.

"No thanks." She smiled. "When they get here."

I sighed and in came Peggy with a tray with popcorn, chips, sweets, and all that good stuff. She set it on the coffee table and left to get more things.

I got up from my seat to see if she needed my help, but the doorbell rang. I went to get it and as I got to the door, I could hear squeals coming from the door. I smiled and opened the door to Lola, Ella, and Tess there with the boys.

"Mitchie!" The three girls squealed together and I hugged each one.

"Hi." I said smiling and stepped to the side so that everyone could come in.

I watched everyone come in and Shane stood back and waited until everyone was inside. Once they reached the living room, Shane took my wrist and pulled me outside, along with the door I held. The door slammed shut as I let it go and he brought me to a warm embrace.

"Mitchie." He smiled and I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Shane." I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Shut up." He chuckled and lightly pecked my lips.

I felt warm inside and put my forehead down on his shoulder once he pulled back. He held me for a little bit longer and took in a deep breath. A hand rose from the small of my back to the back of my neck with his fingers spread with his thumb and middle finger pressing along the side of my neck as if he was feeling for a pulse.

I sighed and pulled back. "We should go in." I told him and let him go. "And we best watch out, who knows, maybe I'll make the front news with Mr. Shane Grey. " I joked and dropped my hands from him.

He released me, only to take my hand and lace his fingers with mine. I opened the door and led him in, but as we reached the steps to the living room, everyone was sitting on the couch and soon all eyes were on us.

"What were you two doing?" Tess teased.

The boys and girls all laughed and I blushed profusely, instantly letting go of Shane's hand and sat between Ella and Tess. Shane shrugged and sat on the floor, where the rest of the boys were. Everyone was eating popcorn, chips, drinking their drinks, waiting for Caitlyn's presentation. Jason got annoyed and threw popcorn at her but she just ignored him and finally got the DVD working again.

I leaned back in my couch when a picture of all of us from camp showed on the TV, the same picture I saw earlier when Caitlyn turned off the TV when I asked. A background of camp and its logo was on the screen with a menu. She pressed lay, and suddenly the camp rock song played.

We all cheered and suddenly a montage of videos showed on the screen. I sat back and smiled at all the memories we made this summer. It made me feel a little… excited really. How I got Shane to be my friend, how I got everyone to be my friend actually. How much Tess changed during camp? It made me want to cry.

As the video progressed, it was full of funny moments, sad moments, the Final Jam, and it was fun. There was the video take of Peggy's time in the studio with Shane, Nate, and Jason. It was adorable. Just as the credits rolled, I never wanted it to end. We all started talking of memories as the camp rock song played, thinking the video was done until Peggy told us to shut up.

I looked back to the screen and noticed Caitlyn, Peggy, Ella, Lola, Tess and I were all arranged. I was behind a mic, Tess and Lola behind their mic, and Peggy and Ella behind another mic while Caitlyn sat and played a song.

I smiled. I heard the song, I never watched the video, but I'm actually amazed that she caught us singing "Our Time is Here" on video. I smiled as I took in the inspirational song. I took a deep breath and sighed.

At the middle of the song, my phone rang and I quickly took my phone from my pocket and answered it hastily.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hey Mitchie, its Brent." The voice replied and my eyes widened.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked to a hallway, which led to the kitchen. I found the kitchen and entered the room and leaned against a countertop.

"What's up?" I asked, feeling a little nervous.

Shane would get mad if he realized I was talking to Brent. He doesn't like Brent at all, talking to him last night; Shane even suggested that maybe Brent slipped to the press that Connect 3 was there. Of course I thought about that too, especially when Brent came to my house that one time when I was going on the date with Shane.

"Homework, you know." He said dully and I heard him cough. "You know, the Winter Dance is coming up next week…" He said and trailed off, only for me to realize what he was going to ask.

"I don't think…" I started, but his voice interrupted me.

"Please, Mitchie, you owe me this." He breathed out.

My eyes rose. "What do you mean I owe you this? From what I remember, I owed you nothing." I instantly replied and crossed my arm to my elbow and held it as I pressed the receiver hard against my ear.

"Well, I was sort of looking forward, I even bought tickets, I wanted to go with you, and I assumed that you'd-"

"Why assume? I don't know…" I bit my lip. "I'm sort of… well, I was thinking of bringing my friends who just came from out of state. A few friends from camp."

"Oh." His voice now dull.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, maybe-" I started.

"how about I'll leave you tonight to think about it and tomorrow for you to tell me."

I shook my head. "You're a good friend, Brent, but I'm sort of seeing someone right now." I told him and frowned.

I'm not so good at turning people down. In fact, I've never turned down anyone before. This is the only hear where something like this happened. I never got attention before.

"I'll just talk to you tomorrow." He sighed.

I pulled the phone from my ear and hung up. I stood there, shaking my head, and put my phone into my pocket. I stood straight and went back to the living room where everyone was talking and watching TV.

I smiled at my friends and kneeled on the ground, next to Shane.

Shane looked at me questionably and I shook my head. I just felt like being with him for the moment. Talking to Brent, for some reason I get so intimidated by him. Ever since he said we should partner up, when he said I should sing his song, it didn't make sense. Why was he being so nice to me? I'm not even his friend and I don't even consider him 'hot' like everyone else. Why can't he just hit on Anna? She'd back off of Shane if he did that.

I sighed and leaned back against the couch and watched Caitlyn set up some mics.

"Karaoke anyone?" She turned to us and Tess stood.

"Party time!" She walked to Caitlyn and took the mic from her. She turned to us to strike a pose. "This will be dedicated to all my camp rock fans… or friends." She smiled and turned to the screen and selected a song.


After the singing, we all were watching a movie to complete the night. I got my mom's blessing to sleep over the house just to catch up with Tess, Lola, and Ella. It was fun, but it was better when the boys left because we talked about our favorite subject: Boys.

We all sat on the ground in pajamas; I borrowed Caitlyn's extra pair of pajamas because she always slept over Peggy's house. We had pillows and blankets, sat in a circle with the food in the middle. We moved the glass table to the side so we could have more room-not that we needed more room since the living room was already 'too' big.

"So anyway, I'm seeing this guy named Tony." Tess smiled as she hugged her pillow. "He's dreamy, good dancer." She sighed.

"Seems like you finally given up on Shane." Caitlyn sat crisscrossed and stared at Tess who laughed and eyed me.

"After camp, I realized it was stupid that I was being such a biatch. Shane clearly likes Mitchie, and today I could tell that Mitchie already has his heart." She smiled widely.

I blushed. "Shut up." I said and took my pillow from my side to press my face against it.

"It's true!" She said.

I sat right across of her and put the pillow down. "Fine, why hasn't he asked me to be his girlfriend?" I asked her and she looked up.

"Maybe he thinks that you'll feel insecure because you are a normal girl and he's famous." She said.

I felt like I was going to a shrink, that she was telling me this just for me to feel better. Ah how weird is this? I looked around, Peggy to my right was nodding, Caitlyn next to her was staring at her intently, as if she really was a doctor. Ah I don't like this attention.

"How about you all talk about your boy problems. I'm a bit embarrassed." I openly admitted and Ella, to my left, shook her head.

"Wow Tess, you're really good." She said and Tess smiled.

"I like to read people."

I sighed. "Okay, moving on, the Winter dance." I brought up and instantly everyone talked about it.

"Are you really going to take us to your dance? I bought a dress and everything." Lola said and moved to lie down on the floor.

"Of course, we don't have date; we can each bring you, unless one of us gets asked out." Caitlyn shrugged.

I was asked by Brent. Dang it, I need to tell them. They could help me with my problem, or I hope they could. I desperately need someone to talk to this about. I'm uncomfortable about talking about my personal relationships and such, but still, Brent is Brent and he makes me feel so uncomfortable.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Brent asked me to the dance." I let out in one deep breath.

""What?" Caitlyn and Peggy said in unison.

I shrugged. "He called me during "Our Time is Here" and asked me out." I said and moved so that I was lying on my stomach. I put my phone in front of me and put a pillow under my chest with my arms over it.

"What did you say? Who is this Brent guy?" Ella asked as she looked at me.

"He's in my music class." I said and cupped my face. "He's in the same section as me but he wants to, I guess, be more than friends, but I don't want him at all."

"He's totally hot." Peggy said. "He's the type of guy any of us would go for."

"Except for me!" I said out loud and dropped my head.

"How hot is he?" Lola asked curiously.

Everyone laughed. "You want him to be your beau?" Ella brought up.

I smiled as Lola threw popcorn at Ella, and looked at my phone as it rang. It was Shane and I really didn't feel like talking to him just because we're talking about Brent, well not really, but still makes me feel like I'm cheating on him even if I'm not and we're not really dating.

I put my phone to silent and ignored the call as the girls continued on talking about music class and Brent. Man, this is really hard, Shane wouldn't trust me if he knew that I still somewhat kept in contact with him.

A/N I'm sorry in the delay, I wanted to spend as much time with my sister until she left back to where she lives and now I'm here and have more time alone so I have, hopefully, more time to update, though, I have school so that's a downer. Sorry this chapter wasn't much.

Anyway, I loved Breaking Dawn all except the ending, there could've been more, I wished there was more but there wasn't, obviously. I thought it was an awesome book still. I love Jacob even more, just the whole. Thing with Jacob and Renesmee was kind of awkward. Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for reviewing!