Sorry I took so long to update, but to be honest, I had no idea what to write about!! I hope you guys still love me after I was so mean.

Lex's POV

I sat on 'my' bed, frozen, looking back on the day. I took a deep breath and walked to the window, opening it as wide as it would go. I gasped when I saw the full moon, its beauty tearing through me like a razor to stitches. My eyes raked across the moonlight forest, and I was again struck with how beautiful the night was. I was seeing everything with new eyes, and had a newfound curiosity for everything. It was new to me, being free.


My breathing hitched and I staggered back to my bed, where I sat and hugged my knees. Tears streamed down my face as the realization hit me.

I'm free.

No more living in fear, no more crying myself to sleep, no more empty promises to myself on how everything was going to be "all right." I didn't have to pretend anymore. I was safe.

I'm free.


Jacob's POV

"What?!" I hissed, waves of rage coursing through me. Quil cowered away from the venom in my voice. "How could he have escaped?!"

"It wasn't our fault! We had him and then all of the sudden, he ran to his car and took off past the treaty line!"

"That's pathetic." I snarled. "You're telling me that he was too much for a pack of seven werewolves?! Someone screwed up, and someone's going to pay." I said icily, and he cowered away once more.

"Calm, Jacob." Sam's deep voice carried through the clearing we were in. I sighed, and my muscles relaxed, immediately obeying the alpha command.

"How can you ask me to be calm, Sam? She's just been assured she's safe for the first time in the past few months and now this?"

"He'll come back for her Jacob. And when he does, we'll be ready."

"Should we tell her?" Quil asked. A snarl ripped from my throat, and he winced.

"Enough." Sam commanded. "I think it would be best if we waited on that." He said, answering Quil's obvious question.

"Fine." I said. "But promise me something Sam." He raised his eyebrows at me. "When he comes back, I want to be the one to rip him to shreds. He's going to pay double for every time he ever touched her." I growled. He nodded.

"I never got to congratulate you, Jacob. I'm sure you'll be happy together." I cracked a smile as Lex's beautiful face flashed through my mind. "Take the night off, my gift to you. We'll see you in the morning."

"Thanks, Sam." He nodded again, and I took off through the dark trees.

"And Jacob? Be careful." I turned back and looked into his eyes. He didn't need to say more, I understood. Lex was fragile at the moment, and I needed to be as careful as I possibly could with her. I wouldn't be another Jason.