Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, Dean or Sam, I'm just borrowing them and I give them back when I 've finished

Thank you for the reviews it much appreciated

Chapter Twelve

"OK" Chrissie relented "but Dean, he lives"

"No" Zane replied sharply

"That's my terms"

"You'll give yourself to me body and soul" Zane asked

"Yes" she lied; she had no intentions of giving herself to him.

Zane released his iron grip on her and she stood quickly to her feet "OK, I'm coming" she shouted out for Jack to hear.

Jack removed the blood stained knife from Dean's throat and watched Chrissie approach with Zane a step behind at her side.

Bobby couldn't wait any longer, he had no choice; he couldn't see Sam regaining consciousness it was now or never. He just started to squeeze the trigger when he heard Chrissie shout out. Bobby released the trigger on the rifle; he could feel the sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Chrissie and her lapdog Zane" Jack snared as they came into view

Through the sight of the rifle Bobby didn't have a clean shot because of a tree which was obscuring his view. Jack needed to lore them more towards him.

Chrissie discreetly glanced across at Dean; it didn't go unnoticed by Jack "He's more than just a member of your blood bank isn't he, you have feeling for him?" Jack asked with glee twirling the machete in one hand whilst in the other hand he held his bowie knife.

"No, he's just food" Chrissie lied" Food which you took from me"

"You took my family from me; you feed my wife to the blood bank, you turned by daughters into fifthly vermin" Jack spat out.

Jack stepped back towards Dean "You know what I think; Dean here is a replacement for dear old Vince, you know Vince begged for his own existence, he pleaded for mercy as I cut into him with this knife soaked in dead man's blood"

Chrissie screamed as she released that this was the man who had beheaded her soul mate, her vampire teeth suddenly appearing she charged towards Jack. Zane immediately followed his love.

As soon as the two vampires were out in the open Bobby opened fire, he hit Chrissie in the shoulder and side, the force of bullets sent her crashing to her knees, he turned his attention to the more dangerous of the two Zane and pumped bullet after bullet into him; he stopped as Zane fell to one knee, he watched Jack move forward lifting the machete he swung it downwards, moments later Zane's head left his body and rolled on the ground. Jack pushed Zane's headless body over with his foot and turned his attention to Chrissie.

Chrissie struggled to her feet, she looked across at Zane headless body; the anger in her eyes had been replaced by fear. Her attention was drawn to Jack again as he once again moved back towards Dean holding the bowie knife to his throat "Before I kill you, I'll let you watch him bleed out"

"No" she screamed as she ran forward, another bullet hit her in the chest; she staggered, slowly dropping back down onto her knees. The expression on her face turning from horror to shock as blood appeared out of Jack's mouth. She watched him stumble forward the knife in his hand dropping into to the ground as he slummed to his knees. Behind him stood Sam, his own knife now lodged in the middle of Jack's back. Sam held onto the tree for support. Sam and Chrissie glared at each other for a second as she stood her vampire hearing picked up on noises, she heard rustling and footsteps approaching, other hunters where coming. She knew she couldn't take them all on, taking one last glance at Dean "I'll see you again babe" she said before she turned and ran as fast as her injured body would allow.

Sam picked up the bowie knife and started to cut through the robes holding Dean to the tree, once Dean was free he Lent heavily again Sam, "I've got you" Sam told him as he staggered back under the weight of his brother, he managed to eased him down to the floor "Dean, Dean, you with me?"

"Dean opened his eyes a fraction "self defence Sammy, never drank his blood" he said it was almost a whisper.

"I know Dean, it's alright" Sam reassured him.

Bobby came running over with the backpack with the first aid kit. "How's he doing" Bobby asked

"Not good" Sam replied he looked down at his brother shivering body, the bites on his neck were healing; his left eye was bruised. Sam checked Dean neck where Jack had cut into him, thank god it wasn't deep, he opened the jacket that Dean's was wearing, his shirt was covered in blood; he eased the once white T-shirt up finding the bullet wound and the multi coloured bruising on his ribs.

Bobby lifted his gun up as he saw shadows moving in between the trees, he signed with relief as Joseph, Billy and Scott appeared. "Great timing"

Joseph knelt down beside Dean "We need to get him somewhere warm; clean his wound and gets some liquid and food into him"

"There some cabins on the other side of the woods" Bobby answered "We would be better taking him there, it's nearer than town"

They all froze has a scream pierced the air "Oh god I let Ray tied up, looks like Chrissie found him" Bobby informed them but no one seem to care.

"Dean, open your eyes, look at me" Sam asked

Dean opened his eyes "Cold Sammy"

"We'll get you warm soon" Sam reassured him "Where do you hurt?"

"Head, back, side and my ribs" Dean whispered he was fading again.

"Dean how many fingers am I holding up?" Sam asked holding up two "Dean, how many?"

Dean squinted "Four"

Sam started to lift Dean up over his shoulder but was stopped by Bobby, "you can't carry him not with your wounded back."

Billy stepped forward handing his machete to Sam "Let me, I'll carry him"

Sam hesitated for a moment; he knew too well Dean wouldn't want to be carried by his brother let alone a stranger. He relented, he watch Billy haul Dean over his broad shoulders with ease. They headed towards the cabins, Sam never once taking his eyes off Dean. Chrissie was out there; now that she had fed on Ray she would be stronger, Sam didn't want to take the chance she would come after Dean again.

When they reached the cabin Billy placed Dean on the sofa, while Bobby started to build a fire in the old fireplace. Sam went in search of blankets, anything to get Dean warm. Dean had been to quiet on the journey to the cabin, which frighten Sam, Dean was seldom quiet. Having found an old blanket in the bedroom Sam placed it over his brother. Dean was still shivering, he felt is forehead; there were no signs of a fever yet.

Bobby had started the fire and was concentrating on boiling water on the battered stove, to clean Dean's wound.

Dean stirred "thirsty"

Sam reached for the bottled water in his backpack, he held it to brothers lips, "just a sip now"

Dean weakly shock his head "Not water, need blood"

"No Dean, I'm not giving you blood" Sam told him; then he remembered the bottle Joseph gave him. He held it to Dean's lips but he refused to drink it.

"Sorry Dean but you're going to drink it" Sam said as he grabbed Dean's jaw and forced his mouth open, he pour a little into his mouth. "It's for your own good"

Dean coughed but didn't say anything; he was too exhausted to argue with Sam. He fell back into a peace sleep. While Dean was out, Sam started to clean the wound on Dean's side; he then sewed the wound up and bandaged it as best he could. With that taken care of he started to cook some food, Dean needed to eat to get his strength back for the journey back to the motel.

During the night Joseph, Billy and Scott went he search of Chrissie, while Sam and Bobby watched over Dean. Sam covered his brother up after rechecking his side, Dean had thankfully stopped shivering and was now sleeping soundly, some of his colour had returned to his face.

"I don't like that Chrissie still out there" Sam told Bobby, he thought back to Chrissie last words, she hadn't finished with Dean yet

"At least now you know she's out there"

The next morning Dean looked brighter. Joseph pulled his truck to a stop outside the small cabin. Sam helped his brother to the truck. Bobby asked Joseph "Any signs of Chrissie"

"We found Ray's body; we tracked her for awhile then lost her trail"


Joseph dropped Sam, Dean and Bobby off at the impala. Saying their goodbyes, Dean thanked them as they went their separate ways.

Once back at the motel Bobby took off. It didn't take Dean long "I'm hungry, how about a cheeseburger or two"

Sam gave him a look and huffed, it was good to have his brother back with all his faults.

"Hey, I got eight nearly nine days worth of food to catch up on" Dean smirked

"OK, after I've taken a look at your side" Sam replied

As Sam removed the bandage and looked at the wound Dean felt the need to thank his brother "Thanks Sammy for saving me"

"Just returning the favour, it was time I saved you for a change" Sam told him

It was late afternoon when Dean felt the need for blood; he was laid on his bed, when the stomach cramps started, he swung his legs over the bed picking up the bottle that Joseph had given Sam and headed for the bathroom, he could feel Sam's ever watchful eyes boring into his back. He closed and locked the bathroom door, he sat on the edge of the bath and took a sip; he closed his eyes and waited for his stomach to stop cramping. A knock came at the bathroom door, "Dean, you alright"

"Fine Sam" Dean said rubbing his hand over his face "Just give me a minute"

"OK" Sam replied

Sam picked up his new cell phone and rang Dr Matt Schofield for advice. The Doctor advised Sam that it would be best for Dean to make an appointment to see him. Sam closed his phone as Dean came out of the bathroom.

As Dean came out of the bathroom, Sam was sat waiting for him, he knew the look on Sam's face, the look that said he wanted to talk and he wasn't taking no for a answer.

Sam held Dr Schofield business card in his hand not knowing how to approach the subject of going to see the doctor

"Dean, I rang Dr Schofield" Sam started to say before Dean cut him off

"You what, I'm not going to see no shrink" Dean yelled

"Why not?" Sam asked trying to keep his voice low and calm.

"Because" Dean replied

"Because what?"

"Just because" Dean's voice was low

"I want to help you Dean, I don't like you craving for blood"

"I don't want to feel this way, to have these craving but I'm not going to any shrink" Dean said firmly as he sat down on his bed.

"So tell me what you want to do, whatever it is I'll support you?" Sam replied

Dean though for a minute "I can get through this, it's not going to be easy, it's going to take time, all I need is you to be there for me"

"You know I'll always be there for you" Sam said squeezing Dean's shoulder.


"What are brothers for" Sam replied as he punched Dean playfully on his shoulder.

A month later and Dean's desire for blood had lessened. There was a incident along the way when Dean was stitching Sam up after a gig, he caught the look on Dean's face; it was a longing desire to lick Sam's blood of his fingers but Dean was true to his word and for that Sam was proud of him even though he never told him.

The End

I have left the ending open for Chrissie to return in the future and Dean's addiction to blood, I'm working on a sequel. I want it to be darker and seedier where Dean meets other ex blood bank members.

Hope you enjoyed it; I would like to thank everyone for reading and a special thanks to those who reviewed.