Chapter 7: Forgiveness

Before everyone fell into the new world, Rin had been standing on the beach part of Duel Academy Island, her thoughts on the past events with the Orichalcos. Despite taking care of Dartz once and for all, she still wasn't completely over what happened. Once again she put everyone around her in danger because of her naivety. How could she have been so stupid? "Hey, how yah been doin' since I last saw you?" she heard a familiar Australian voice ask her.

She turned around to see Jim standing there, his crocodile missing from his back. "I-I've been fine." she muttered and looked away from him at the ocean. Of all people to check up on her, he was the last one she wanted to see, especially after he saw her cry when she ran into him. It was nothing against him personally; she just hated to have people see her in her vulnerable state. Everyone else at the academy saw her as 'The Girl of Steel', tough and intimidating and strong. And it was an image she wanted to keep.

"You're lying. You've been avoiding everyone since that day Rin." he replied, his voice scolding but also full of concern. He reached out to touch her hand and she immediately retracted it. "How could you know what I've been feeling cowboy? I hurt people again because I made a mistake. This isn't the first time it's happened either! I let that horrible spell break loose and it almost killed a teacher!" she yelled back, tears swelling in her eyes.

"Rin..." he whispered when she suddenly threw a punch at him, a punch he would catch with his hand. "What do you care anyway? We barely know each other!" she glared at him with these words. He suddenly pulled her close. "Because, we're friends, even if we just became friends awhile ago. The others speak about you as well, especially Christina. They all care for you. They forgive you Rin, for everything." Rin started to cry. "Why do you have to sound like him? Why do you have to act like him?" she sobbed into his shoulder. He pet her back then said, "Come on, let's join the others. From the look of things, they may have found a portal that leads to Johan. It could be dangerous so they can use all the help they can get. I want you to come with me."

Rin moved a bit away from him and stared. Perhaps she should go, especially if they needed her help. "Yes, I will go." she replied, wiping her eyes. It made her feel better that people forgave her, and she decided she never wanted to hurt anyone again and instead would help them the best she could.

As they stepped through the portal, Rin found herself tumbling until she landed right on top of Jim. Blushing she rolled off of him and gazed at the new world they were in. Beside them was another transfer student, Austin, who she didn't really talk to very much. "Where do you suppose we are?" he asked, standing up and brushing off his pants. Jim got up and looked around, a grumbling Shirley on his back at being landed on. "No idea mate. Best we start searching for the others. They might have landed somewhere near here." he replied and Rin silently agreed and followed his lead through the area.

In the sky overhead there appeared to be a slowly moving comet, one that Jim kept gazing at from time to time with a worried expression. Austin raised a brow at him and asked, "Are you ok? You've been looking at that comet non-stop since we've been walking." Jim touched the bandage that was over a part of his face. "It's nothing, really, don't worry about it." He replied, waving his hand at Austin and Rin in dismissal.

They came across a large stone fortress, fiend duel monsters guarding the entrance. "What is this place?" Rin murmured as the three stepped forth and the fiend monsters immediately blocked their path to the entrance. A girl stepped out wearing a black sleeveless, strapless corset laced with red and a black short skirt also laced with red as well as black high-heeled boots that covered her slim legs. Her eyes were a bright yellow color and she was glaring at the three of them. The only thing that made her recognizable was the star hairclips placed on her brunette hair.

"Tch, more intruders? How many of you pests are there in this world?" she snarled and turned to the guards. The three blinked at the girl. "Who are you?" asked Jim. The girl gave a wicked smile. "Why, I'm the Supreme Queen and you are intruding on my lord's castle. Now be gone! Or I'll be sure to take care of all of you." She hissed and the minions bowed as they backed up a bit to let her pass. "No! I will!" a voice shouted from behind her. A figure stepped out wearing full black armor and helmet with a blood red cape.

The woman backed up behind him while muttering, "Yes my lord." The three were staring in shock and confusion, silent until Jim finally spoke. "Judai? Is that you?" he asked, his eye under his bandage starting to glow red. Austin turned to him but Rin was more confused. She didn't know Judai that well at all, and especially had no idea who the girl was with the armored figure.

Jim took a step forward and started to unravel the bandage on his face revealing a strange device on his eye. The middle of the device glowed a bright red, the same color of the comet above. "I know you're there Judai. I can sense it with the Eye of Orichalcum. What's wrong?" Jim shouted to the figure. He could see inside a depressed Judai, muttering about letting down his friends and losing them. "You cannot reach him. He's lost, taken over by my beloved lord." Snickered the girl beside the King. Jim pulled out his duel disk and activated it. "Then I will fight and bring him back." He said. "I accept your challenge." The King responded, doing the same thing with his own demonic looking duel disk, one that spun like a saw blade before settling in its regular form.

Rin clasped her face and saw Austin looked absolutely terrified. "No Jim, we should run. I have a terrible feeling about this." He said, his face starting to sweat from nerves. "Jim, be careful." She muttered, a hand on her chest. "Duel!" both shouted and the duel began. The monsters the King played were familiar to Jim and Austin, Elemental Heroes that had been tainted by darkness. Jim was doing well for a while but that luck started to fade fast. The King's monsters were simply way too powerful and the girl beside him grinned happily as he declared his final attack.

Rin's heart felt like it was going to stop. For after Jim lost he fell to the ground and started to glow, his body disappearing into specks of light. Despite this he turned to Austin and threw his Orichalcos Eye at him. "Take this…and save Judai." He said before disappearing completely. Tears lit up in Rin's eyes. "No…Not again. I lost someone again." She muttered then her sadness turned to anger towards the King. "You! I will be your next challenger for taking Jim away! Prepare yourself!" she shouted when Austin suddenly grabbed her arm. "No, we can't take him! We need to leave, now!" he shouted. He still looked just as terrified as he did when they first ran into the one Jim thought was Judai.

Rin glared at him as he managed to pull her away, a lot stronger physically than she was. "No! We have to fight! Coward! We need to save Jim and Judai!" she cried back, struggling every step of the way. The brunette girl tried to rush forth to attack them while they had their back turned but the King held out his arm and stopped her. "Let them run. They won't be coming back. And if they do, I will crush them." He said and turned to reenter his castle following by the girl who glared at the leaving duelists but reluctantly left with him.

Austin kept running until he was sure they were clear of the fortress, stopping by a rundown looking village with Rin still in his arms still glaring at him. The second he dropped her she tried to punch him. "Why? Why did you leave? He took Jim! He took…" she shouted then began to sob. "Don't you think I don't know that? We were both there. I saw what he did. We can't take him. He's too strong Rin. If you fought him, he would take you too." Rin gave in and sat on top of a small dome and wiped her eyes. "We still should have tried." She muttered but seemed to give in, the two resting in this strange tiny village.

Suddenly duel spirits started to crawl out of hiding and surrounded the two curiously. "Humans? Here? Are you with the Supreme King?" one squeaked. Austin stared back in surprise. "Supreme King? I'm not sure who you are talking about." He replied and the spirits sighed with relief. "Thank goodness. The Supreme King has been destroying our lands and taking the lives of so many spirits here. But if you are not with him, who are you and why are you here?" Rin and Austin looked at each other. The one Jim fought must have been this Supreme King since the girl with him announced herself as Supreme Queen.

"I'm Rin and this is Austin. Our friend was…killed by the Supreme King as well." She said, though wasn't sure if Jim truly died or not. What happened to him exactly was a mystery to her. The spirits looked frightened by this. "Oh no. I'm so sorry. If you want, you can hide with us. You'll be safe here, it's the only place the King's minions have yet to find." One said to them.

Austin sat silently for a while. These poor spirits, their homes taken and some destroyed by the Supreme King. If it was truly Judai as Jim had seen, why was he doing this? "No." Austin said suddenly and stood up, "We will go back and fight him. We can't allow him to keep destroying this world and doing as he pleases." Rin stared at him before smiling and nodding in agreement. "I will come with you. Together I'm sure we can bring him down." She added. "Right, then let's go." Austin said, tucking the Orichalcos eye in his pocket and left alongside Rin. "Good luck! Be safe!" the spirits called out to them. Austin waved back and hoped he could use the eye right and stop the Supreme King and his minions, eyes set on the fortress ahead of them.