The fight ended not long after that—Red X wasn't the only person that joined them. A small group of apparently normal people joined them and were armed with stolen blasters or weapons of their own. When the fight was over, Malchior seemed to materialize at Raven's side.

"Old friend of yours?" he asked, nodding to Red X who was now talking to Jennifer, trying to check her injury from the blast.

Raven grunted. "Something like that. He says he's on his own side but he tends to flip flop."

Malchior nodded approvingly. "I can admire that."

"The flip flopping?" Melvin asked with one hand wrapped around Raven's hand.

"Working for himself," he clarified. Before Raven could drawl that his side was the 'bad' side, Red X and Jennifer walked over to them.

"I like to do things my own way," Red X told them, obviously having overheard them. "You guys sure make an interesting bunch."

Jennifer cut in, introducing them all. Gizmo was glaring balefully at the rogue thief (he hadn't forgotten Red X blowing up his car apparently), but Melvin and Malchior both appeared charmed to make his acquaintance.

"So, which side are you working now, X?" Raven asked, raising an eyebrow.

She could practically hear the laughter in his voice when he answered "my own, as always. It just happens to run not too far from your own."

"Red, you wouldn't happen to be the one all the rumors were going on about, were you?" Jennifer asked, looking eager.

That time he did laugh. "Those rumors about the 'mysterious hero' from around here? Kinda. But mostly, they seem to have me confused with the other guy."

"What other guy?" Raven interrupted. Please, let it be a Titan. Please, for once, let something go my way. Malchior and Jennifer gave her a curious look at her tone, which was nearly as eager as Jennifer's had been.

He was probably smirking under that mask, but Red X turned and gestured them forward. "Follow me and find out. You can explain why you aren't fighting anymore on the way."

It was galling having to explain everything to the thief, but since he seemed to be willing to help the city for once and ally with her, Raven told him. Red X took a moment to signal to someone in the distance before commenting.

"Huh. That's certainly puts a damper on the plans for getting you guys back together and beating the shit out of Slade."

Raven frowned as Jennifer and Melvin helped in through a gap in the wall that acted as an entrance to their hideout. "What plans?"

Before anyone could answer, a young man spotted them and began to slowly walk over, as if drinking in the sight of her. He was about as tall as Red X now, his hair had grown out to brush his shoulders, and his costume was now black with a V shaped blue insignia but Raven still recognized her team leader. "Raven!" Robin finally shouted and ran over to her.

Trying desperately not to cry, Raven buried her face into his shoulder and held on for dear life. At least someone was apparently listening to her prayers once in awhile.