Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.

This story project is actually from a community of writing prompts, so the chapters in semi-short one-shots.

The prompt for this chapter is:


"Is she--?"

"--Not sure. She's--have to hurry--'chior might be--help her."

"He can! –can help her, it's –'ior!"

A sigh. "Wh--er, but we got--urry or we'll--se her."

She felt hands tugging at her shoulders, boosting her up, while another pair of hands tugged on her arms, pulling her up. Where am…what's…happened?

"'urry, --'izmo!" urged a small voice, tugging on her.

"I'm going, I'm --ing! Not my f--lt she we--s a ton!" retorted a high, gravelly voice behind her. She moaned in spite of herself, trying to sit up.

"She's waking up!" gasped the tiny voice in front of her.

I recognize…these voices!

"'s about time," grumbled the voice behind. "Still, we should find--oi, there he is! Yo! Malchior! Little help here!"

"--chior!" she tried to gasp, pull herself away. She knew that name!

A clear, aristocratic voice snorted in front of her. "Well, I must say, Raven, I'm so glad you remember me at least. Charmed, promise."

She strained, trying harder to pull out of their grasp. "Hey, knock off the wriggling, barfbag!"

"Raven! You'll only hurt yourself worse if you--"

"They're right, Raven," soothed that voice. (Malchior, her mind tried to say. They called him Malchior and he...

Betrayed you…) She, Raven they called her she thought, felt an arm slip around her waist, pulling her up and felt the other hand clamping onto the back of her neck to hold her still. "You're going to hurt yourself worse." She felt the need to snap something back to him, retort something but felt a warm hand press against her face, over her eyes, and felt an icy chill pass over her.

She could see again; icy eyes, blue and piercing were the first thing she saw. She saw behind him, a small blonde child with a short glaring boy sitting next to her. The girl looked at her with open hope in her desperate eyes and more names began to fall into place. Melvin, Gizmo, Malchior, Jump City.

Jump City in ruins.

"What happen…?" she began, looking in horror before looking back at Malchior.

He shrugged. "If this is how you always deal with defeat, darling, I'm glad I didn't see you after my little betrayal."

"Melvin?" she gasped, nearly begging.

The small girl's shoulders shook. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "You're the only one we found yet."

Gizmo huffed, glancing at the destruction. "Ol' Slade did a real number on the town."

"Malchior?" Raven tried, desperately.

He looked at her a moment, pityingly, then mercifully pressed his hand to her face. "Sleep."