
AStral S. Kepeire-Not quite as short.

Silver Volken Raven-Dark isn't in this fic (Dark goes of to sit in a corner and feel lonely) sorry.

Reily96-fanfics are my best friend... Keeseman... haha

marium-Will do

.-MX-.Dark Link-Sonar! I knew it had a name.

MAL-sama-On the bright side, you don't have to wait days on end for updates a million times (if what I just said made any sense.

Fiddle Tia-Light in the Dark sounds cooler.

VirgoStargirl- XP

Azure-Link-Really? I love righting cliff hangers.

fleets-It is funny, isn't it?

morferedir-Er... no. That's not what I had in mind...

Chapter 15

"What's going on! I can't see a thing!" Zelda cried. She spun around, hoping the darkness didn't cover everything. It did "Link? Vaati? Who's-" Something hit her and she fell unconscious.

"Zelda?" Link called out.

"Shut up!" Vaati snapped.

Link felt something grab his shoulder and reached back to fell that whatever had gotten him was to short to reach "Vaati, is that you?"

"Yes, now be quiet" Vaati growled. Link did as he was told.

He had to remain quiet for what seemed like ages. The blind mage was breathing so softly he couldn't even hear it, and without anything to her or say time seemed to pass painfully slowly. He was so surprised when Vaati suddenly yelled "Swing left!" that he swung his sword and didn't even think to ask why.

The darkness dissipated. Link could now see his sword in Ganondorf's side. Zelda was unconscious in the Gerudo's other arm.

"Hmph" Ganondorf pushed the sword away and stepped back "I suppose the perk of being blind would be that that spell has no affect on you, Vaati. Now you're-" Vaati blasted Ganondorf with a ball of ice "…dead" the Gerudo finished, raising his sword as he said so.

Link shoved Vaati in one direction and jumped to the other so Ganondorf's sword would miss.

Vaati hit the ground a little harder than Link had been hoping he would, winding the Minish boy. Ganondorf noticed this and lifted his sword again "Vaati, run!" Link called before talking Ganondorf. The man barely flinched. Vaati managed to get up on his feet again and run away from the source of noise, he didn't go far though, for fear of running into something.

"Link? Where are you?"


"Where's the water?"

It seemed like an odd question, but Link answered anyway as Ganondorf lifted him up by the leg "The right. It's to your right"

"Brace yourself" Vaati held a hand out in the direction of the water, and the liquid rose up. Link and Ganondorf both watched in mild amazement as it began to speed toward them. Figuring there was more to this than it looked like, Link swung out of the way of the water. Ganondorf stood there, amused by the idea that water would harm him… until it turned to faster moving and very sharp looking ice. The Gerudo had only enough time to get his more vital organs out of the way of the attack, and his left arm ended up taking a serious blow.

Not to big a deal, though. He wielded his sword with his right hand anyway.

"Vaati, next time try not to get me killed too"

"I told you to brace yourself" Vaati defended "Besides, I don't think I hit you… Hang on" he tried the spell again. This time Ganondorf let go of Link in order to dodge.

Link got up the second he hit the floor, grabbing his sword and holding it up defensivly "No more spells"



Vaati scowled and took a deep breath, falling into a meditative state. Link figured it was best to ignore this while fighting Ganondorf. The last thing he needed was to get distracted in a life or death fight.

Ganondorf charged at him. Link sidestepped and swung his sword. As it connected with the Gerudo's side something unexpected happened. The sword glowed a faint green and the wind picked up at a break neck speed right around it, causing several scratches to appear around the initial gash.

Link turned and looked back at Vaati grinning "That's the sort of spell that's more useful!"

"Glad I could help" Vaati replied, coming out of his semi-meditation for a moment to reply.

The wind, though adding to the damage a little, wasn't much of an advantage, if at all. Ganondorf still had two pieces of the triforce. That was a huge advantage.

Ganondorf swung his sword straight down at Link with all his might. Link knew it was over. No time to dodge. No time to parry. He shut his eyes and heard a metallic sound similar to a sword hitting a metal wall. Opening his eyes, he saw a protective shield or magic around him.

"You know, Vaati, you're actually pretty handy to have around"

No response.

"Vaati?" Link looked back, the mage had lost consciousness.

"Poor little boy must have hit his limit." Ganondorf laughed "I bet he spent most of his energy with his little experimenting earlier. Now it's only a matter of time before his spell wears off and you're finished!"

"Not if I beat you before that!"

XXXXX the following has been removed because RC hates writing/reading sword fights

"Die!" Link swung his sword, hitting Ganondorf square in the chest, knocking him out as blood burst from the wound. Link set his sword down, breathing heavily and hurrying over to the unconscious mage.

Vaati whimpered slightly as Link lifted him into a sitting position "Ezlo?"

"Guess again" Link held Vaati up "Ganondorf's down. Use the transfer spell-fast"

Vaati did something along the lines of a half nod and help his hand out toward Ganondorf. Whatever he said next was gibberish to Link, but it must have been the right spell because a flash of light later Zelda was awake and examining the back of her hand.

"My piece of the triforce is back!" she smiled and looked around, spotting Vaati she jumped down and ran over to him "It wouldn't be right to not keep my promise. Let me see…"


"It sure was nice of grandpa to let you stay after you got your vision back"

"He thinks I still have amnesia" Vaati replied. He didn't look at Link as he spoke though, he was to busy enjoying his ability to read again.

"And I was actually a little surprised you just let Zelda have her piece of the triforce back"

"No problem"

"I mean, you could have easily taken it and cured yourself on your own" Link pointed out.

"Yeah, but then you might not let me stay here"

"Don't you have your own home?"

"Not since you wrecked my wind tower" Vaati replied, turning a page in his book.

"So you're just fine not having a piece of the triforce?"

"No" Vaati looked up at Link grinning copiously "I'm perfectly fine having a piece, though" he held up his right hand and Link wasn't sure whether to laugh or be worried. The triforce mark was there. The top triangle glowing more brightly than the other two.


Rune Caster: I didn't rush this too much did I?