Story: Glass

Genre: To be decided

Characters: Vaati, Link


Non talk.
Get it?

Chapter 1

Link swung his sword. Vaati parried. For every move Link threw at the boy, the Minish child had a defense move that left the young hero with an opening. Link was quick though, and was ready to cover up the openings in his own defense just before Vaati could strike each time.

After a few minutes of this both boys moved back to catch there breaths and analyze each other. Link was ready to go back into combat first, giving him the advantage. Especially because his new strategy was to put all his strength into that one attack, which his enemy wasn't prepared for.

Vaati didn't even have time to widen his eyes before he was hit. He was thrown into the wall by the force, banging his head hard in the process, and slumped down as blood leaked from the wound Link had just created across his torso.

He was unconscious now. Link took a few steps back again and sheathed his sword, he'd finish Vaati off just as he was waking up. The boy would likely have lost too much blood by them to defend himself if he could grab his sword before he was struck again, and it gave Link time to recover all the strength he'd used in his last attack.

Vaati wok up a few minutes later, sooner than Link had anticipated. Link drew his sword again and rushed at Vaati. Vaati looked up at him with wide, terrified eyes, and rolled out of the way at the last second "What are you doing?"

Link blinked, taken slightly aback by the words. The nut he'd eaten a year or so back let him communicate with local Minish, but he knew that the dialect Ezlo and Vaati had grown up with was different.

Vaati took this hesitation as his time to escape, running as fast as he could while keeping one of his arms tightly wrapped around the wound Link had created earlier.

Link cursed himself for letting Vaati get away. Now he could see what Vaati had been doing. He'd tried to stall him when he realized he was fighting a loosing battle, so that he could escaped.

Furious that he'd fallen for such a poorly planned trick, Link sheathed his sword and headed toward Hyrule Castle to report to Zelda that he'd failed to defeat Vaati.


Vaati hadn't run far before hiding in behind a small cluster of trees. He whimpered and inspected the wound inflected on his torso "Ow… How did I get this?" He frown putting the hand that wasn't bloodied to his chin as the other went to wrap around the bleeding area again "The last thing I remember is… is…" His eyes widened "I don't remember what the last thing I remember is!"

He felt panic rising, but forced it down "Okay, calm down. I'll figure out why that boy attacked me later. I need this injury treated first"

He spotted a town a little ways off "There's probably someone who can help me there…" he said to himself "And maybe they can tell me who I am… and who that boy was too"

Feeling his spirit lift a little as hope fluttered by, Vaati forced himself up and headed to the down. The blood loss was starting to make him dizzy, but if he got to town then he could get his wound taken care of, then it wouldn't be a problem.

He'd barely walked through the gate when someone spotted him "VAATI!"

Instantly, people rushed into their houses and locked the doors. Guards came rushing to the gate where Vaati was, pointing spears at him "Freeze" one said "You don't look like your in any shape to oppose us. Come along quietly and we might let you live!"

"What? I… I don't understand what you're saying…" Vaati took a step back, quivering "Please, why are you… why are you pointing those at me? I need help!"

The guard who'd spoken sneered "What sort of gibberish is that? Trying to cast a spell? GET HIM!"

Vaati's mind went blank with terror for a second as the guards rushed at him, he bolted off again, as he had with his fight with Link. The guards were much more persistent though, and he wasn't as fast now that he was running low on blood. Vaati only barely avoided getting caught by them.

As soon as he was sure he'd lost them he fell to his knees and sobbed "Why is this happening? What did I do? I need help, why is everyone attacking me?" He looked off in the direction of the village "N-now what? If… if I can't go there…" He looked down at his wound "I need to get this treated. Can't they see that? Why is everyone being so mean to me?"

"What have we here?"

Vaati looked up at the person who'd come to him while he was talking to himself. It was an old lady, harmless looking, but Vaati was frightened all the same "GET BACK! Don't come near me! No more! Don't come near m… me…" He passed out.

Syrup bent down to inspect the boy "What a nasty wound" she whispered a spell and pressed her hand over the still bleeding area. The bleeding slowed, then stopped. The wound looked as if it wasn't as deep now.

"I'll leave you here. You don't seem to speak the same language as me anyway…"


"Escaped?" Link flinched. Zelda sounded furious "Link, how could you let him get away when you were that close to defeating him? Now he's still out there, and probably looking for revenge!"

Link looked at his feet "I… I know… but… I'm sorry, Zelda. Something about the way he tried to distract me was just…"

"Inexcusable" Zelda said before leaving Link alone in the guest room of the castle.

Link sighed and went over to the window, looking out it he wondered where Vaati was. He'd probably already healed himself by then. How could he have been so stupid. "Vaati, can you here me? Next time I find you, I will kill you"


5th Element: Plays dramatic music So whaddaya think?