Out Of Place

Izzy: Hi Hi!! I'm Izzy!! Thx for reading his crappy story. I just love stories where Sasuke has to deal with the fact that he and his stupid actions got him farther away from who he holds most dear, Naruto and Sakura. And that he wants Sakura back, but she's moved on. I love seeing him suffer!! (Insert evil laugh here)

Friend Tina hits her on the head with a metallic bat she got from god knows where.

Tina: Shut up and get on with the story!! (Turns to readers) Sorry everyone. She's been pigging out on 3 Musketeers bars.

Izzy: I have not! I only ate one!! (Puppy dog pout)

Tina: And if it only takes one to make you end up like that, I hate to see what happens to you on Halloween. WRITE!!

Izzy: K, K!! (Begins to type with a face like T.T)

(A/N: Pretend that Naruto and Sakura never went to find Sasuke. Instead they stayed to rain in the village. The Hokage sent Kakashi, Gai, ect. instead.

Out Of Place

Sasuke jumped from one tree branch to another, gaining speed with every leap.

"Uh…Sasuke… can w-we… t-take a… gasp… brake?" God Karin was annoying.

'She's always complaining' Sasuke thought, 'Even when Sakura was 12 she wasn't as out of breath as Karin. Sakura' Sasuke's lips curved up into a light smile.

It's been 7 years since he last saw her and Naruto. His smile turned into a full out grin.

'That little knuckle head ninja, wonder how he's gotten along in his training without me pushing him.'

"Hey, how long 'till we get to this fucking Konoha place!?" Suigetsu practically screamed at him.

'He's getting bored again.' Sasuke stated in his mind.

Juugo just stayed quiet.

"Suigetsu, shut up. If Karin would pick up the pace, we would be there in 5 minutes," Sasuke replied unemotionally.

"Aw, Sasuke-poo, don't bee so harsh," Karin tried to act cute. She failed miserably and started to growl at Suigetsu when he began to laugh.

Sasuke stopped in front of a ridiculously large gate specifically marked 'Konoha'.

"Well it's about bloody time!! God!" Suigetsu placed behind his head in a Naruto fashion. Karin 'acted' bored and hugged Sasuke's right arm.

"Sasuke-poo, this place is awful, can't we go somewhere else. You know, alone." Sasuke simply walked way.

"SASUKE-POO!" Karin screamed after him. He finally cracked. "SHUT UP SAKURA!!" His eyes snapped open in realization. Everyone's eyes were wide open. Karin began to fume in rage.

"What was that Sasuke-poo!?" Sasuke was too shocked at his own words, he wouldn't move.

"Sasuke?" A feminine voice called out.

They all tuned around and caught sight of a more matured Ino.

"Well hi Sasuke! I thought you wouldn't be here until tomorrow."

"Fucking Sasuke made us go faster than usual," Suigetsu answered for him, "By the way, you never gave us your name."

"Oh, I sorry, I'm Ino Yamanaka, and you are?"

"This is Suigetsu," Sasuke pointed them out, "Juugo, and…"

Karin interrupted, "And I'm Karin, future Karin Uchiha."

Ino just stared at her while Sasuke had that red thing on his head that showed irritation.

"Phahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! S-Sasuke, y-you have a... ha… a… a fangirl on you team! You should have just stayed with Naruto and Sakura! Hahahahahah!" Ino rolled on the ground clutching her stomach.

Karin's eyes narrowed. Who was this Sakura everyone was talking about?

"Well, I remember when I used to say that," Ino recovered, "Luckily, here is no Sasuke Fanclub anymore. Everyone has ether matured or found someone they truly love. So you don't have to worry, ne?"

'Wow, Ino has matured. Wait, everyone? Does that mean... no more love struck Sakura?'

"Well, I guess I'll take you guys to the Hokage Tower." Ino lead them to the tower and left.

"Ah Sasuke, You're a bit early. And Sasuke's new team I presume," Tsunade said.

"Yes," Sasuke answered bluntly.

"Well here's he map and keys to our apartment. Naruto and Sakura will be at the training grounds when you're finished. That will be it. Leave."

--A Few Minutes Later--

"Okay, we're all done. I want to see this 'Sakura' everyone seems to know. She must be pretty damn hot if you yelled out her name," Suigetsu said, poking Sasuke's ribs with his elbow.

"Shut Up," was all he got.

As they got closer to the training grounds, the sound out metal clashing against metal became clearer. Soon they could see two figures sparing.

One had naturally soft spiked blond hair. He wore a yellow and black jump suit. He had a black headband and his jacket was open revealing his black t-shirt underneath. Whisker looking lines were on his face. He was sweating which made him look way cuter than Sasuke.

The other was a girl with pink hair that made her stand out. Her headband was red with a matching red T-shirt. It was open like Naruto's, and underneath it was a black tang top. She wore a cream colored skirt with a green pair of shorts under it. She also wore black boots and black gloves with sweat dripping from her tired body. She looked like a goddess.

Sasuke could have almost drooled, so could have Suigetsu and Juugo raised an eyebrow in interest.

As they kept watching, they found that the girl was trying to keep away from the boy. It couldn't have been out of disgust or hatred because they were both laughing.

It was hard to tell because of their speed, but they could hear it.

"Ah!" they heard the girl scream. The blond boy snuck up behind her too quickly and grabbed her into a… hug?

He picked her up and spun her around.

They were laughing like idiots now. But, they did look like the perfect couple.

"Ah, Naruto! Put me down!!" The girl screamed.

"Okay," was her response. He laid her down on the grass and fell beside her.

"Well, since I got you in half and hour, I guess we're going out tomorrow tonight.

"Fine," the kunoichi said, picking her and Naruto up from the ground.

Sasuke, Karin, Suigetsu, and Juugo just stood with their jaws touching the floor.

"Oh, My, Gawd! Sasuke was on a team with that slut. Ha! That Ino girl was wrong if she thinks he's better off with… her," Karin said the last word dripping with venom.

"Dude! That chick is Sakura! Man, you've been holding out! She's so HOT!!" Suigetsu said.

Juugo nodded.

Sasuke and the two others just stared at him, he as… responding!?

Sakura and Naruto sensed their presence.

They both looked toward the edge and found Sasuke and his new team talking to each other.

"Sasuke!" they shouted in unionization.

Sasuke and his group look over and saw Sakura and Naruto waving at them with huge grins plastered on their faces.

Naruto and Sakura walked over.

Sakura walked up and gave Sasuke a big hug; that is until Karin pulled her off.

"BACK OFF DAISY! HE'S MINE!!" Karin screamed to a very confused Sakura.

"Um, okay, three things. One, my name's Sakura, not Daisy. Two, I was just giving him a hug. I wasn't trying to 'steal him'," Sakura put air quotes around 'steal him', "And Three," she looked over to Sasuke, "Sasuke, Is this your girlfriend," Sakura asked teasingly.

"No," he simply stated.

"Well," Naruto cut in, "I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. That is Sakura Haruno and we are Sasuke's former team mates."

"Oh crap, Naruto, we have to go," Sakura panicked, lookingat her watch.

"Why the hurry?" Suigetsuasked, Naruto and Sakura were already running.

Naruto stopped and turned back to answer with a smile on his face.

"We have to pick up our son."

Izzy: Yeah, I redid the first chappie a bit. Critiques are welcome, just, please, be gentle. :P Thax to all the people who review!! Luv Ya!! Oh, and if you like this story, read Kagome, The Lost Soul! I'm thinking of canceling it if I don't get more reviews. It's not as bad as it sounds.

Tina: Yeah, it really doesn't suck!

Izzy: Hmph, Don't make me say the K-name.

Tina: Gasp, you wouldn't.

Izzy: (Eats a Hershey Chocolate Bar) KIKYO!!

Tina: Gasp (Faints)

Izzy: (Goes to the bathroom and scrubs moth clean with a soup bar) (Praying pose) I'M SO SORRY!! FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED!!