I'm trying to get a little more of the plot in this one, since the last chapter was basically just them talking, and nothing really happened. But unfortunately I failed. So thanks for hanging it out you guys. I promise the next chapter will be packed with info.
The plane was beginning it's descent into Tokyo airport. Sasuke sighed as he put his head in his hands. Life was to annoying, with its headaches and heartaches. He glanced over to Sakura. She had been out cold when he had returned from getting a bottle of water. The whole incident with her leaving her seat and having to squeeze past him was a little too nerve wracking, and he needed a something to drink.
He was watching her scowl in her sleep. She really did look exactly the same. Not much had changed, except for the look in her eyes. It wasn't the mature look he remembered, it was soft and light; airy and childish.
The captain's voice came over the speakers interrupting his train of thoughts. "We will be landing at Tokyo airport momentarily. I'll have to ask you to please remain in your seats until the plane has made a full stop. Blahblahblah."
Sakura awoke to the shuffling of the passengers. People were throwing things away and putting up their trays. She mumbled incoherently a little bit, still groggy from sleep.
"We're here," Sasuke stated, looking over at Naruto. He elbowed him hard in the rib cadge. "Wake up you idiot."
"Huh, what?" Naruto jolted up, frightened, glancing around quickly, getting his bearings. "You don't need to be so harsh," Naruto grinned, rubbing his eyes.
Sasuke rolled his eyes.
The passengers were all filing off of the plane and into the busy airport. Sleep had worn off by the time they had exited the walkway, and Sakura's mind was working over drive. She was on a mission. Her captors weren't walking on either side of her. In fact they weren't even looking at her. As soon as they were engulfed by the crowd Sakura slipped in front of two extremely tall guys and walked quickly in the other direction.
A bathroom came up on her right, and she dove for it. Taking a fast look arund inside, she noticed it had a double entrance. 'Score!' she screamed in her head. She headed straight for one of the stalls and locked it behind her. Sakura was breathing hard, trying to get a hold of the situation. 'Wow...I just escaped from their criminal clutches. Haha! In your face, you brooding asshole!' Sakura then did a small leap of victory.
'Okay okay stop. You aren't out of hot water yet. You need to get out of the airport.'
She dug around in her pockets and found an old gum wrapper, a pen, 5 dollars (which she had been really happy about till she realised she was in freaking Japan!), and her chap-stick.
'Well this really helped. I need to hide my hair!' she thought frantically, grabbing her chap-stick and putting some on. Her lips where a bit dry. As she was meticulously apply the balm, an idea struck her. It was brilliant! She stuffed everything back in her pockets and untied the black ascot that was around her neck. Thank God for stupid school uniforms. She tied it around her hair efficiently and then quickly altered her outfit as much as she could. She took off the trench coat and removed her school sweater and put it on the back of the toilet. Now she was in only her gray undershirt and her black pleated skirt. Their wasn't much she could do with her shoes so she left them. Exiting the stall she grabbed the trench, turned it inside out so the green interior was visible, and slung it over her arm, ready to make her way out of the bathroom.
Sakura then turned right back around and walked into the stall again, realising how bad she had to pee.
"Well she couldn't have gotten too far..." Naruto said, scratching the back of his head, and scanning the crowd. He was trying to reassure himself more than anything else. Because losing Sakura meant losing all means of reproduction. This was a life or death situation here!
Meanwhile Sasuke was glaring so intensly at Naruto that people passing by were giving him a wide berth.
"I blame you," he hissed menacingly.
Five minutes later and Sakura was ducking through crowds of Asians, trying to find an exit. Restaurants and shops lined the sides of the hallway and people milled about everywhere. Her eyes scanned the people surrounding her looking for any sign of the two hotties she was running from.
'Hey this is new. Running away from gorgous men... Lets not make a habit of it,' her inner self thought.
'Yes, lets not.'
Sakura noticed that most of the people in the airport were heading down a large hallway to her left. As she followed the crowd she spotted the front doors. They were glass and she could see people walking through the night. Her pace increased until she burst through the push doors and ran down the side walk, dashing around a corner.
"That was so awesome!" Sakura started up her victory dance. "Go Sakura! You got away," she did a quick sweep of the area. "Now your just stuck in Tokyo," she sweat dropped.
"Well this is just super," stated a slightly pissed of blond. "You make it to Tokyo, which I really doubted you guys could do without making a scene, but as soon as you get here, you loose her. Man, Kakashi is going to kill you." The blond stood from her seat on a bench right outside of the airport, excitement in her eyes. "And I'll be there to see it. Oh my God!"
"Shut it Ino. You can hardly be one to critize us. Espeacially when you can't even work the ice machine... The one with 'Push for Ice' written on it in big bold letters," Naruto retorted back dryly.
"Hey, just 'cause I can't figure out that infernal device doesn't mean I could loose Sakura. She has pink hair for Christ's Sake!" Ino yelled back.
"Well lets just say that in retrospect, you chances aren't that high," Sasuke said with a smirk. "Lets just find her," he interrupted before Ino could say anymore. "The woman I talked to said our bikes would be waiting for us out front.
Sakura had hopped on the first transport bus she saw into the city, because she new if she walked into the airport again they would have her. It was crowded with people, and she was squished near the front, forced to stand. She looked awkwardly at a guy sitting in the seat directly in front of her. They were maybe an inch apart. He simply glanced her away and ignored her smile. She frowned. 'Does no one have manners anymore? Jeez.'
The bus stopped at a street and Sakura launched herself out, escaping the crowd. She had never liked crowds to much. Claustrophobia. The transport bus doors closed behind her as she looked around. It was a tad bit dark, but the street lights provided some comfort.
It seemed that the bus had deposited her at a business district.
Sakura had no idea what she was going to do from here. She had only planned this far. That had always been a problem for her. Lack of planning. That and procrastination. She looked towards the direction she had come and saw that she wasn't actually that far away from the airport. She could still see it's lights, and some of the planes as they rode the run way, perfectly from the hill she was on.
'Payphone, payphone,' her inner chanted.
Sakura spotted one further down the street and ran for it. She hopped up in front of it, and took it off the hook. Glancing down at the directions to make an international call, the excited and slightly frazzled smile dropped to the ground and died as she let out a loud, despairing, "Nooo!"
The world hated her.
Everything was written in Kanji.
"This is a stupid country!" she yelled slamming the receiver back onto the hook, then bashed it against the keys when it refused to stay put.
Sakura froze when she heard the sound of an engine coming down the street. quickly dropping the phone, she ran into the alley right next to her. 'How convinient,'she thought. Making sure she was hidden completely in the shadows, she waited as the vehicles came closer. Two motorcycles and a car drove past the opening of the alley seconds later.
"That must have been them," she said aloud. Sakura turned around, planning on following the alley out to the other side, but instead she bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry. My bad," she said quickly. She looked up at the person she had bumped into and took an involuntary step backwards as he gave her a lecherous smile.
"Look what we have here. An American. A lost American," he purred, his accent heavy.
"Have you lost you're way?" Another one asked as he appeared on Sakura's left.
"No," she whispered taking a couple more steps back.
"Well it looks like you have," said a third one, grinning at her.
"Yea well I haven't, so back off," Sakura tried, taking them ,in worriedly.
'Stranger danger! Stranger danger!' yelled her inner.
"I'm Kaisho, and these are my friends," said the first one politely. "We will be escorting you this evening."
'Seriously? Rapists who introduce themselves? What is it with you and weirdos?'
'I know I know. It's like they're drawn to me.'
"No thank you," Sakura replied.
"Who said you had a choice?" He chuckled darkly and backhanded her.
The harsh blow knocked Sakura to the ground. She had taken hit before, but dayummmm! 'Holy crap, I'm actually seeing stars,' she thought. blinking upwards.
A kick came crashing into her stomach and she wheezed at the loss of precious air from her lungs. Rough, dirty hands pulled her up and she lashed out with her elbow, hitting the one holding her, straight in the gut. He doubled over in pain as she launched herself through the small gap he had created.
About two step into her escape, someone landed a hand on her collar, dragging her back wards with a jerk and throwing her against a wall. The guy had pinned her there, and she struggled to free herself. Fear welled up in her chest as she realised the danger she was truly in. Her stomach tied it's self in knots.
No one knew she was here, no one was coming for her. She suddenly wished she hadn't run away from Sasuke and Naruto. At least they wouldn't rape her. (Maybe.)
"Trying to run away darling?" His breath reaked and Sakura gagged, trying not to puke up the little food that she had eaten.
"N-no leave me alone!" Sakura slammed her knee upwards with as much force as she could manage from her awkward position and hit home. But the guy who was pinning her barely reacted.
'What is he?!"
"Oh I like 'em feisty," he laughed.
Sakura was about to scream for all she was worth, when a sword came through the body in front of her and stopped a centimeter away from her nose. It retracted itself just as fast. Slowly the disgusting man dropped to his knees, then to the ground, dead.
Standing in the alley, sheathing his sword was Sasuke.
The sound of a sword cutting down more bodies came from behind him, as Naruto finished off the other two.
"Like I said, there are worse things out there than us," he growled looking at her down his nose.
Sakura, still a little shocked, felt relief flood her body. Rubbing her nose she asked, "Wasn't that cutting it a little close?"
"I had plenty of room. Besides," he said turning, "If I had missed it would only have been an improvement."
"Hey!" she yelled indignantly.
"Oh jeez, Thank God we found you!" A blond woman exclaimed out of nowhere, running up to Sakura and giving her a huge bear hug. Realizing Sakura the blond examined her face and clothing closely. "What the hell did you guys do to her? Put her through the wringer?!" she said accusingly.
"We ran into some trouble you see," Naruto explained sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
Surprised, the blond woman turned to face them, forgetting about Sakura for the moment. "Trouble?" she questioned. "You mean-"
"He knew we were coming," Sasuke stated, cutting her off and ending the conversation. He started towards the other end of the alley and Naruto followed.
Seeming concerned for her well being, the blond guided her gentlly to a car that was park a few blocks away right behind Naruto and Sasuke's motorcycles.
As they were nearing the car, Sakura started to fidget under the strange woman's eyes. She was now officially staring, and Sakura, personally, found it rude.
"It's so great to see you," the woman finally said, opening the passenger door for Sakura.
Startled by her words Sakura looked at her confused. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Breaking eye contact for the first time, the blond seemed sad suddenly. As she began to walk over to the driver's side, her words were so faint that Sakura almost missed them. "You used to."
Okay so Sakura is finally being escorted to the bat cave! will she find out why they took her, will she live to see daylight again. will a giant panda, not the cuddly kind, attack again?
Find out in the next chapter of STRANGER DANGER!
oh and by the way i am looking for a beta. so if anyone is interested let me know.