Hey. This is my first Naruto fanfic, so I would really enjoy reviews! I'm just experimenting so if it doesn't go that great then it's alright so let me know (:

Disclaimer: Don't own. but i would totally buy sauske.

Sakura was standing in front of her AP Biology class giving the oral presentation that she had been working on restlessly.She had felt slightly nervous before her speech, but her poster looked great, her voice wasn't shaking and everything was going smoothly with her demonstration. That was until someone came crashing through the classroom window, demolishing her model and utterly ruining her day.


Sakura screamed in shock as glass cascaded around her like rain. Every student in the classroom was staring at the floor where a man was standing up and shaking the shards of glass off of himself. At that moment something enormous crashed through the wall from outside, knocking over desks and students. This time no one stayed around to look. Kids were running for the doors, frantically trying to get out. Sakura was still on the floor in the front of the room starring wide eyed at what looked like a panda with a grotesquely misshapen body. The monster's face was spit by a wide, smiling mouth. Puddles of drool were issuing from the gaps in its teeth. The guy who had wrecked her presentation looked down at her and they made eye contact, his dark eyes intense, hers lime and dazed. He looked back to the monstrosity that was currently coughing up blood in a very human like manner. The stranger unsheathed his sword and lunged at it. The panda thrashed with its claws, but he was too quick. He landed a powerful swing right across the panda's eyes. He jumped back as it stumbled and he grabbed Sakura swiftly by the arm.

"Come on, get up," he yelled when she didn't make any motion to stand. She stared blankly up at him. "You may think we have all the time in the world, but I beg to differ," he growled.

As the panda in the background began to recover from its wound it let out a screech so unearthly Sakura screamed with it. Pain shot through her body as it roared in frustration. She leaped up and followed the armed stranger as he dashed out of the door and down the hall. They had gotten 20ft away when they heard crashing sounds and the echoing of claws on the marble floor. The stranger turned sharply and busted through the door, into another class room, then locked the door behind them. A teacher had been trying to clam down his students, froze mid explanation to stare at the newcomers. From somewhere in the room they heard a faint, "Hi Sakura." Said girl offered a meek wave before she the stranger dragged her to the window and opened it. He yelled out something, and a voice from below answered.

The teacher, who had snapped out of his ruffled state, walked up to Sakura. "What is going on here," he demanded, "and what were those crashing-"

He was cut off by the immense scrapping noises coming from outside the door. A few people started to scream.

Sakura was suddenly grabbed by the waist and found herself being roughly thrown out the open window. She could hear the frantic yelling of the teacher in the classroom above as she was falling. Sakura didn't have time to register a scream when she was caught by strong arms.

"Hi" said the boy who had caught her. He was smiling like an idiot. He set her gently on her feet. "Come on, we need to get going." He dragged her towards... the edge of the ground? No, not the ground, the roof. Sakura looked behind her and realized they were on the roof of the gym. She had only fallen about 2 stories.

By now Sakura had realized faintly that she was being taken, rather easily, by strangers. With that came the acknowledgment that she should be panicking like no other, but oddly her mind was blank. Later she would simply write it off as her insatiable knack for being cool in every situation.

As she was looking back she saw the first stranger leap from the window and land gracefully on the roof. Her confusion hit a high point, and she tripped ever so ungracefully on a small ledge. A small yelp escaped her lips as she skinned her knee on the cement. The pain brought her out of her ongoing daze and reality hit her like a train.

"What's going on? What just happened?"

The second stranger bent down to help her up as the first one ran up to them. Her brain was reeling and inner-Sakura was shouting, "STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!"

"Later," he said quickly, hauling her up. He sheathed his sword in one smooth motion and pushed her forward. "Lets go!"

"Wait one second-" Sakura started, rounding on him, just as dozens of bloodcurdling screams came from the open window followed by the sounds of braking wood.

"We don't have a second," he hissed, grabbing her arm again. He jumped off of the edge of the roof, on to the sidewalk with Sakura in tow. They seemed to float down onto the wet cement. It had been raining all day and the gutters were over flowing with murky water.He pulled her across the street and around a corner into an alley with a chain link fence at the end, but he made no move to stop. In fact he speed up.

"Um…" Sakura started as the fence got closer, but instead of running into it, they passed through it. She looked back at the fence to check if it had really been there, and watched the second stranger come through it as well. The metal seemed to shimmer and ripple as if it was trying to hold him back but he glided right though it with ease. She looked at her hands, inspecting them closer, letting the guy in front pull her along.

"That's not right…" she whispered, unable to grasp the fact that they had just walked through a fence.

"Do you think we can make it to the jet or should we head for the interstate?" the second one asked as we approached a pair of motorcycles.

The first grabbed a helmet off of what appeared to be his bike and handed it to her. "Here. Put it on." She only looked at it. "Do you want to be left behind?" he asked impatiently. Visions of that panda flashed in her mind. She shook her head quickly and took the helmet. "I don't know. We might make it but there's no telling if he's set up other traps," he said getting on his bike and staring the engine.

Sakura assumed they were talking about trying to get to the airport. "You could take the back roads off Lexington," she said. The strangers exchanged a glance. This was a plus. Them being first timers in Chicago and all.

"Perfect," said the first one. He pulled Sakura onto the seat behind him sped off before she could protest.

'Wow. Did I just help my kidnappers?'

'…Yes,' answered her inner self.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid.'

Sakura thought about leaping off the bike, but then she thought about how fast they were going and that panda waiting back at the school for her. Better humans than…things. So she decided to hang out till she got a chance. Her arms were wrapped around the guy in front of her and she wondered what his name was. Do kidnappers give out their names? Something told her no. She settled in for a long ride. Even taking the short cuts, it was still about 30 minutes to the airport. Sakura was staring off into space with her head on kidnapper #1's back, when she realized exactly what she was staring at. It was another sword. For a second she thought it was the kidnapper's, but when she looked up towards his shoulders she saw he still had his. The sword beside her was in a slot on the side of the bike. She couldn't see it well because the plastic lens on her helmet was starting to fog. From what she could see, it was Japanese, like the kidnapper's, only smaller. A sense of déjà vu came over her. She was sucked into the distant sound of swords clashing and ringing against each other.

Sakura jerked and was ripped from her daydream as the bike made a sharp turn into a hanger. They were at the airport already. A plane waited for them with its back open. They drove straight up the ramp into the small jet followed by kidnapper #2. Kidnapper #1 hopped off and turned around to talk to her as she was taking off her helmet when they heard a low growl from inside the hanger.

"Shit, get down!" he yelled and shoved Sakura off the bike and onto the floor just as something came bounding into the plane and landed where she had been sitting, knocking over the motorcycle. "Naruto!" barked Kidnapper #1. Quick as lightning he had out his sword and was slashing at the monster. Sakura looked up and saw that it looked like a jaguar this time. Only it was ridiculously huge.

"I'm going, I'm going," said Kidnapper #2 from the cockpit as the plane came to life. "Sasuke, I can't go anywhere till you close the back," he singsonged as if completely oblivious.The other guy didn't look like he had much time to listen.

Sakura examined the opening thinking fast. She just wanted to get away from that thing. Big red buttons were always important, and she had just spotted one right next to the ramp. She jumped up and ran for it. Sakura was about to slam her hand on it when a metallic roar came from behind. It was just like the panda's and it forced Sakura to her knees. A blow to her back sent her tumbling down the ramp head first. She could hear the sound of foot steps and urgent yelling, but it was all so fuzzy. Her limbs felt heavy and she guessed she must have hit her head pretty hard. She was drifting into unconsciousness when that roar came again, and she was forced out of comfort and into blinding pain. Waves of anguish rolled through her as hysterical screaming issued from her mouth. It was a if the beast's scream was a knife cutting through her mind.

Suddenly it stopped. Sakura was left in a horrid state. Sobbing, curled into the fetal position. Strong arms picked her up and deposited her on a seat. She distantly heard the metal grinding of the ramp being lifted.

She was offered food and water when the pain in her head subsided to a dull ache. The plane was moving now, and they were up in the air. That nightmare was gone. Her two kidnappers sat in the cockpit, and she stared out a tiny window.

Even though she had been kidnapped, that's not what she could think about. She knew the statistics; 90 of women kidnapped die when taken to a secondary site. But all she could think about was how shot her 4.0 gpa was going to be after this.

R&R please! I would really love it!