I don't own Bleach but I own Aiko and Keitaro and just so your not confused Aiko means little love one and Keitaro means blessed one. It's been edited by my beta reader Konoha's White Fang I thank Konoha's White Fang not only because she is a big help, also for putting up with my stupidity.

All because of the little love one and the blessed one

Chapter one Aiko and Keitaro

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki and I'm 15 years old. I go to an Arts High School called Karakura School of The Arts; I also live in the Karakura town. I am a normal teenager with just one difference: I have bright orange hair which is natural contradictory to a major belief. The grip on my umbrella tightened a little more, as the wind picked up and sent the rain towards my back, it made me shiver slightly. I turned at the corner of the street that I was currently walking on and then stopped. I closed my cold amber eyes, replaced the scowl that was on my face with a thin straight line of my mouth, my eyebrows relaxed and I concentrated. I stopped listening to the quiet patting of the rain on the sidewalk, I stopped listening to the wheels of the cars that were coming and going by me. I concentrated on the small voices that I heard; one sobbing and trying to calm down while the other was trying to stop the crying. I opened my eyes and looked at the place where I figured the voices were coming from, the bus stopped. I started to walk towards it, as I finally reached it; I stopped and looked at the falling apart bus stop. My cold amber eyes widened slightly as I saw a little boy and a little girl, most likely twins. The little girl was the one I heard crying while the little boy was the one I heard trying to stop the little girl from crying.

The little girl and the little boy were both in ragged cloths and both had dirt on them. I got down on my knees, when the little boy noticed me; he went in front of his sister in a defensive stance. I set my bag down and held out my hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise I only want to help." For the first time in a long time, I had a soft look on my face. I didn't want to make them more scared than they already are. "Can I know your names? Mine is Ichigo." My voice, soft and gentle like the soft playing of a flute. The little boy looked at his sister with his wide amber eyes as his sister looked at him, her left hand rubbing her left eye, her violet right eye switching between me and her brother. She then stood up on wobbly legs, her little hands clasped in front of her chest as she shakily walked up to me and as soon as she was a few inches in front of me, she studded me, she then smiled a big goofy smile and jumped into me. My eyes widened as she did that but I hugged her back, my front was getting soaked because she was soaked. She pushed out of the embrace, turned to her brother and said:

"It's okay Kei-kun, he's friendly. I trust him," She finished, giving a goofy smile to her brother, he nodded and repeated the exact same thing his sister did, once again I hugged back knowing that it's exactly what they both needed.

"My name is Aiko and my brother's name is Keitaro. And we are both 5." The little girl said and finally I was able to see them fully. The little girl, Aiko, was a few inches shorter then her brother; her hair which I'm guessing was a black color reached to her shoulder and was chopped into several lengths; her eyes were violet and filled with innocence and warmth. She had a dirty white t-shirt on with holes in it, her pants which stopped at knee length were khaki and also dirty with holes in them, she also had a black coat on which stopped at her feet that had no shoes on. Her brother, Keitaro also had a
black colored hair which was short but fell into his amber colored eyes. His eyes even though filled with innocence, held an untrusting gaze. His appearance was basically the same as his sister's but he had khaki shorts that stopped at the spot right above his knee cap, the shorts also had holes in them and were dirty.

"Where are your parents?"

"We don't know we woke up on the streets a few weeks ago." I didn't
know what to say to that so I just nodded.

"Why don't you come home with me?" Keitaro turned to look at his sister
and she in return smiled at him and then nodded to me, the smile widened if that was even possible and once again jumped at me. I smiled softly and stood up, grabbing my bag then putting her down. I closed my umbrella, now that there was no point in using it, when I'm already soaked and put it in my bag after shaking the rain droplets out of it. When I brought my hand down, Aiko immediately grabbed it and she then grabbed onto her brother's hand. I then started walking with Aiko and Keitaro.

I finally was home, all the lights were off so I figured that the old man got a call. I walked up to the door, grabbed my key which was in my left back pocket and jammed it into the key hole. I opened the white painted door, and walked into the house. When I felt Aiko let go of my hand, I turned around and looked at her and saw that she was holding onto her brother like he was her life line.

"What's wrong Aiko, Keitaro?" I asked as I got down to their level.

"Are you sure that we can come? What if you got in trouble?" Aiko asked. I shook my head and old her that my father wouldn't mind. Aiko looked at her brother and he gave her the first smile I had ever seen him give, he then stepped into the house and pulled Aiko in with him. Then I heard him whisper;

"Don't worry Aiko, if he says its ok. Then he means it." It was like their personalities were witched with each other, suddenly Keitaro was the one who was trusting and Aiko was the unsure one. Aiko, gaining the confidence she previously had, nodded and smiled her goofy smile.

"Alright, do you two want a bath?" They both nodded their heads simultaneously. I also nodded motioning for them to follow me as I got up from my crouched position and started to walk towards the stairs that lead to the bedrooms and the bathroom.

I passed one door that had butterflies and stuff on it and in real fancy lettering was the name Yuzu. I stopped at the door next to Yuzu's which was just a plain old white color. I opened the door and walked towards the porcelain tube and shower. I turned the nozzle for the bath tub to hot water and let the water splash into the tub. I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards another door with soccer balls and what not on this door; in sloppy handwriting it said Karin. I opened the door to a messy room and got to her closet. Opening the mirrored door and starting to rummage through her old stuff, I found a black and blue striped shirt and black shorts. I walked out of the room after closing everything and then closing Karin's door. I walked into the bathroom to check on the water and to make sure Aiko and Keitaro weren't doing anything like drowning themselves, they weren't and the water wasn't high enough so I dropped the clothes on the floor and went into Yuzu's unnaturally bright room and did the exact same thing that I did with Karin's room, except instead of the boyish clothes, I found a navy blue dress with white flowers on it.

I walked back into the bathroom and threw the dress over the other clothes
that I got from Karin's room and stepped over to where the brother and
sister were and shut off the water. Then I turned to look at the two.

"So, do you guys need help with taking a bath or can you do it by yourselves?" The brother and sister looked at each other and the sister was the one that spoke.

"Um, we still need help Ish—Ikh—Ichigo." I nodded and stepped to where they were again and went under the sink to grab two towels. I stood back up but then I caught my face in the mirror. I was surprised I didn't have a scowl on my face or any trace of a frown instead, my face was peaceful, there wasn't a smile but still no scowl. I shook it off and decided it would be better to worry about that later. After the kids undressed, I put them in the tub and watched as they played in it. I found myself smiling and I didn't care to stop either. After I got them washed, I took them out of the tub. Aiko being first; I got her dried up and helped her put on the navy blue dress with white flowers. After I finished handling her, I took Keitaro next and did the exact same routine with him as I did with Aiko but I put him in the blue and black striped shirt and the black shorts.

I saw Aiko yawn and rub her eyes and Keitaro followed suit. I picked Keitaro up with my left hand and Aiko with my right. I walked across the hall way and into my room, and put the two kids into my bed. As I turned to walk out of the room, my eyes widened as to what I heard Aiko say:

"Goodnight Daddy."