Chapter 1

For the real Abby, happy birthday.

Chapter 1.

They were way too early, as usual.

The Hughes family always made sure nothing too bad could happen. Therefore they were always on time, they never took risks, and always followed the rules. They didn't speak their minds, they didn't get emotionally involved and most of the time they denied to have any feelings at all. Or at least two of them. Abigail was different, she always had been. They weren't always like this, the Hughes family had changed due to the tragic death of their beloved wife and mother five years ago.

"Will you be careful? And study hard? And be nice to the professors? And.." Robert Hughes asked his daughter while his son was off to save them a seat in the crowded Hogwarts Express.

"Dad, you know I will. Now..if you're having any trouble at all with housekeeping," they both had to laugh shortly because of some incidents during the passed few years "don't hesitate to write me..then we can prevent you having to buy new clothes every month as you accidentally let them disappear because you were trying to iron them magically."

"I will, I will" they both knew he wouldn't. Mr. Hughes didn't want to bother his children at all when they were at school, he just wanted them to feel at home when they came home during school breaks.

"You be careful too Dad, now I'll see you at Christmas right?" Abigail asked. Her father nodded and waved to her brother who was already in the train. He was in the sixth year, she was in the fifth. When she had finally said goodbye to her father she started to search for her best friend.

"Abigail?!" she heard but she couldn't quite place where the voice was coming from. "Abby right here!" and there she was, Rose Diggory was standing just a few steps away from her. She was waving excitedly as Abby ran toward her.

"Hey you!" Rose said enthusiastic and gave her a hug. "How have you been?"

"Good actually, you?"

"Great! Italy was amazing. Except for the annoying amount of girls stalking my was France?" Rose was truly interested even though Abby had already told her all about it in the letters she wrote over the summer.

"It was nice." Abby smiled and was happy to be back, she and Rose had been inseparable since their first year at Hogwarts, their first day to be exact. They didn't see each other much over summer because Mr. Hughes liked to spend their summers in France, with their uncle.

"Shall we go? Let me just get my things.." Rose walked back to her family and Abby followed her.

"Well hello Abigail, how was your summer?" Amos Diggory was Rose father.

"Very pleasant Mr. Diggory, and yours?"

"Very pleasant indeed, you have grown quite a bit since we last saw you, hasn't she Emma?" Emma Diggory was Rose's mother there was no mistake there, Rose had the same eyes, the same smile, the same gentle curl in her hair.

While they talked about how Abby and Rose were growing up Rose was joking around with her brother. Rose's brother was a Hufflepuff prefect and captain of the Quidditch team. Cedric Diggory was friendly, but that was about it for Abby. Abby didn't like Quidditch, at all, and she hated popular guys like Cedric.

"Oh hey Abigail." He greeted her when Rose pointed out there was another person in their midst. Rose always said that if Cedric hadn't been her brother she would've probably hated him for what he appeared to be, but she also said he was very different from what everyone thought of him. Up till now Abby didn't share that opinion. Cedric was exactly what she though he was, handsome, popular and apparently too arrogant to speak to her.

"So, shall we find us some place to sit?" Rose asked while she said goodbye to her parents and they were both walking toward the Hogwarts Express.

"Well, John would save seats for us actually."


While they were trying to find John they ran into Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe. Both Rose and Abby thought they were a bit over the top but they had been friends with them since their second year, when the four of them got into detention after Potions and Rose had planned how they would going to get out of there. Rose always had crazy plans and most of the time she executed them as well.

"Hey Cho!" Rose said "Why don't you come sit with us?"

There they were, four girls and Abby's brother. John didn't like Cho or Marietta at all, in fact he hated them. John was more of the silent type, he loved music and English muggle literature. He encouraged Abby with her creative talent and most of the time they got along just fine. Especially after their mother passed away. He always took care of her and maybe that was just he reason why he hated Cho and Marietta, because he could feel something coming. Because he knew what they were able to do. Because he was the only one who kept his eyes open.