Drifters love
Chapter twenty four
"fuck!" Darks shouted, "Dark! Are you sure Shadow's this way?!"
Dark, who was running through the now destroyed and burning up town with Rouge, couldn't seem to find Shadow anywhere and he was becoming worried.
He and Rouge were one of the few who knew what a black moon symbolized: death.
"I'm positive!" she answered while flying beside Dark, "I can sense both him and Natsuki!"
Dark nodded, 'Shadow, you idiot! I told you not to get involved!'
Rouge suddenly stopped flying, "Dark wait!" she called out and he, too, quickly stopped.
"What?" he was confused. Why did she make him stop, "what is it?"
"It's Sonic!"
Dark gasped, 'Sonic?'
"because it's not you I love…but Sonic."
he began to growl and Rouge immediately left him behind as she flew towards Sonic.
Sonic, who's body was soaked with blood, a nearly empty gun and was exhausted.
"Are you alright?! Where's Shadow?!" Rouge shouted, fearing for the answer to the questions.
"I'm fine," he panted, "and Shadow, I don't know. He let go of my hand and then…"
Dark roughly grabbed Sonic by his shirt and shook him, "where is Shadow?! Where the fuck is he?!"
Sonic winced, "I don't know," he answered and Dark snarled.
There was an explosion and Sonic froze, "shadow…"
Sonic soon saw the ebony hedgehog in the smoke. His body, too, covered with blood. But it was his own blood, not any infected monster's blood. He was exhausted to the point where standing was almost impossible.
"Shadow!" the three shouted in unison.
"Idiot!" Dark shouted not showing any feelings about Shadow's current state, "you're not strong enough! Do you want to get killed?!"
Sonic was sick of Dark's overly controlling and bossy personality that he turned around and smacked him across his face, "shut up!" he shouted, "Shadow, needs us to support him! Otherwise he wont win!"
Dark chuckled, "support him? He can't win this!"
The bat girl was now tired of listening to these two hedgehog's fight and she stood between the two, "enough!"
Natsuki began to laugh wildly as she watched Shadow struggle to his feet, "foolish, Dhamphire, don't you ever quit?" she questioned as she held out her hands and, both, a bow and an arrow appeared, "but that's alright. I still want to play."
She released the arrow and giggled.
Shadow pulled out he dagger as quick as he could and swung it, cutting the arrow into two halves. He panted and readied his dagger again, 'I have to force my body just a bit more. Maybe…no! not yet! Removing the rings in my current state could kill me, but…she just wont go down! No matter how attacks I inflict on her she heals!'
Natsuki's big grin turned into a look of annoyance, "this isn't fun anymore," she whined and licked her lips, "lets end this dance! Let it rain with your blood!" she shot another arrow and Shadow quickly ducked it. She aimed and shot another, only for that to miss, "Stay still!"
Shadow rubbed his blood on the dagger and threw it, 'hit!'
Natsuki grabbed the dagger and smirked, "what a waste of precious," she spoke, disappointed.
'this girl is a demon!' Shadow shouted in his mind.
His body began to show more signs of weakness and collapsed to his knees, 'dammit…not now…' he thought, 'I cannot lose!'
"What's the matter? Why'd you stop fighting?" she asked and formed another arrow in her hand, "lets continue playing!"
"continue playing?" he continued as he forced himself to stand, "I'm not a toy. You can't just play with me whenever you're bored!" Natsuki began to giggle, "what's so funny, you heartless bitch?!"
"you!" she laughed then, teleported closer to shadow and she placed her fingers on his neck and pressed in with her nail, "you play tough, but you carry such a fragile heart. You're easily heart yet you refuse to show it. On the outside you're tough, but on the inside," her hand went through his chest and she grasped his heart, "you're a big fake."
She squeezed it and he let out a cry of pain, "but that's why I like you!"
Shadow weakly grasped her arm and tried to pull her hand out from his chest.
"be careful, if you pull my hand out while I squeeze your heart, you'll rip that out as well," she giggled, "this is a fun game!"
"you…bitch…" Shadow struggled to say, his voice filled with pain.
She giggled and she threw his body across the yard, causing shadow to hit his head on a pile of debris, knocking him out cold.
"One pest down," she faced Sonic, "one more to go."
Sonic flinched and watched as she walked closer to him, 'Shadow,' he thought, 'fuck, this bitch! She hurt Shadow! I'll never forgive her! I can't be saved time and time again! Plenty of times he's saved me! I never helped him once!'
He pulled out his gun and quickly checked the ammo, 'one in the chamber, shit!'
He aimed the gun and placed a finger to the trigger, 'now!' he pulled it and his eyes widened.
Natsuki held the bullet in her hand and she grinned, "to bad! Now you're dead!" she formed another bow and arrow in her hand and quickly released it.
Sonic quickly closed his eyes, expecting it to hit, but it didn't. with confusion, he opened his eyes, "s…Shadow?" he stuttered.
Shadow ripped the arrow out of his stomach and he smiled at Sonic, "this is nothing…"
Natsuki laughed and clapped her hands, "YAY! Love is sacrificial! That is amazing!"
"Shut up already!" Shadow shouted and held out his left hand, "for a queen you're very immature!"
She growled, "you're dead!"
"That's ok because so are you," Shadow ran up to Natsuki and shoved his hand into her chest, "chaos blast!"
Her body exploded and he sighed.
Dark frowned and he pulled out a gun, then, pointed it at Shadow.
"Dark?!" Sonic questioned with fear, "what are you…?!"
Shadow shook his head, "Sonic, don't…"
"while Shadow's blood is a cure, it's also the disease…" Dark explained sadly, "his blood can't cure. It'll slow the infection…eventually he'll become one of them…there is only death."
"no!" Sonic shouted shaking his head with disbelief, "I wont let you!"
Shadow sadly narrowed his eyes, "Sonic…" he whispered, "I knew this was coming…"
Sonic faced Shadow with tears in his eyes, "I don't want to lose you again! I spend to long trying to find you and now I have to lose you?!"
"I wont let it happen, Shads!" he shouted through tears, "I love you! I love you and I don't want to lose you!"
Sonic threw his arms around Shadow and held him very tightly, "I don't care if you're infected! I don't care if you're a dhamphire! I just want you to stay here with me!"
"Oh, Sonic…" he whispered and returned the embrace, "I want to stay here with you, too…you know I want to…"
"then stay!" he exclaimed, "the queen's dead! You saved everyone! You deserve happiness, too!"
Shadow placed his hand under Sonic's chin and forced him to look up at him, "with or without you, dead or alive. I met you and I'm happy."
Dark lowered the gun and tossed it in a nearby water puddle.
"Dark?" Shadow questioned.
"You…I see you're happy with Sonic and…I don't want to kill you either…"he spoke, "so you live…"
Shadow could tell Dark was upset, so he pulled away from sonic and walked up to Dark, "thank you, Dark," he spoke, "and I'm sorry…"
Dark nodded and he began to walk off, "oh and Shads," he stopped, "don't forget to visit, okay?"
"I wont," he spoke with a slight smile.
Dark returned the smile and continued to walk away.
Shadow looked sadly at the ground and Sonic took his hand, making him face Sonic with a smile.
"Well," Rouge spoke and spread her wings, "bye, Shadow."
"But, Rouge, you're…"
She giggled, "I lied. I never got infected. I only said that so it would give you an extra push to defeating Natsuki."
Shadow was dumbfounded and she laughed even harder, "well bye!" she spoke and flew off.
"looks like she had both of us fooled," Sonic said.
Shadow growled, "that stupid fuck!" he shouted which made Sonic laugh. He faced Sonic and chuckled.
"Come on," Sonic spoke and took Shadow's hand, "lets introduce you to my friends."
The end!!
all done! the next story to come up is just a filler until i can get further into key of salvation. i have such a writers block for that one right now! but the next one is an older one i found any my sister Dragonoffdarkness says just to put it up until i get somewhere!
well R&R!
if you want a sequal put it in the review. and i'll see what i can do.