Dark clouds filled the sky, a large group of people were heading under a tent, a funeral was in session. A girl of 24 years of age stood outside the tent letting her torn trench coat flap in the wind. A rain drop hit her shoulder, slowly she closed her eyes and looked up, she welcomed the rain storm, now she could cry, she had never cried in front of her family and she didn't want them to see her crying now, but this funeral she knew she couldn't hold in the tears too much longer. It was her grandfather, she was so close to him, slowly she lowered her head back down and looked at all her family that was there, her cousin who she used to hang out with on a daily bases looked at her, she nodded at him, he nodded back. She and her cousin no longer hung out together ever since he had gotten into his relationship with his stuck up girlfriend. Slowly she walked away, she couldn't take staying in that state anymore. Flipping open her cell phone she called the only person she could,

"Tristan, yeah its Anna, I'm going to come stay for a little while if its okay," Anna sounding pitiful.

"Yeah, you're always welcome here, are you okay?" Tristan concerned,

"I'll be okay, I just need to get out of this state," Anna getting on her Ducati and hanging the phone and leaving. Anna went to her apartment and packed her clothes and left town.