First Author's Note: Yes, I know: bad me! Posting another story even though I have three in-progress ones...I'm sorry. But I HAD to get this one up. It's my first try at a Hannah Montana fanfic. I've recently gotten addicted to Moliver stories so now I'm going to try to write one of my own.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana or any characters/actors associated with said show. (But I'd sure love to have personal access to Mitchel Musso!)



Miley Stewart groggily hit the snooze button on her alarm clock, or rather she tried to, but she kept missing it. Then she tried plan B, grabbing her pillow and shoving it over her head to muffle the noise. That didn't work either. Groaning and complaining, she got up and proceeded to get ready for school. After she showered and dressed, she headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Mornin', Bud." Her father called out to her cheerfully. Miley simply grunted in response and grabbed a bowl of cereal. The phone trilled loudly, earning a caveman-like groan from Miley that sounded something like 'urghh'. Robbie Ray sighed and picked it up.

"Lilly in five." He said after hanging up the phone. Lilly skated in once he opened the screen door.

"Mornin', Lilly."

"Morning Mr. S, morning Miley." Lilly waved, even though she was right next to the two. Miley grunted again and went back to glaring at her cereal bowl. Lilly turned to Mr. Stewart. "What's wrong with her?"

"It's Monday morning. What isn't wrong with her? She's about as unhappy as a pig whose mud puddle dried up in the July sun." Mr. Stewart sighed, causing a wicked grin to make its way onto Lilly's lips.

"I know something that will definitely cheer her up! Watch and learn Mr. S. What time is it?" She asked. Jackson finally made his appearance into the room, answering Lilly's question at the same time.

"It's 7:28 why?"

"Oh no reason, I just told Oliver that he should come by here at about 7:30 and get a ride with us because his mom is had to go out of town last night. That's okay, right Mr. S?" Lilly asked loudly.

At the sound of Oliver's name, Miley's head snapped up and she subconsciously tried to fix her hair.

"Of course that's okay, but sweet niblets that boy must have a wooden leg! Every time he comes over here he nearly empties out the fridge. He eats more than Uncle Earl did on Thanksgiving of '99 when he had to be rushed to the urgent care center."

"Hey! I resent that." As if on cue, Oliver walked into the Stewarts' kitchen and sat down next to Miley. "Morning Miley, Lilly, Jackson, and Mr. Stewart."

"Good morning, Oliver!" Miley said cheerily, smiling for the first time since she got up. Lilly harrumphed.

"Gee, I feel loved. All I got was a grunt from a grumpy Miley, and Ollie over here gets a freaking 'good morning' from a happy, upbeat, totally un-grumpy Miley." Lilly complained a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Her complaint caused Oliver to chuckle.

"Well, what can I say? Smokin' Oken has a way with the ladies." Oliver sighed. His fictitious statement earned a laugh out of Miley and eye roll from Lilly.

"Mr. Stewart, is it okay if I get a ride with you in the mornings for this week? My parents are out of town and the bus doesn't come by my house." Oliver requested hopefully.

"Sure thing Oliver, you're always welcome over here. If y'all want to get to school on time, you'd better hurry. School starts in ten minutes, so we definitely need to leave soon." Robbie Ray answered, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Oh no, hold on! Give me five minutes, I have to go and put on make up!" Miley demanded.

"Bud, we don't have time for that."

"Yeah, and you'll need a lot more than five minutes to make that ugly face of yours look decent." Jackson quipped. She slapped her brother on the arm.

"Please, Daddy?" She begged, turning her attention back to her father.

"You don't need to put on make up." Oliver said between mouthfuls of cereal that he'd somehow managed to snag without anyone noticing, "You look beautiful without it."

Lilly looked disgusted at both the milk coming out of the side of Oliver's mouth and at the sappy-ness of the whole remark. But on the other hand, Miley looked thrilled beyond words.


"Of course Miles, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." He got the remaining cereal off his face and stood up. "Are we ready to go?"

"I think so." Mr. Stewart swung the key ring around his index finger and walked out the door, Jackson and Lilly following after. Oliver stopped and held the front door open for Miley. She smiled at him and blushed. Lilly caught Miley's eye and gave her a look as if to say: 'I'm not going to let this go.'

Indeed, Lilly did not let it go, whatever it was. Miley skillfully dodged all of Lilly's questioning glances and prying questions. That just made Lilly even more determined: no more beating around the bush, she was going to be blunt.

Oliver was in the line waiting to get his food at lunchtime when out-of-the blue Lilly said, "I have two questions. How long have you liked Oliver and when exactly were you planning on telling me?" Miley spat out her water and stared at her friend in utter surprise.

"Best friend asking weird questions say what?"

"You didn't hear me? You want me to say it louder? HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIKED O—mmhgph!?" The finish to her statement was blocked out by Miley's hand covering her mouth.

"No I don't like him! What gave you that idea?" Miley whispered angrily. Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Please. How about what didn't give me that idea? Take earlier this morning for example: you were in such a terrible mood until Oliver came over, then you mysteriously cheered up. Example two: you were so ecstatic when he said that you were beautiful without makeup. Well obviously he hasn't seen you in the morning before you've had your shower."

"Hey! I resent that." Miley defended herself. Lilly simply ignored her and went on as if she hadn't said a word.

"What about when he held the door open for you? You couldn't stop smiling! Even when Amber and Ashley came up to us before class and made fun of you not wearing makeup, you were still smiling! And none of his jokes are funny—and I mean none—and yet you laugh at all of them. Much more than they deserve, might I add. And you always seem to get mad when any other person at school shows romantic interest in him!"

"That doesn't mean I like him! He's my best friend, and I'm just looking out for him. Besides," she said looking down at her feet, "even if I did like him, there's no way that he'd like me back."

"Are you serious? You don't see it?" Lilly asked incredulously.

"See what?" It was obvious that Miley was really confused at this point. Lilly slapped her hand to her forehead in frustration.

"Miley, wake up! You have that boy so whipped that he'd do absolutely anything for you! He doesn't realize it either, but he is. He does everything for you, no matter how ridiculous. And I'll bet he doesn't even know why! He's so clueless that he probably doesn't even realize it."

"What are you talking about? Realize what?"

"Don't you see? Oliver likes you! He always has." Lilly insisted. Miley gaped at her.

"Did you put sugar in your cereal this morning?"

"Yes I did...but that's not the point! I can't believe you don't see this. I'll bet he liked you as Hannah Montana even before he knew you were her, and he likes you even more now!"


"Want me to prove it to you?" Lilly asked. Miley nodded, giving Lilly the green light to put her idea into action. She took Miley's lunch and put it on her own tray, then motioned to her friend to not say a word about it, for Oliver was approaching them.

"Hey what's up? I saw you guys arguing about something from the lunch line. Anything bad going on?"

"Nope, not at all!" They chimed at the same time. It was so simultaneous that even the usually oblivious Oliver knew there was something going on that he didn't know about. He shrugged; it was probably some female thing that he was better off not knowing.

"Hey Miley, where's your lunch? Aren't you going to eat?" Oliver asked, suddenly realizing his best friend's lack of food.

"I don't know," she looked pointedly at Lilly, "I guess I was in such a rush this morning that I forgot to pack anything or bring lunch money."

"Oh, well I'll go back in line and get you something. You know, only if you want me to."

"No that's okay; I couldn't have you do that. The line is huge, it'll take—" Lilly kicked her hard under the table, causing Miley to change her answer smoothly. "Are you sure? You really don't have to."

"Yeah, I'm positive. It's no problem." No sooner had Oliver sat down, he got up and went back to the line. Lilly looked smugly at Miley.

"Look at that. I don't think he'd do that for me."

Miley laughed, "Of course he would!" Lilly scoffed.

"Have you seen the line? It will take at least ten minutes just to get to the front! If he did do that for me, it would be because I threatened him to; and even then he would complain about it. He sure wouldn't volunteer to go back!" Lilly contradicted her best friend. Even so, Miley wasn't buying it.

"Okay, you want me to prove it to you even more?" She didn't even give Miley a chance to answer. "By the end of the next Hannah Montana concert, you two will be together or my name isn't Lilly Truscott! So...when's the next concert?"

"It's this Friday at 8:30 PM." Miley answered flatly. Lilly clapped her hands together confidently.

"No problem. Look, here he comes with your lunch. Now we should stop talking about this." Lilly instructed.

"No arguments here!"


Second Author's Note: Hmm what do you think? Please review nicely. No flames, but constructive criticism is welcome. Next chapter is on its way!