Hey, people…again! I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT FOR SUMMER!! I don't know how long I can wait…Ugh. THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!! AHHHH!!

Ok, rant done. My first PoT fic, so don't kill me! Um…I'll be putting an OC here, so no flaming! And let me know if it's too Mary-Sueish. I might make it OCFuji…or someone else. I'll let you people decide.




A Different Point of View

Ryoma shoved a 100-yen coin in the slot of the vending machine. He sighed and reached down for the Ponta can in the bigger dispensing space. His twin sister, Ukyou, bounded past with a tennis racket in hand.

"Hey, Ryo." She said, twirling the racket around in her left hand. Like Ryoma, she was also a lefty. Their abilities in tennis were just about the same, but Ukyou was in the girls' tennis team instead of the boys'.

Ryoma nodded solemnly. "How's your team doing?" He asked, cocking his head towards the courts. He knew for a fact that the girls' team stunk, but it had gotten better when Ukyou joined not too long ago.

Ukyou groaned. "Don't remind me! At this rate, we'll never be able to win against any school!" She stomped her foot hard. "Yeowch!" She clutched her foot now, dropping her racket. Ukyou cursed and scowled. "I wish I were with you in the boys' team."

Ryoma suppressed a laugh at his younger twin's clumsy attempts of picking up the racket, clutching her foot, and talking. Talk about multi-tasking. He refrained stone-faced and stoic. "Don't worry about it," he said, trying to reassure her. "Maybe Buchou will recruit you or something. He knows your abilities."

Ukyou snorted disbelievingly. "Doubt it. Life stinks," she concluded, hopping to a bench with her tennis racket and sighing as she sat down.


Both twins looked up. It was Momoshiro-senpai. He was running to them both, waving his hands frantically in the air. He stopped abruptly and stared at Ukyou. "Oh! Hey, Ukyou-chan!" The regulars were familiar with Ukyou because she'd watch the team practice and helped a couple times with the Regulars' practice.

Ukyou smiled tentatively. "Momo-senpai," she greeted stiffly. She scooted unconsciously towards Ryoma, who looked at her in surprise.

Ryoma decided to speak after an awkward pause. "So, is the match going well?"

Momo grinned. "Yeah! Kaidoh and Inui-senpai are beating the living daylights out of Fudomine! What about Ukyou-chan's team?" He looked at Ukyou, who mumbled something intelligible.

"What do you think? They haven't won against any team since I don't know when, and I'm the only person that actually wins the match! The Buchou stinks, too, unlike Tezuka-senpai." Ukyou glared 

at where her team was sitting. "And they show hardly any team spirit! The boys' team shows the exact opposite of the girls'! I feel so frustrated!" Ukyou mussed her own hair and groaned for the umpteenth time that day.

Momo whistled. "I feel bad for you, Ukyou-chan. Hey, Echizen," he called, referring to Ryoma. "Maybe we should get Tezuka-buchou to recruit her, what do you think?"

Ryoma was the one to snort now. "I asked, and she said 'no'."

Ukyou frowned. "I didn't say NO, I just think it would be weird to have a girl on the BOYS' tennis team," she pointed out.


"Shut up, Ryo."

Momo laughed at the twins' quarrel and it died quickly as he saw his upperclassman coming closer: Fuji-senpai.

Fuji looked at the three with a creepy grin plastered on his face. "What are you three doing here?"

Ukyou looked at him for a long time and ignored him, hobbling toward the vending machine. Fuji's eyes followed her and snapped them open when he heard a fizzy noise. Ryoma had opened his Ponta and began drinking it, gulping down the substance thirstily.

Just before Ukyou could insert the coins into the slot, she snapped her head up and looked at her teammates. It was her turn. Ukyou grumbled and muttered a "See you later," before grabbing her racket and running off.

Ryoma followed her, walking leisurely. He wanted to see her play, as did the other two Regulars. They watched Ukyou run into the courts and stop to a halt when she put her bag on the coach's bench. She nodded a few times as her captain spoke, and she threw her Regular Jersey to the side.

Ukyou took her stance at the service line and eyed her opponent. She suddenly threw the tennis ball in the air and she slammed her racket against it. The ball reached the ground and twisted, before bouncing towards her opponent's face.

Momo and Fuji widened their eyes while Ryoma smirked proudly.

A shriek was heard and Ukyou just closed her eyes, sighing, and hit the ball – more gently this time. And a rally began.

Ukyou ran to the net as soon as her opponent returned the ball, lobbing it. Ukyou frowned and jumped a little, smashing it and landed on the ground with both feet.

Ryoma yawned and turned away. This was going to be very boring, considering that her opponent wasn't a very good tennis player.

Ukyou's match lasted ten more minutes and as the time passed, the Seigaku Regulars gathered at the girls' court. Tezuka watched her movements intensely and eyed her serve while Inui jotted down notes frantically in his notebook.

After a few more minutes, Ukyou's match ended with 6 games to love, and she grabbed her bag, walking out of the courts without a single noise.

Tezuka finally came to a conclusion, and he adjusted his glasses, making them gleam in the sunlight. Yes, this would be very interesting indeed…



Yes, I know what you're all thinking. It was stupid. I was really bored myself, and…yeah. But I'm trying! Don't kill me…PLEASE!!

Tell me if you still want me to continue this…because if not enough people want me to, I think I'll delete this. Tell me what you think, and make suggestions if needed.

I don't want any flames, either, so…please?
