Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor am I making money off of it. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling and Three Days Grace.

So I was listening to music one day and it inspired me to make some short one-shots/drabbles (none are connected). For those of you who have read/are reading The Last Heir, it is not abandoned, I'm trying to get the chapter finished (I wrote it on many several sheets of paper and now I'm looking for the last of them).

This is entitled, Over and Over, after the song by Three Days Grace.

"And why not?" Ginny prodded.

"Because it will never happen," Hermione stated.

"Why not?" Ginny asked.

"Well, you know who he is. And I'm Hermione Granger, the annoying know-it-all who helps him brew potions-"

"Every night," Ginny cut in. "I highly doubt that he would have you down there every night if he thought you were annoying. And as for being a know-it-all, Hermione; you do know it all, but you're not a know-it-all anymore. Get what I'm saying?"

"But still," Hermione said. "Nothing will ever ha-" She began, and started to turn on the spot, but Ginny's hand reached out and stopped her.

"How do you know that he doesn't feel the same?"

Hermione paused for a second. "Because he's Snape."

"But you don't know," Ginny stated.

"How could he?" Hermione griped. "Do you know how hard I try to fall from him and not fall for him? Every time I think that I'm finally over him, I see him and he does something and it starts all over again. Sometimes, I don't even have to see him…I think of him. Everyday is the same thing – over and over again."

"But you keep waiting," Ginny pointed out.

Hermione sighed. "I know."

Suddenly, Hermione felt someone standing behind her. As she turned around, her eyes instantly locked with a pair of onyx black ones and Hermione looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Hermione immediately whipped around to face Ginny, "Ginny Weasley! How could you!? I tru-"

Before Hermione could finish, Severus turned her away from Ginny.

"Severus, I-" Hermione's words were silenced when she was cut of with a kiss.