Warning: Strong languages.

Note: my native is not Japan so fogive me if I make mistakes with names or places or the education system. Thank you.

Summary: From the age of 11 she's longed to share her heart to someone, but ever since her father died nobody wants anything to do with her. She decided that love in today's world is not worth it and not real too, and im tired of letting my tears fall for the undeserved... i can survive alone she decided one day…always smiling for every one, causing trouble or getting into trouble, she continues her life until one day someone see's through her facade and decides to share their heart, but is she ready?? "NO"... she says, because she does not want to believe in love which she's given up long ago...But he's more than willing to show her what love is, in his own way.

1. Thinking is not my job...

She was running and running and running. "Darn it! How long am I running?" Hmm… lost track of time…"ok so why am I running? That's a good question…" oh yah im running for Olympics, oh yah the glory of it all.

"Thank you people, Thank you very much now watch me finish," now wait a minute… "Why is there nobody running with me? Now why did I stop? Oh I can see the finish line, just a little more and a little more…."


"Hn… where did that sound come from? May be my cheer leaders...oooooh those icecream looks good. Yum yum…" now where was i??


"Oh shut up you dumb dog, im thinking and I can't do that if you are barking at me" wait a minute, now why is a dog barking at me. I look down at my hand, "hn… where did that bone come from? Was it a relay I was running? Then why do I have a bone in my hand instead of a….."

DING!! A light bulb glowed brightly above her head, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT……"I know thinking is not my job.. But to think while running from a dog, Kagome you must be really braindead than I thought…"Kagome scolded herself, then how did I see the olympic flag and the finish line?...

"Hello if you don't mind, there is a dog waiting for you to run, please do run Kagome or get bitten by this dumb dog" a voice said. "Oh I totally forgot…"Kagome said and then sprinted away still holding the bone.

"Put the bone down girl", that voice said again…

"hey who are you? How did you get inside my head?" Kagome demanded.

"Im your reasoning you idiot, now put the bone down".

Kagome laughed," ha! I have a reasoning side with me, hey how did you get there without permission?"


"Im running, Im running you stupid dog", Kagome shouted.

Reasoning sighed and said,"Kagome sweetie please put the bone down". "Now tell me why would I want to do that, huh, huh", Kagome said.


In that instant Kagome's balance was jumbled by a tiny rock in her way, as the dog pounced," Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………" Reason dutifully closed its eyes.

"I KNOW YOU HATE ME FATE, BUT TO BLOCK MY WAY USING A "TINY TINY" STONE WAS TOO MUCH", Kagome shouted as she went down, as the dog was about to bite her…………..


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", Kagome went sailing down to the floor from her bed, landing square on her butt. "Now that hurt", she glared at her alarm clock and swiftly picked it up and then threw it across the room, where the clock hit on the wall but there wasn't a scratch in it.

Kagome sighed,"Now I know it's a good thing that I covered it with the sponge and the steel barrier covering" she imagined all the hit she got from her grandfarther for breaking the alarm every week..."Thank God I moved from there".

She looked around her apartment, its small with a single bed room, a kitchen, bathroom and a living room, but its more than enough to house one person and Kagome was more than happy to live here with the rent as low as this, what could she ask more.

The house owner Mr.Akio Nari and his wife Mrs. Hitomi Nari were family friend, they were more than happy to welcome her to stay in their 4 storey apartment complex that they own. Kagome was staying on the 4th floor next to the Nari's.

Kagome's apartment has no stylish assortment but was decorated enough to feel at home. The living room held a T.V and instead of a couch she had 2 futons placed in the shape of the letter "L" which is maroon coloured with silk lining and matching diwan as in Inidan style. In the center there was a low table, there was another small table around the corner which held the phone. This completes her living room, and her bedroom is so much simpler too, it has a bed in the far corner of the room towards the left, the bed was brought from her home since she or her family cannot afford to spend their money for the sake of luxury. And she was not complaining (she's quite satisfied with what she has). But it was useless, because as soon as she falls asleep she ends up in the futon that she'll places below her bed before she went to sleep. Unfortunately she was too lazy to unroll her cot yesterday after playing with the Nari's childrens that she ended up hurting her butt.

Nari's are from the lineage of fox demons. Mr. Nari, whom she used to call UnAkio (Uncle Akio) when she was little, was more than 400 years old, which she came to know recently. I mean come on she didn't know that youkai can live that long. She had thought they might live for a century more than humans do. But she was proven wrong when they had a conversation about their family lineage. He has dark brown hair with green eyes and a charming personality and is as cunning as the fox that he is. And is a very friendly person once he trusts you. And Hitomi-chan was more than 290 years old; they weren't being specific about giving their exact age. She is a beautiful fox demoness with brilliant flamy red hair and beautiful skin with grey eyes. She can be really bitchy if she doesn't like a person but otherwise is a person whom you can always rely on. Both of them don't have marking as many of the other demons and can be mistaken for a human being if not for the pointed ears and the tail.

They were both working as undercover officers for the Japanese government, where they met and fell in love with. They were married for over 50 years and had a son by the name of Shippo Nari and then 2 years back they had their daughter Kimi Nari. Both are cute little things. She also recently came to know that little Shippo was more than 30 years old (she only met him after moving into her apartment) but his appearance and behaviour is like a 6 year old but more conversant than an average six year old. He has inherited his father's eyes and his mother's hair. And sweet Kimi is an exact copy of her mother with smoky green eyes. And she's still crawling and feeding from the bottle. I guess youkai do age much slower than humans, but this is way too slow. He came only to her hip in height, hmmm… really, really slow.

She should have learnt more about demons from her grandpa instead of tuning him out when he taught her miko lessons. Her grandpa, Yuuta Higurashi always used to tell scary stories about demons, ofcourse no one belives him. And it was a great surprise to every one when Kagome actually excelled in archery, come on she didn't even payattention to any of the classes. She also learnt some techniques like throwing energy balls or creating barriers but had not mastered it. She is an exception among a miko, since she only knows so much about youkai.

Kagome's family lives in the Sunset shrine, which happens to be quite far from her working place so she relocated. Mrs. Mai Higurashi, Kagome's mother is a kind woman and always have a welcoming smile plastered on her face, but can be very strict at times. Kagome inherited her smile. Her younger brother Souta who is now 9 years old is very naughty and a pain in the ass for Kagome, but she loves him nonetheless and vice versa. Her father Rakesh Higurashi died when she was 11, he's a handsome man with pitch black hair and deep blue eyes and he always have a mischievous smile. Kagome was totally devastated when he died hmmm… don't want to think about that.

Rakesh Higurashi was from India and was from quite a wealthy family, Kagome lived in India until she was 10. She is excellent in English and other languages in India, but she's not quite good in writing or reading in Janpanese (she takes more than five miniutes to finish reading one line correctly) but she can speak well. She is in love with Indian music (all the type). Her father came to Japan to learn the ways of a monk in Sunset shrine and fell in love with Mai Higurashi and married her. They went back to India and stayed there for 10 years and then came back to Japan and settled in the shrine and inherited the name Higurashi, since her grandfather wasn't able to continue due to his old age. Kagome reflects her father's personality and she has wavy pitch blak hair with the same deep blue eyes as him, which is more expressive and gives her away when she's caught by her mom after causing trouble.

Kagome herself was only 19 years old; she didn't follow higher studies (due to financial problem) but had been given a job at Inuyasha Inc. as an assistant to the CEO, which is Inuyasha ofcourse. Since he was her best friend, he overlooked her qualification and offered her the job. Kagome ofcourse refused it but Inuyasha forced her to work for him, since he accidently found out about her situation from Sango. Now Kagome learned how to present herself in a business environment, while working for him for almost a year and a half, she even gave him many ideas and she is the only one who's capable of handling his wild mouth. And not to mention her knowledge in English has served well during many of the meetings with the foreign delegates.

Kagome is also working as a waitress in a restaurant named Black Marble, since her father owed a large sum of money to its owner who goes by the name of Naraku Onigumo. He has the documents for the shrine grounds for the money he had lend to her father. As soon as she turned 16, she started working there to pay off the debt, so that she could support her mother (who is a lecturer in some college). She worked there from 6 to 10 pm, it's also nearer to her apartment but not as near as Inuyasha's company.

Inuyasha's father Inu Taisho is Japan's number one businessman and very powerful among demons not to mention he is the Lord of the Western Lands (eventhough he's the Lord only to western kingdom, he controls other kingdom in the palm of his hands. Let's just say he controls Japan in one word). Inuyasha was able to become the CEO for one of a branch of their companies; Inuyasha is more than 130 years old. He and Kagome became best friends after fighting over the last slice of pizza in Miroku's apartment (who is Inuyasha's friend and was Sango's boyfriend, now her husband). Since he and his brother Sesshoumaru Taisho won't get along very well they were both given separate companies to work with, and his brother's company has flourished under him and became the number one. There is no one in Japan that hasn't known about Taisho Inc. Though she had not seen him in person or in the newspapers (since she won't get time to read them), she certainly has heard about him to be ruthless as his name suggests.

Inuyasha has long unruly white hair and cute dog ears on top of his head since he's a half-demon and he has liquid gold eyes, he's kinda brash on the outside but once you get to know him you'll be able to see an insecure child wanting some attention. He's faced many hardships being a hanyou, born to the powerful demon and a human mother Izyaoi, who died when he was very young. Kagome hasn't had the chance to meet his family yet, but they are known to be quite popular. And she always likes to tweak his dog ears and she's the only one to get away after doing it.

Sango is 3 years older than Kagome with straight browm hair and dark brown eyes. Sango Hiraikotsu, is another best friend of Kagome, they became friends when Sango saved Souta form being bullied by some childrens, this happened 3 years ago. And since then Kagome and Sango developed an unbreakable friendship. Sango had a brother whose name is Kohaku (who is now 15 years old), her family is from the lineage of demon exterminator, but exterminating demon is not legal anymore, but she is an excellent fighter. She got married to Miroku 1 year before and is now 3 months pregnant.

Miroku Houshi is from the lineage of monks and is the same age as Sango, he has short black hair tied at the nape of his neck with dark violet eyes and he is a real pervert but he's very clever and manipulative, he also became a good friend of Kagome through Sango. Now he shows his perverted ways only to Sango, but still you can see a handprint and a smile on his face after he gropes Sango.

Kagome willingly offered to baby-sit, when the Nari's were looking for a baby-sitter. That's the least she can do for their kindness, after renting the apartment for such a price. Shippo as a result of spending lots of time with Kagome and in her apartment started calling her Kag-mama and is calling Hitomi as mommy. Kagome was surprised that Hitomi wasn't angry when he called her Kag-mama; instead she smiled and said,"It's a very cute name Shippo darling". They really are sweet; she can only guess what Kimi would call her.

Sighing Kagome got up grabbing her butt," that hurt a lot, I should have placed the futon below my bed" she said,"now that's what I get for being lazy, hmm thinking about it why didn't I fall earlier?".

"Well I guess I can get lucky once in a while"….she thought about getting up in the middle of the night, falling off of the bed to the floor without her futon to save the day and shuddered at the thought

"I cant believe im still falling off the bed" she mused "Thank God no one knows about my secret, well except for shippo" she thought, since he'll be spending half the night with me because of his parents work, which involves unusual timings.

"No fair im working extra time and I get only so much sleep", she self pitied for sometime, as soon as her eyes landed on the clock, which is still on the floor she jumped, she noticed the time to be 8:30 and rush to the bathroom to start the day, all the way scolding herself,"Thinking is not my job, then why do I insist on doing that…BAKA Kagome".

As soon as she opened the shower nozzle she froze,"ohhhhh, so cold, so very cold…see what thinking did to me, I forgot to turn on the heater. SHIT", she shouted. "Can this day get any worse?"

Reasoning mused,"If I remember correctly, everyday in your life pretty much started this way".

"You again, when did you start giving advices? I didn't hear you giving advice when I always trip over my door mat and fall face first in the floor…so you have no rights to comment", she argued back.

"You always close your ears to what I have to say you dumbass, didn't you ever hear me shouting "WATCH OUT", Nooo you choose to hear after you fall", reasoning reasoned with Kagome.

"Well im not going to listen to some irritating voice in my mind", Kagome said. "I don't want to be called a lune, Thank you very much"

"Hello but you ARE conversing with me right now, what do you have to say about that?", reasoning smirked.

"Well then im gonna ignore you, whenever you open your boody mouth", Kagome retorted.

"And how are you gonna do that? Im inside your head after all", reasonind said smugly.

"La la la la la bumb chiku bumb chiku…", Kagome started singing.

"Hmmm... what are you doing?" reasoning questioned.

"Well im ignoring you whatelse? La la la la la bumb chiku bumb chiku…" Kagome sang. Reasoning scoffed and turned its head away pouting.

After she showered and brushed her teeth, she came out and her eyes landed on the calendar and again she went straight to her alarm clock and threw it on the bed,"It is my Saturday, how dare you wake me up so early" Kagome cursed.

"Hello it was you who set the alarm" reasoning said.

"SHUT UP, im supposed to be ignoring you". Kagome shouted.

Sighing she walked to her closet and picked out a Kurtha and matching patyala pants to wear for the day (she is used to wearing Indian dress when she isn't working and wore jean or t-shirt occasionally). The green kurtha she wore neatly showed of her figure but is not at all vulgar or exposes skin, and the white patyala pants completed her outfit.

She notice the time and sighed for the nth time that day,"I do have to meet Jakotsu today, something about a girl stalking him or so he said". Jakotsu is a man err woman whatever, whose interest does not lie among girls, he doesn't have much friends but Kagome didn't see any problem in hanging out with him. They became friend when they were in school. He's a sweet guy afterall, but his parents don't know that he's not into girls, even many of the girls chasing after him don't know.

She prepared breakfast which included "Nan" and butter masala (Indian food), "Hmmm…since im meeting Jakotsu at Jinenji's restaurant, I think ill pack some for them," she thought. Eventhough Jinenji's restaurant held varieties of food from all over the countries, he always liked her cooking.

Jinenji is a half-demon with a giant body; he has a nice five star restaurant which Kagome used to hang out whenever she's free. He and Kagome became good friend eversince she defended him, when people teased him for his appearance or for being a hanyou during their school days.

She packed her breakfast and locked her apartment, as she was about to turn around, she tripped on her door mat and fell face first on to the floor, all the while shouting, "NOT AGAIN".

Mr and Mrs Nari looked at each other and sighed from their apartment. Since this happens every damn day

Reasoning smirked in the background and gave Kagome a,"See, I told you so look".

It was 10 by the time she reached the restaurant. She's supposed to meet him at 9:30, "I wonder if he's still waiting" she thought. "That's what you get for thinking too much dear Kagome" she chided herself and went inside.

"Thinking is not a sin, you got to do that once in a while atleast", her reasoning said.

"La la la la la bumb chiku bumb chiku…" Kagome sang.

"I guess she's still ignoring me," reasoning sighed and left to come back later.