Pein and Konan

"NOOO!" Konan woke up screaming. Pein looked into their room from the bathroom.

"Bad dream?" Pein asked.

"The scissors. The scissors." Konan said shaking slightly.

"There aren't any scissors in here, Konan." Pein said. Konan looked around the room as if she realized where she was and sighed with relief.

"Oh Pein, it was terrible." She said getting up and walking towards the bathroom. "They were huge and had bright orange handles and serrated blades and there were even a few of those scrap booking scissors for the 'decorative edge.' I don't want to be zigzagged." Konan cried. Pein wrapped his arms around the crying girl and shushed her gently.

"There aren't any scissors here, Konan. You don't have to worry." Pein said. Konan looked up at him with teary eyes.

"You're right." She said wiping her eyes. She kissed him gently.

"Ow." Pein said pulling away from the kiss.

"What?" Konan asked.

"Paper cut." Pein said touching his lip.

"Sorry." Konan smiled sympathetically. She walked into the bathroom to see the five other Peins standing in front of the mirror.

"Hello, Konan." They all said. Konan smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" Konan asked looking at the Pein in their bedroom.

"I can't ever decide which body I want to be." Pein sighed.

"But you always choose that one anyway." Konan said.

"Yeah, but today I felt like dressing up a little." Pein said. Konan rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Konan sighed. She started getting ready for the day. When she was finished she went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Pein came out a couple of minutes later. "I told you that you would stay the same." Konan shook he head.

"Yeah, I figured why mess with a good thing?" Pein smiled. Konan rolled her eyes.

"We should be going now." Konan said. Pein nodded. They left their apartment and met the rest of the Akatsuki members in the hall. It was convenient that they all lived next door to each other.

"Okay, remember that we're members of Akatsuki. We're totally bad asses, we're totally evil and we're totally going to take over the world." Pein said.

"GO TEAM!" Tobi cheered. Everyone mumbled something and went off to start their day. THE END.

Konan's special ability is that she can turn herself into paper. i bet she had nightmares about scissors. (scissors beats peper every time). I actually want to draw a picture of rock lee and konan fighting (paper beats rock? haha. i think it'd be funny) but i suck at drawing. also instead of having to decide which outfit to wear, pein spends time trying to decide which body to wear. there are six of him...