The Lockets

I got this idea from the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, where Mokuba and Seto have the lockets with their pic of themselves in it.

Me-Ok then the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Does not belong to me

Jesse-Thank goodness for that!

Me- Hey that is not nice

Jesse- Yeah, yeah like I care

Me-Hmp! Fine then I'll just make Jaden--

Jesse- Shhh -covers my mouth- Don't spoil anything. Fine Sorry there?

Me:-takes Johan's hands off out my mouth- Thank you

ME & Jesse: On with the Story

Chapter One: Confessions

It was a normal day in Duel Academia. Well as normal as it can get with the Academy's top duelist Jaden Yuki. Today was a cold day. He was on top of the rooftop of Duel Academy. His favorite hanging spot.

"YEAH!! I won!" Jesse Anderson yelled, who stuck out his two fingers, Jaden's pose.


"Yeah, just because you got lucky," Jaden mumbled, as he set down the remaining of his cards in the floor.

"Now…now Jaden that is not the way to admit defeat…" Jesse said grinning.

"Yes Jesse," Jaden said rolling his eyes. Jaden's favorite duel monster spirit appeared next to him.

"Hey Kuriboh, how ya doing, buddy?" Jaden asked, Winged Kuriboh answered him.

Jaden listen carefully and Jesse just stared at him. Jesse had always admired his best friend. Jesse had fallen in love with his best friend when he had saved him from Yubel. Actually he had fallen in love the instant he saw Jaden talk with Ruby. He had like the look of Jaden's eyes. How no matter what it was always cheerful. Even though Jaden had grown up and was more matured, he had still the same little kid when playing at cards. What Jaden loved the most about his Jaden was how he would always safe other before himself. He had never met anyone as selfness as Jaden That's what he loved the most and the fact that he was the most beautiful person he had ever met from the outside as well as the inside. The way Jaden's hair always gleamed in the sun and how his eyes sparkled when he was in the verge of winning a game. As well as how Jesse could talk to him about anything. How Jaden trusted him more than anyone. Jesse had stared at Jaden for the longest that he hadn't notice that Jaden was asking him question.

"What? Sorry can you repeat that again?" Jesse asked

"I said are you ok? You've been staring at me for quite some time,"

"I'm ok, I was just thinking about some stuff," Jesse said, looking away, embarrassed at being caught. Jaden chuckled. At that moment, Jesse's favorite spirit Ruby Curbuncle showed up and Jesse petted her and smiled. Now it was Jaden's turn to stare. Jaden hadn't known what is was to love someone. He had heard from Alexis Rhode that is was the nicest feeling ever. Although he hadn't really paid attention to it. Then when Jesse had come to duel academy, he was surprised to feel strange all the time when he was around Jesse. Then when Jesse disappeared after the Yubel attack, Jaden felt as if he lost part of himself. By the time that Jaden had saved Jesse he knew what the strange feeling was it was love. He didn't tell Jesse since he was afraid that their relationship was not going to be the same if he told Jesse that he loved as more than a best friend. The thing he loved the most of Jesse is how he is always calm and how he could he talk to Jaden and how they had a lot of things in common.

"Hey Jess, lets get going we don't want it to rain and were here, well catch a cold," Jaden said, as he started to gather his deck.

"Yeah," Jesse said, they were both leaning toward one another to get their cards, since the card were all thrown over the ground. Jaden without thinking he reached his card at the same time Jesse reached for the same card. He looked at Jesse and laughed a little. Jesse on the other hand stared at Jaden and he didn't let go of Jaden's hand. Jaden laugh subsided and he stared at Jesse's eyes as well. Jesse leaned over and captured Jaden's lips with his own at the same time he pulled Jaden towards him. So Jaden landed on Jesse's lap. Jaden gasped and Jesse took the moment to dart his tongue in Jade's mouth. Jaden melted into the kiss and kissed him back with equal passion. Their tongues fought for dominance and Jesse won. Their lips parted, since they needed oxygen. Jesse hugged Jaden and said "Jaden I love you so much, and I'm afraid that with this you don't want to be my-"

Jaden looked at Jesse and kissed him "Of course not. I love you too, Jess,"

Jesse looked at him and smiled. Jaden return with a smile of his own, his smile was so full of love and care that it made Jesse feel so lucky to have the Japanese boy love him.

"Now, Jaden I got to ask you a very important question?"

"What is that Jess?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Jaden replied as he tackled Jesse to the floor and Jesse laughed as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Jaden kissed him.

"Let's get going it's getting late and I don't want you to catch a cold," Jesse said, as he sat back up again and gently prided off Jaden.

"Ok" Jaden replied. They both quickly gathered their card and hand in hand they went to their rooms. Winged Kuriboh and Ruby looked at each other and smiled. They both knew what the other was thinking.

"Finally their together"


Once Jaden and Jesse got into their room, Jaden went to take a bath. Jaden had moved into Jesse's room after everyone else moved into their own respected color room. Luckily Chancellor Shepard had let Jesse stayed. Chancellor Shepard had said that Jesse was lucky and that their was room for him. Or maybe it was just the fact that Shepard knew what was the real reason for his wanting to stay or better yet who. So Jesse had told Jaden to bunk with him and that was that. Jaden came out of the bath with his pajamas and said "Jesse is your turn now,"

"Yeah ok then" Jesse called back from the closet he was getting his pajamas from.

Jaden went into the bed that he and Jesse shared, It was big enough for both of them to fit and still have room for them to move about. When he finished drying his hair Jaden turned on the TV, but he quickly fell asleep. When Jesse got out of the bath he was drying his hair with a towel. He looked at his boyfriend. He found Jaden fast asleep, he smiled and went to him. He sat down next to him gently stroked his cheek. Jaden suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at him. Jesse leaned in am captured his angel's lips in a steamy kiss. Jaden wrapped his arms around Jesse's neck. Jesse got on top of him and he slipped his hand on the inside of Jaden's shirt and made his way to his nipple. He pinched it and rubbed it, making the bud harden, Jaden's other nipple also harden. Jaden moaned into Jesse's mouth. Jesse then took off Jaden's shirt and quickly put his mouth on Jaden's nipple. He licked it and bit and then went to the other one and gave it the same treatment. Jaden had his hand on Jesse's hair and was gripping it. He had his back arched off the bed. Jesse then stopped and he went to Jaden's ear and whispered huskily,

"Do you want to go father, if not then tell me and I'll stop,"

"No, I want you to keep going"

Jesse smiled and he bit Jaden's ear. He quickly undress Jaden and himself. He then started to kiss Jaden's neck, he kissed and then licked, leaving small red kiss marks on Jaden's fair skin. He then went to his nipples again, Jaden moaned as Jesse licked his nipples. Jaden had but his hands on the smooth back of his boyfriend. Jesse then went lower and lower until he reached Jaden's manhood. He opened his mouth, licked the tip and then he took in whole into his mouth.

"Jesse!" Jaden cried out as he arched his back. Jaden looked at Jesse as he bobbed his head up and down.

"J-J-Jesse, stop-I'm gonna-ahhhh!" Jaden cried out as he came into Jesse's mouth. Jesse looked at his soon-to-be lover. He kissed him and then, he reached over into the nightstand he got out a bottle of cream. He then coated his fingers and then he leaned in on Jaden and kissed him as he entered one finger in Jaden's opening . Jaden scream was muffled by Jesse's lips on him. Jesse pinched his nipples and tried to make him forget about the pain. It succeeded, in no matter of minutes Jaden moaned in pleasure. In no matter of minutes he had three fingers in Jaden's opening. When Jesse removed his fingers Jaden moaned at the lost of the pleasure. Then Jesse coated his erection with the cream and then he grabbed Jaden's hand and then he entered Jaden. Jaden bit his lips and tears sprang to his eyes. Jesse licked his tears away. He stayed still for a little while and then Jaden said "Move, Jess," Jesse complied with his lovers command. He moved and Jaden let go of Jesse hand and he put it on Jesse's back again and dug his fingernails on his back. Jesse thrust became more harder, then he grabbed Jaden's erection and started to stroke it at the same pace as his thrusts. Jaden was writhing and moaning underneath Jesse. Jesse knew he had found Jaden's prostate when Jaden arched his back and called his name in ecstasy . He hit that spot over and over while he stroked Jaden erection.

"Jesse-I-I'm gonna-"

"Not yet-" Jesse said as he thrusts even harder and faster.

"I can't"

"Now!" Jaden and Jesse abdomens were covered in Jaden's fluids. Jesse later also came inside his lover. Jaden gasped as his lover filled him whole inside him. Jesse then slumped in top of Jaden and he welcomed the weight. He wrapped his arms around him and said "Jess I love you."

Jesse pushed himself up and said " I love you too, junsui na tenshi1," Jesse kissed him.

Jesse rearranged themselves so that Jesse was leaning against the wall and Jaden was beside him.

"I have something for you," Jesse said, after a while of comfortable silence.

"What is that?"

Jesse momentarily left Jaden and opened the cabinet from the table and took out two lockets. The locket were big enough to hold a dueling card. There was a little button when one pushed it, it opened. It was a gold color with silver lining. Jesse gave one to Jaden. Jaden opened it and he gasped out loud.

"I can't accept it,"

"Please, do,"

Inside was the Rainbow Dragon Card. Jaden knew that this card meant a lot to Jesse, how it had cost both of them to get it.

"Please do. In my family is a tradition to give something of great value to the person they love. It almost like a marriage proposal. This is means that I would love you and only you, if anything happens to you, if I want I could get married, if not then I would stay forever yours."

Jaden didn't have the heart to say no. He just nodded and let Jesse put the locket around his neck. Jaden then went also to the night stand on his side of the bed, he picked up his cards and then shuffled until he found the card that he wanted.

Jesse expected to get a card, but what he didn't expect was Winged Kuriboh.

"Now this I can't accept. Jay, this is very important to you,"

"There is something that is important to me,"


Jesse couldn't have a clue what that could be. He knew that Winged Kuriboh and Jaden had a especial bond. He knew that this was the card that the famous King of Games, Yugi Moto, had given to Jaden when he was barely going to the entrance exams for Duel Academy.

"You, Jess, you," Jaden said with so much love that Jesse didn't say no. He took it and then put on the locket. Jaden put the locket around Jesse's neck. Both the lockets reached by their chest. They both kissed. Jesse hugged Jaden a little harder than necessary.

"Jess? What wrong?" Jaden asked

"Nothing , tenshi," Jesse could not in the life of him understand this feeling of dread.

Jaden smiled and fell asleep. Jesse on the other hand didn't fall asleep as quickly as Jaden he still didn't know why, but it felt that it was the last time he was going to see Jaden.

He shook of his thoughts and turn of the light and hugged his lover and feel asleep. Outside neither of them noticed that snow was falling. Then again for them the only thing that they needed was each other, and maybe food for Jaden, but nothing else mattered to them as long as they had each other.

1junsui na tenshi- means pure angel

Ok then people please review tell me what you think. Ok then if I have any errors or misspellings, I'm sorry. I don't know when I'll be able to upload the other chapter because right now I have my finals to think about so bare with me, at least until the weekend comes.